Tag Archives: cool

Friday Fun Link – Rdio

Like I suspect is the case for a lot of people who came of age in the 1980’s, I would spend hours making mix tapes when I was young – tapes featuring different artists, different themes, different moods. At the time, mix tapes were created by dubbing favourite songs from your own small cassette collection, borrowing […]

What Is The Most Epic Photo of All-Time?

A great Quora thread that will make you laugh and cry, take your breath away and make you puke and make you realise how big and small we truly are.  (The one from Titan is possibly my favourite on the page.  So boring yet so amazingly unbelievable.)

Five Things That Excite Me About The Future

Human-like Robots Always On, Free Internet Wherever You Are Or Wherever You Go Wearable Computers / Wearable Computers / Wearable Computers Driverless Cars and Increasingly Accessible Space Flight Renewable Energy Replacing Conventional Energy (how about Space-based Solar for something that’s really futuristic?) The best thing is that all of these things are very real and increasingly accessible to […]

The Playoffs Are Here!!!

A Ready-Made Google Calendar You Can Use Why the First Round of the Playoffs is Better Than the Finals How A Hockey Rink’s Surface Is Made: How Bad Do You Want It? My Predictions St Louis vs. San Jose Vancouver vs. Los Angeles Phoenix vs. Chicago Nashville vs. Detroit Boston vs. Washington (would like to […]

Google Glasses

A very cool announcement from Google about an experimental, augmented reality wearable computer (translation: futuristic eyeglasses) that could crush Apple’s iPhone dominance if it takes off.

Canadian Libraries in ALA Library Design Showcase

A number of Canadian libraries were selected for the ALA’s design showcase highlighting diverse areas of excellence including Youth Spaces, Green Facilities, Collaborative Learning and more.

Pimp My iPad

AskMetaFilter weighs in with the best apps for the new iPad.  On the other hand, here are some quick negatives after a week’s use: – the app store seems A LOT less useful on the iPad than the iPhone.  On the iPhone, it’s really easy to drill down by category in something like Games -> […]

Too Many Tabs Tuesday

Well, based on how slow it’s been lately, either my computer’s dying or I have too many tabs open.  Let’s hope it’s the latter as that’s easily solved! Super excited to see Ryan Meili’s name pop up as a strong “definitely maybe” in a recent list of potential NDP leadership candidates, especially since, as the […]

Music Monday – “What it take to make you people dance?”

The “walking down the street, dancing” theme is a popular one for music videos, from REM to Hawksley Workman to the classic of the genre from The Verve. Here’s another one from Blur’s guitarist, Graham Coxon…

Friday Fun Link – The Personal Analytics of My Life (Well, Stephen Wolfram’s Life)

Stephen Wolfram is a famous computer scientist/physicist (though not everyone is a fan) who is behind the Wolfram Alpha search engine.  He recently released some analysis of data he’s been collecting about his personal computing and productivity habits since the early 1990’s. Although MetaFilter has its usual snark in talking about this release (“All that data […]