Tag Archives: cool

Friday Fun Link – Save a Library By Burning Books?

Brilliant! (via MetaFilter with a h/t to the colleague who sent it to me at the exact same moment!)

Friday Fun Link – Watch Books Being Bought Live and Worldwide

Pretty cool site that shows books as they’re bought around the world – hard to look away!

Star Wars Characters Re-imagined as Old West Characters

It’s pretty common knowledge that George Lucas at least partly based the Star Wars movies on some of the serialized westerns he saw as a child.  Now, you can see how his characters may have looked had he actually done the films set in the Old West.

Too Many Tabs Tuesday

“It’s the Old Generation That’s Entitled, Not Students” – The National Post with a spot-on observation about the current Quebec protests How Reddit’s Co-Founded Became the Mayor of the Internet Speaking of Reddit, a novelty account called ShittyWatercolors did an illustration of my own user name, “HeadTale” (well, mis-read as “HeadTales” but you get what […]

Saturday Snap – Superman & Spider-man Team Up!

If you think “The Avengers” made a lot of money, can you imagine what a cross-company, joint DC-Marvel film with Superman and Spider-man teaming up to battle Dr. Doom and The Parasite with guest appearances from The Hulk and Wonder Woman would be like? Well, it’s already happened in comic book form as this gem […]

Sappy Sunday – Lip Dub Wedding Proposal

This one’s pretty sweet…


ReadLists is a new site which allows people to combine and share collections of web pages – articles, reviews, recipes, course materials, etc. – in a single package that you can easily download to your smart phone.  I’m not necessarily endorsing this site but just sharing a cool find.  Feel free to read the original […]

How To Fix the Google+ Engagement Problem

I don’t log in to Google+ as much as I did when it first launched but I still find it a nice option when the stream of kid and vacation pictures on Facebook gets to be too much (and I’m as guilty of those crimes as anyone.) My Google circles are mostly made up of […]

Omni.com (and Some Thoughts on My Current Digital Life)

Information overload is a well-known condition these days and the situation is only getting worse as more useful web sites, more  granulated social networks and more cool media outlets gain popularity and battle for your attention. I’ve been thinking a lot about that and increasingly, I find myself wishing there was a single web site […]

Some Random Thoughts on TedXRegina

So I was one of the lucky 100 who got to attend TedXRegina on Wednesday at the ShuBox Theatre at the U of R. Here are some random thoughts about the day… – never realised until the night before while checking out the #tedxregina hashtag on Twitter that there were only 100 seats available as […]