Tag Archives: philosophy

Secular Sunday – At What Point Does This Become Blasphemous?

Equality vs. Equity

An important thing to keep in mind as you move through this world…

How Secular Parenting Stacks Up

Pretty well actually… I could basically cut & paste the whole article as it’s all relevant but here are a few of my favourite sections… The results of such secular child-rearing are encouraging. Studies have found that secular teenagers are far less likely to care what the “cool kids” think, or express a need to […]

#JeSuisCharlie (And Some Tangents About Language, The Nature of Offense and the Unintended Consequences of Trigger Warnings)

Trigger Warning: This essay contains ideas you might not agree with. You’ve probably heard about the terrorist criminal attack today in Paris that targeted journalists and cartoonists with a satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo. Instead of trying to write an essay to capture my thoughts (since The Onion did a pretty good job on that front already), I’ll […]

The True Meaning of Christmas That Everyone Forgets

Someone on my Facebook posted a rather profound article about how the arguments between “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Holidays” are misguided. The article points out the fact that our Christmas traditions have well-documented roots back to a pagan time, long ago, when people came together for a festival during the longest night of the year […]

Myers-Briggs and Other Personality Tests as Junk Science

I’ve posted about the Myers-Briggs test on this blog before and I’ve referenced it occasionally when talking about my own personality or the personality of others. But the more I read about Myers-Briggs and other similar personality tests, the more I’ve come around to thinking of them like I think of handwriting analysis – a fun parlour […]

An Illustrated Talk With Maurice Sendak

Music Monday – “Take me to church/I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies/I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife “

Saw this guy on Saturday Night Live last week and he blew me away. At first, a song called “Take Me To Church” with a refrain of “Amen, amen” throughout might seem like a typical religious song. But listen to the lyrics a little closer (or just read the excerpt from the chorus I used […]

“Do You Believe In God?” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

Good stuff… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS_vHybFhTY

Music Monday – “If you aren’t real/Then all my prayers aren’t worth a cent/That would mean I can just make up/What my purpose in life is”

Atheistic rap songs?  Yes, please… “Ill Mind of Hopsin 7” – Hopsin