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Friday Fun Link – Oilers Good Luck Charm(s)?
Head Tale 2.0
alberta (174) allinclusive (158) atheism (252) beatles (35) book (440) camping (173) Conference (40) cool (451) copyright (42) CotD (50) Covid (244) cute (486) economics (899) education (665) facebook (138) food (150) freedomtoreadweek (102) google (97) health (510) history (706) hockey (255) holiday (596) language (638) metafilter (36) movies (109) music (916) ontario (81) orgdevl (60) parents (321) philosophy (153) rant (28) recipe (19) reddit (45) saskatchewan (710) science (406) sports (47) television (244) travel (456) twitter (64) unitedstates (404) weather (142) wikipedia (45) writing (20) xmas (132) youtube (54)Fred Eaglesmith & Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs
I’m no longer actively maintaining or updating them but you can find my archive of Fred Eaglesmith Guitar Tabs and Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs on this site.
Head Tale
Yet Another Librarian's Blog
FTRW 2017 – Day One – Shit
George Carlin is basically the patron saint of Freedom to Read Week as far as I’m concerned. I’m technically in Mexico right now but due to the magic of time-delayed posts, I’ll use his “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television” as inspiration for this week’s posts.
Forget 1984: These Five Dystopias Better Reflect Trump’s USA
With the almost unbelievable events in the US since Trump was elected, George Orwell’s classic novel, originally released in 1949, which details a dystopian future society where the government spies on, controls and lies to its citizens, has hit the top of the Amazon bestseller list. But there are other books that even better capture the dread and doom […]
Music Monday – “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex/Why?/I made that bitch famous/Goddamn, I made that bitch famous.”
Kanye West recently released a provocative, controversial video featuring wax versions of numerous famous people who are connected to him in one way or another, all lying in a bed together naked. The slow pans of the various naked wax figures plus the viewer’s knowledge of the various interactions West has had with each of […]
Friday Fun Link – The 100 Jokes That Defined Modern Comedy
This is an amazing list covering all the jokes/skits/moments that have helped define our modern understanding of (and sometimes approach to) comedy.
FTRW 2016 – Day Seven – Saturday Snap – Freedom to Read in Cuba?
Below are a couple photos I took in Havana during our 2011 trip to Cuba. This was a street vendor stall selling books (which is good!) but most here (and in our hotel’s gift shop or anywhere else we found books) were heavily propagandistic (bad!). Cuba isn’t commercialized with billboards selling blue jeans and soda but in its […]
FTRW 2016 – Day Six – Friday Fun Link – A Wide & Varied Selection of Some of the Most Offensive Jokes Ever
Watch this… Then take your pick of these… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FLGEr1zJYo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS2THqZemoc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcmayuHwK0c Did any of the jokes above offend you? If so, watch this (ffwd to 3:20 if the link doesn’t start at the right place for you)… Still offended? Watch this one too…
FTRW 2016 – Day Five – Throwback Thursday – #tbt – My #FTRW Interview on “Book Chick” Radio Show, CJTR, #yqr (Feb 2007)
I posted when this interview was being aired live for those wanting to tune in but I’ve never posted the archival copy of this interview as far as I can remember. It was a really fun interview with one of my former Sask Publishers Group colleagues and I got say “nut sack” on the radio – […]