But of course the experts knew all along that it would be shocking! 😉
I always enjoy trying to come up with something creative for a FTRW display at my library and this year was no different. Going back to what I said earlier in the week (in a post that had a display we did just as Covid was starting to turn towards pandemic status in early […]
I posted this song in June 2019 with only a brief reference to the controversy around the song’s contents which evoke incest and rape. But I thought it might be worth revisiting for FTRW, especially in light of the news that came out in August 2020 that the band’s bassist had subsequently been accused of […]
I’m a huge Freedom of Expression guy and think Freedom to Read Week should be a highlight of every librarian’s calendar. I don’t think I managed to do it every year but ever since I was in library school in 2006 (also the year I started this blog), I’ve tried to do an annual series […]
It’s like Tim Minchin says, “Some of the hymns that they sing have nice chords but the lyrics are dodgy” (though in this case, I’d say “Amazing Grace” is of the few religious songs that totally transcends its genre into an all-time classic, no matter your atheistic leanings!) 😉 Garth was good but this is […]
I’ve read a lot of articles and commentary about the attempted coup at the US Capitol a couple weeks ago but this might be my single most favourite thing to come out of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqIdnYxm_WM Doubly so for this remix (don’t normally link to Instagram but hard to find it on YouTube and Twitter – […]
This is pretty funny (and the designer has pages for other topics that are rich for satire – Rudy Giuliani, Mayor Pete, and Cryptocurrency.)
Originally about the Reagan years but the sentiment applies to most right-wing governments including Trump’s… “Ignoreland” – R.E.M. (Side note: “Ignoreland” is my least favourite song on probably my most favourite album of all-time. Wish it had been on “Monster” instead.)
As Saskatchewan adds more restrictions, mostly on retailers in the post-Christmas period, I’m thinking a lot about how everyone is somewhere different on what I think of as the “Covid Continuum”. I’d say the range for this starts with anyone who’s absolutely minimized their outings since March – maybe only leaving the house to buy […]
RPL’s Marketing Unit has created some great content recently including this timely video featuring a number of well-known Regina names…