Tag Archives: cool

Peoplemov.in: Migration Flows Across The World (and The Secret to Canada’s Future Success?)

This is a pretty cool data visualization tool which shows who is moving to and from various countries in the world, top destinations and more. This types into a recent article (which I can’t find now but there are many web sites making the same claim) that Canada needs to push its population to 100 […]

Homeless Boy Stuns Korean Version of “America’s Got Talent” Reality Show

I always think these reality show stars – Susan Boyle, Paul Potts, etc. – who are dumpy looking and/or have a sob story are probably exaggerated (along with the editing and dramatic music introducing them) for maximum effect.  But if there’s even a grain of truth to stories like this one, it’s still pretty amazing…

Saturday Snap – Aloha!

In 2002, Shea and I joined my parents for two weeks in Kailua, Oahu.  We’ve just confirmed that we’ll be going again in January 2012 which will be the tenth anniversary of our first trip! This time, Shea and I decided we’d like to see something different so we’re going to spend one week in […]

Friday Fun Link – Mlkshk

If you don’t yet have enough social network news feeds in your life and/or if you think a picture’s worth a thousand words, you might be interested in MlkShk, a site that is like many other social networks except that it focuses on the sharing of pictures and graphics instead of words and links.

Wisdom Wednesday – The Emphatic Civilisation

This great video makes the case that we haven’t evolved to compete with each other but to empathize with one another. I especially like how it builds the case of how our strongest connections grew from family relationships to tribes to religion-as-extended-family to nation-states-as-extended-family to the natural next step to a worldwide unity of purpose, […]

Tunes Tuesday – “Gonna get my smiling face/On the cover of the Rolling Stone”

In my excitement to post a 1980’s country song that captures my post-long weekend camping bliss yesterday, I neglected what would have been a perfectly timed Music Monday post. So instead, you get an extremely rare “Tunes Tuesday” post to share the good news that Saskatoon band, The Sheepdogs, won a contest to become the […]

Music Monday – “Spring is almost over/And the summer’s come/The day’s are getting long”

I had such an amazing time camping this long weekend at Nickle Lake with Shea’s folks at their seasonal site, I thought I’d do a bulleted list of some of the highlights.  (To set the scene, Shea’s parents have possibly the the nicest site in the entire campground.  They’ve had it for nearly a decade […]

Friday Fun Link – MTV News Explains The Internet (in 1995)

An old clip from 1995 of Kurt Loder explaining “the Internet” to the MTV generation has gone viral over the last day or so. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmboEjwJwFU This hits home for me because 1995 was when I discovered the Internet as well.  I was nearing the end of my undergrad degree when I ended up applying for […]

Best Music Books of All-time

Hipster hangout, Pitchfork, gets their editors to name their 60 favourite music books of all-time. I haven’t read all of them but have definitely read a few – that Ian MacDonald book on the Beatles is awesome!

Friday Fun Link – All Space Shuttle Missions In Eight Minutes