Tag Archives: freedomtoreadweek

What Are the Similarities and Differences Between Toronto Public Library and Don Cherry?

There have been a couple major media storms recently – Toronto Public Library faced a huge outcry for allowing a controversial speaker to proceed with a presentation in one of their branch meeting rooms and Sportsnet faced a huge outcry after longtime hockey icon, Don Cherry, made controversial remarks where he accused recent immigrants of […]

The Changing Nature of Freedom of Expression: Banning Books Is Anachronistic But Challenges Remain

Good article from The National Post about the changing nature of the debate around Freedom of Expression. What remains is that challenges still come from all sides of the political spectrum. …the bulk of work on freedom of expression is shifting from people who fruitlessly complain about books to attacks on journalists and bloggers. Also […]

Some Thoughts on the Changing Nature of Intellectual Freedom In Librarianship (Maybe?), The “Neutrality” Thing, and How I Sometimes Feel Like My Grandpa Missing The Boat on Elvis

So I recently got tagged on Twitter by a librarian colleague in Saskatoon (who is both a Mover and a Shaker!) asking if I (and a few other online librarian-types) had any thoughts on the changing view of intellectual freedom within the profession, especially in light of wider changes in society which I took to […]

Brazilian Inmates Can Read Books To Shorten Their Sentences (Not So Much in The US)

This is a pretty cool, innovative program with a lot of potential to pay ongoing dividends. And of course, the US is doing the opposite with prisons in Pennsylvania where inmates are no longer being allowed any form of print book sent by family members or charities but they can buy overpriced, overly restricted ebooks, […]

SF Books That Didn’t Belong in the Kid’s Section of the Library

I’ve always believed that science fiction is the single best type of writing to teach us about our own lives and society. So I’m absolutely fine when I think about sci-fi books with “inappropriate” content being put into the hands of kids even though the author of this article seems to think librarians put some books […]

“That’s why everyone who works retail doesn’t tell you to go fuck yourself.”

(h/t DC on FB)

Music Monday – “Radicals and Racists/Don’t point your finger at me/I’m a small town white boy/Just tryin’ to make ends meet”

After the concert I saw last night, is there any doubt which band I’ll feature for Music Monday? But which song? There are lots to choose from – big hits, underrated gems, personal favourites – but given my interest in Freedom of Expression as well as the band’s reputation in general, how about possibly G […]

FTRW 2017 – Day Seven – Tits

FTRW 2017 – Day Six – Motherfucker

FTRW 2017 – Day Five – Cocksucker