10 Best Things About Our New Dog (Sarcastic Version)

  1. Regularly embarrasses us by refusing to listen at obedience class (the instructor pictured above is awesome though!)
  2. Waking us up at 5am most days
  3. Costing us a ton of money since somebody (okay, it’s me) can’t resist buying him a new toy every time I go to the store
  4. Happily joining Shea or I in the tub if either of us leaves the bathroom door open
  5. Whining and crying if we don’t leave the bathroom door open
  6. Causing constant worry that he’s going to destroy something that’s expensive and/or not easily replaced – a phone, a couch, a pair of glasses, etc.
  7. Eating a meal with a begging puppy watching your every move is a different experience
  8. Trimming his nails is not going so well
  9. Constant worry that he’ll get away, get stolen or get hurt
  10. Cleaning up his poop

Playa Del Carmen Public Library

I love looking at random library websites – especially ones I could conceivably visit in person!

Music Monday – “It’s knowing that this can’t go on forever/Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone/Maybe we’ll get forty years together/But one day I’ll be gone/Or one day you’ll be gone”

I’ve told the story on this blog a few times before how Shea and I technically got married three times (with the related joke that most men can’t keep track of one anniversary and I have to remember three.  Or, flipping that, I have three chances to remember it!)

To recap…

Our Three Weddings

* Feb 6, 2003 – legal wedding in our living room in Calgary with two witnesses and the cheapest JP I could find in the entire Calgary Yellow Pages (and yes, I called them all.)

* Mar 5, 2003 – married on the beach in the Mexican Mayan Riviera in front of just over a dozen guests.  (This is the one we generally “count” as our real anniversary.)

* Aug 3, 2003 – we planned to have a “mock wedding” in front of guests at a reception in our small town but some guests were late, our bar man was already drunk, we didn’t have time to do a rehearsal plus the karaoke machine was warming up so we skipped it.

Anyhow, even though the March date is the one we “count”, today is a pretty significant as it’s our 20th wedding anniversary (legal version.)

And even though only one family member remembers it (and that’s because I think she gets notifications from MyHeritage), I figured this is a good song (a rare Music Monday re-post) to commemorate a pretty meaningful day:

If We Were Vampires” – Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit (the song is even more powerful when you know he wrote it for his wife who happens to be the fiddle player in his band)

Secular Sunday – 10 Things This Atheist Worships

If not a deity, what else do I have incredible reverence for?

  1. My Family
  2. All Aspects of Science
  3. All Aspects of Technology
  4. The Human Brain
  5. Books of All Kinds
  6. Incredible Athletes/Athletic Performances
  7. Amazing Musicianship
  8. Humanity In All Its Crazy Glory
  9. Nature In All Its Infinite Variety
  10. But more specially, The Beach

And more specifically than that, being at the place below two weeks from today!

Saturday Snap – A Beautiful Day For A Walk

Finally have some nice weather after a long cold snap so went for a long walk with Charlie today…

Friday Fun Link – All The Beatles’ Songs From Least to Most Played on Spotify

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Going To Winterpeg (January 2013)

Shea and I are fortunate to have gone on about a dozen hot holidays over the years to Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Hawaii, etc.

But we couldn’t always swing it so one winter, we decided to go to…Winnipeg with both sets of parents for a family getaway.  The temp in Regina was -42 and the temp in Winnipeg was -40 so I joked that this counted as a “hot(ter) weather holiday”. 😉

Why Is Covid Denial So Dangerous?

(via Reddit)

The Sandwich Generation

I talked to a twenty-something young man the other day who had never heard the term “Sandwich Generation”.

Basically, the idea is that anyone who has kids (whether they’re young or older but who still need financial support and/or who live at home) and also elderly parents who they are responsible for caring for is part of the “sandwich generation.”

This is an increasing reality for a variety of reasons: people having kids later in the life so still having to support them when, in earlier times, those people might’ve had kids by age twenty and those kids would be out on their own, possibly with kids of their own, by twenty as well.  Also parents living longer due to advances in science and health which means that their kids might end up caring for them longer than they would’ve in earlier generations when lifespans were shorter and/or families were larger so the caregiving was divided among multiple children instead of just one or two.

Of course, although it can involve a lot of stress and strong emotions, it’s not that being part of the sandwich generation is a bad thing – grandkids benefit greatly from having grandparents who are still alive; grandparents are able to also give support in various ways – financial, babysitting, or even providing baked goods on occasion!

Anyhow, here’s more on the topic…

Music Monday – “Cause if summer is here/I’m still waiting there/Winter is here/And I’m still waiting there”

I have many fond memories of regularly going to the Ness Creek Music Festival, a hippie festival in Northern Saskatchewan, when I was in my twenties.

I can’t remember their name but one moment of perfection was a band I’d never heard of but that ended up being a reggae band who brought a little Jamaica jammin’ to the festival.

So good and so perfect under the northern Saskatchewan moonlight on a hot  summer night.

Waiting in Vain” – Bob Marley and the Wailers