Tag Archives: philosophy

Mother Teresa Was An Atheist…

…for the last 50 years of her life! (I can't help but add a slightly snarky, “Well, I guess that means there's hope for everyone!” )On a related note, for someone whose very name is synonymous with sainthood, er, she wasn't.

Feeling Entitled? Blame (Thank?) Mr. Rogers

Reddit had a link today to a column from the Wall Street Journal which attempts to explain why the young people today feel so damn entitled.  Turns out the blame lies squarely at the feet of Mr. Rogers. Signs of narcissism among college students have been rising for 25 years, according to a recent study […]

Eulogy For Grandma Peet

I'm sort of working in reverse here. The following is the first eulogy I ever did. I had little idea what I was doing at the time but I knew that I wanted to do something unique and different to capture my grandma (who was both of those things) rather than the traditional “this person was born here, married him/her, did this for a living, died here, is survived by” paint-by-numbers type eulogy.

Eulogy For Grandpa Peet

(I mentioned a couple weeks ago that this eulogy had gone over very well and that I would post it when time allowed. A long weekend is ideal for catching up on all those loose ends and so here it is…)

Dude, What if the Universe Was a Molecule in Another Massive Mega-Verse?

(Click image to see at full size)

Facebook's Dark Side (And Some Thoughts Why I Blog)

I'd seen this before but a friend sending it to me last week inspired me to get it up on the blog.  It's a Flash video making some conspiracy theorist claims about Facebook – the people who run it having CIA ties, the abuse of its data-mining abilities and so on.I'm not sure what to […]

So It Goes…

Where is home? I've wondered where home is, and I realized, it's not Mars or someplace like that, it's Indianapolis when I was nine years old. I had a brother and a sister, a cat and a dog, and a mother and a father and uncles and aunts. And there's no way I can get […]

Is There A "Universal" Book – Some Follow-Up

It's funny – you do a post you think will get lots of responses and then, ..not really.  But then you do a bit of a throwaway post albeit on a fairly interesting hypothetical question and you get tons of thoughtful, passionate responses.  So inspired by Cenobyte who said she was going to pose that […]

The Impact of Having a Librarian Doing Your Reader's Advisory…

Bush's wife is a librarian for anybody who doesn't know.  (Now if she could just teach him to pronounce “eclectic”…)Oh, and I'm tagging this with “humour” but really, it's about as far from funny as it gets.  I think it was better when Bush admitted that all he read was Sports Illustrated and summaries of […]

"Perhaps You Will Become A Saint For A Child To Meet"

“A sappy woman sent me a letter a few years back. She knew I was sappy, too, which is to say a lifelong northern Democrat in the Franklin Delano Roosevelt mode, a friend of the working stiffs. She was about to have a baby, not mine, and wished to know if it was a bad […]