I’ve made a few passing references to the fact that I am no longer the Organization Development Specialist at Regina Public Library. Without going into specifics, there’s a bit of back story to how that all came about but the main thing to know for the purposes of this post is that when my position […]
A colleague sent me this article about a new augmented reality device – a ring with an embedded camera that can snap photos of objects then send that photo to a smartphone which can, in turn, analyse and provide feedback about what is being seen – colours, prices, etc. This hits two areas of interest […]
Within a decade, RPL has gone from plans to close three branches plus two specialized units to opening two new branches within the last year and plans to hopefully build a new Central Library eventually. The latest branch opening was the new Regent Place location which happens to be the one closest to my home […]
Well, here we are two short weeks later and the party’s over. And everything that the opening ceremony was – a celebration of British history and culture, rebellion, anarchy, humour, literature, imperfection, solidarity – the closing ceremony wasn’t. As someone posted on Reddit’s /r/unitedkingdom thread about the closing ceremonies, “It’s like when you start playing crap […]
A web developer has created a map of the 350 000 largest sites on the Internet reflecting their relative size and also their relationships with each other. (via MetaFilter)
3-D printing is an emerging technology that has the potential to be quite revolutionary. It allows users to “print” three dimensional replicas of real world objects in a variety of materials (usually plastic or something similar.) I first heard of 3-D printing when I saw a TV show about how Jay Leno, a noted antique […]
Before you barbeque or cook a hot dog over a campfire, put a skewer through the middle of the dog then score it in a spiral fashion so that you get more of that crunchy goodness throughout the meat!
Normally I post a song each week on Monday but this week I’m going to do something a bit different (mostly because every single video of Paul McCartney closing out the Olympics Opening ceremony that I might’ve posted is being taken down by YouTube as fast as it’s uploaded.) But watching that performance (and who […]
I made a reference to my blog undergoing botox treatments yesterday which was more than a bit intentional as I have indeed restored some youthful vigour to this blog. After starting my first blog on the Blogware platform at blog.jason.hammond.net back in 2006 when I was in library school, I ended up with two blogs after […]
Haven’t posted for a few days as the blog was undergoing Botox treatments to regain its youthful vigour this week (more in that tomorrow). In the meantime, here’s some shots from our day trip to Moose Jaw for Sask Lego Users Group show.