Tag Archives: cool

Filming the Speed of Light at 10 Trillion Frames Per Second


Friday Fun Link – Bandaloop Takes Flight – Dancing on a Skyscraper


Friday Fun Link – Phantom of the Opera Lead Singer Surprises Street Busker

Sometimes I get excited and retweet stuff then think, why didn’t I save that for my blog?!? This is one such time. I have already retweeted this clip but it’s so joyful, I’m going to put it in a blog post too…  

Friday Fun Link – Wordle, The Latest Online Craze

Wordle is the latest craze to sweep the online world. If you haven’t played, you get six chances to guess a five letter word.  After entering your first guess, it will tell you if you have a letter in the right spot (green) or a right letter but in the wrong spot (yellow). Then, sort […]

Shortest Ever Pulse of Light Captured By Camera

There’s a joke in here somewhere about how time loses all meaning in the age of Covid but it’s too late for me to think of it.  Anyhow enjoy…

Friday Fun Link – Reloading Random Things

I’m not sure how to embed a video clip I found on Reddit so will just say it’s worth a click to go check this out – *this* is the type of content that makes the Internet awesome!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – There Are Many Reasons I Became a Librarian…

…my grandma having this set of very unique books, The Richards Topical Encyclopedia in her sun room is one of them! One of my pet theories is that most professions require extremely specialized knowledge – heart surgeon, carpenter, PhD researcher, appliance repair person. Librarian is one of a very few (teacher? politician?) professions where being […]

Friday Fun Link – The Literature Clock

This site is pretty cool – it tells you the time by showing a quote from a book that happens to reference whatever time it is at the moment…      

Friday Fun Link – Regina Company Releases Virtual Reality Hockey Game

My wife is really excited to know I’m going to be wearing something over my eyes while swinging a hockey stick around in our living room – welcome to the future! 😉  

Six Seriously Awesome Smart Device Tips & Tricks

Lots of things I didn’t know on this list.