Tag Archives: google

Introducing Apple Vision Pro

My Apple stocks are either going to sky rocket or crash hard on this news! 😉 If your promotional video is indistinguishable from something you'd see in a particularly dystopian episode of Black Mirror, maybe time to reconsider? https://t.co/6E2gn4gwTC — stephensben at bluesky (@stephens_ben) June 5, 2023

Friday Fun Link – Online Apps as 80’s Gadgets

A designer reimagines how various popular web sites would look as 1980’s gadgets.

Everything Is Too Complicated – What Are Tech Companies Assuming We Know?

A good article which is especially relevant to libraries where we hear many tech-related questions every day and struggle with how far we go with our tech-support role, how we train staff to answer tech questions and whether “Tech Help Desk” is the new “Reference Desk” for the modern library. Think of the tech industry […]

Google’s Most Popular Drinks of 2017

Another year-end list.

Friday Fun Link – “Google.com” Was Registered Twenty Years Ago Today

At the time, I never thought I’d leave AltaVista, which is retroactively recognized as the “Google of Its Time“.

Friday Fun Link – Google’s Infinite Drum Machine

Google has a site where you can create beats using artificial intelligence and everyday sounds. It works for me on mobile but gives an error message on my laptop advising me to use Chrome – which is the browser that I use. But anyhow, even with the weird glitch, wanted to share as it’s a […]

The Math Behind The Game Spot It!

Sasha and I were playing Spot It! today and it got me thinking how the game manages to have such a vast number of cards and yet there’s always one (and only one) match in the 16 (well, technically 15) symbols shown on any two random cards. (I totally love how the Internet can answer […]

Friday Fun Link – What The World’s Biggest Sites Looked Like At Launch

This is pretty interesting featuring screenshots of the original version of sites such as Google, Yahoo, Amazon, etc. For comparison’s sake, here’s what my very first web page looked like in December 1998 (this isn’t the first page I ever made but the earliest I could find in the Wayback Machine).       Crazy to […]

Music Monday – “Right here/Right now/Watching the world wake up from history”

Barack Obama made history today as the first US President to visit Cuba in 60 years. I was trying to think of a good song to post to commemorate this moment – perhaps a popular Cuban song or a recent hit by a Cuban-American rap/dance artist? But then I remembered this song about the fall […]

Friday Fun Link – How Secure Is My Password?

This site lets you know if your passwords are very secure.