Tag Archives: google

Google Creates Artificial Intelligence Brain Using 16 000 Networked Computers

Librarians rejoice as the first thing this artificial brain recognizes when it is turned loose on the Internet?  Pictures of cats! (All kidding aside, this feels like another one of those amazing milestones for technology which keep coming at an ever-accelerating pace.)

Friday Fun Link – World Map of the Most Popular Web Sites In Every Country

Interesting to see which sites are most popular in non-North American/Western European countries.

Ask Reddit: What’s a computer trick you think everyone should know?

What’s a computer trick you think everyone should know? Lots of practical tips as well as some slightly more devious ones.

Facebook & Google: Pictures & Vision

This is a great article which explains that the difference between Facebook and Google is the difference between pictures and vision – both in terms of what drives each company’s culture and how they may evolve in the future.

How To Fix the Google+ Engagement Problem

I don’t log in to Google+ as much as I did when it first launched but I still find it a nice option when the stream of kid and vacation pictures on Facebook gets to be too much (and I’m as guilty of those crimes as anyone.) My Google circles are mostly made up of […]

Omni.com (and Some Thoughts on My Current Digital Life)

Information overload is a well-known condition these days and the situation is only getting worse as more useful web sites, more  granulated social networks and more cool media outlets gain popularity and battle for your attention. I’ve been thinking a lot about that and increasingly, I find myself wishing there was a single web site […]

Five Things That Excite Me About The Future

Human-like Robots Always On, Free Internet Wherever You Are Or Wherever You Go Wearable Computers / Wearable Computers / Wearable Computers Driverless Cars and Increasingly Accessible Space Flight Renewable Energy Replacing Conventional Energy (how about Space-based Solar for something that’s really futuristic?) The best thing is that all of these things are very real and increasingly accessible to […]

The Playoffs Are Here!!!

A Ready-Made Google Calendar You Can Use Why the First Round of the Playoffs is Better Than the Finals How A Hockey Rink’s Surface Is Made: How Bad Do You Want It? My Predictions St Louis vs. San Jose Vancouver vs. Los Angeles Phoenix vs. Chicago Nashville vs. Detroit Boston vs. Washington (would like to […]

Google Glasses

A very cool announcement from Google about an experimental, augmented reality wearable computer (translation: futuristic eyeglasses) that could crush Apple’s iPhone dominance if it takes off.

Kony 2012 (and some thoughts on Inactive Activism)

If you’re like me, you probably woke up yesterday to find your Facebook, Twitter and other social feeds flooded with links to a video called “Kony 2012“. Most people posting it didn’t have much more info than that so I didn’t watch it right away – partly because its length (half an hour) and partly […]