Tag Archives: camping

Five Lists of Five Things I’m Thinking About As Scott Moe Prepares To Release His Five Phase Plan for Reopening Saskatchewan

Premier Scott Moe had a press conference tonight to announce that…he will be having a press conference tomorrow night to talk about how his government has a five point plan for reopening the province now that we’ve flattened the curve…maybe. There’s no doubt that Saskatchewan has done very well during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to […]

Relaxing Campfire By River (4K)


Saturday Snap – Hockey’s Back! (And so is beer!)

I’ve been trying to greatly reduce my beer drinking from summer camping levels (essentially down to one per week instead of one per hour!) and I’m also trying to drink only terrible tasting low-carb beer (fuck, I’m old.) But I made a special exception for one last beer I had left from our Calgary trip […]

Camping Stereotypes

The camping season’s over but I can’t help but share this funny video…  

Music Monday – “Now in the pouring snow, sad, but swift/I headed down the highway/Hoping that the burden of my blues would lift/And praying that the whiskey would keep me brave”

Easily my favourite song of the year (I can’t believe I haven’t posted it before!) “Letter to Madeline” – Ian Noe

Five Things I Want From An All-Inclusive Resort (Before I Go)

Ever since we bought our camper a few years ago along with our good fortune to be able to go on winter holidays for a few years running, I’ve begun to feel that my life basically oscillates between those two annual highlights. We get off the plane in late February/early March, tanned and rested and […]

Saturday Snap – Our Summer Family

When we were at Echo a few years back, we met, befriended and hung out with (and got hungover with!) a few other young couples.  (I know “young” is relative for me these days but Shea’s a lot younger than me so I follow her lead on that!) When we got our seasonal site at […]

Music Monday – “This tiny space is all I need to live in/A simple life’s good for the soul/And I think I’m going to live in a boler/Tow it behind me wherever I go”

I used this song as part of a longer end-of-season montage after our first summer seasonal site three years ago but it deserves a post of its own. (Make sure you read the story about the singer from the Ovarian Cancer “Walk of Hope” page below – very tragic story for such a joyful song.) “Living […]

10 Reasons We Love Camping

As we begin the sad process of closing up our seasonal site for another year, it feels like a good time to do a list of the reasons Shea and I enjoy camping so much: We both camped lots with our own parents growing up so we know how it can create amazing memories for […]

Saturday Snap – A Glimpse of Our Future?

Shea and I really enjoying the camping lifestyle and, although it’s still a few years away, have begun talking about what it would be like to downsize our house and buy a small camper/motorhome/camper van and just travel around in that once we retire. We got a glimpse of what it might be like this […]