X-Factor is the new Simon Cowell owned-show he’s imported from the UK to compete with American Idol, the top-rated franchise he left last year. Although both shows have similar formats, X-Factor allows groups, a wider age range for contestants and holds auditions in front of an audience instead of just the judges’ panel among other […]
A really interesting story about how Facebook has reached into places where you would least expect it. (I sometimes feel like I need to add this to any story I post that I find on MetaFilter but seriously, the MetaFilter comments make the original story 1000x better!)
Depending on where you live (and where you get your news), the Occupy Wall Street movement, may or may not be on your radar. These protests, which started in New York but have since spread to other cities around the world, are “mainly protesting against social and economic inequality, corporate greed, and the influence of […]
My mom’s taking a genealogy class so we spent quite a bit of time this weekend looking through her class notes, different web sites and reviewing the information she’d already gathered about her family. I’d taken a genealogy class in library school and had done quite a bit of research as well but mostly on […]
Many bemoan the coverage of politics that treats it more like sports than something with real-world purpose and implications. The good folks at Slate magazine have gone one step further, creating a very cool web page that shows the current Republican nomination battle as an actual horse race! They should open source this code and […]
Just heard the news and, as with Jack Layton’s passing, the death of the co-founder of Apple was probably not a complete surprise but still pretty shocking. In fact, when I said how sad I was, Shea said “As sad as when Jack Layton died?” and I replied “More.” I went on to explain that […]
A discussion of how the song “Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes” is sung with a different melody in Canada then in other parts of the world leads to this awesome Wikipedia article about how a variety of animal sounds and other common noises are conveyed in different languages. (via MetaFilter)
Christmas is fast approaching and ThisIsWhyI’mBroke.com appears to be a site that will meet many of my gift-giving needs!
I’m not one of those “I don’t own a TV and will now tell you about why” people. But after being a pretty major TV addict for most of my life (hell, I had a job selling cable TV throughout the summers I was in undergrad that I kicked ass at!), the Internet has all […]
This is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. Scientists have figured out a way to create (blurry, impressionistic) video of what a person is watching by scanning their brain waves! This was accomplished by the researchers watching a bunch of YouTube videos and creating a database of which parts of their brain “lit […]