Happy Birthday Mom!

Music Monday – “Sheets of empty canvas/Untouched sheets of clay/Were laid spread out before me/As her body once did/All five horizons/Revolved around her soul/As the earth to the sun”

Black” – Pearl Jam

Secular Sunday – Strong “I Have A Girlfriend in Niagara Falls, You Wouldn’t Know Her” Vibes From This Guy


Mexico Rainbow Challenge – Day Seven – Rainbow

Since I said Indigo/Violet were being combined in my Rainbow Challenge, I was hoping to do a final post for day seven of some multi-coloured drinks – the Bob Marley and the Toucan we had at Moon Palace were the drinks I had in mind…

Unfortunately, the drinks I got weren’t quite as perfectly formed…

Mexico Rainbow Challenge – Day Six – Indigo/Violet

Going to combine the last two colours of the rainbow in today’s post because:

a) can anyone tell me the difference between indigo and violet?


b) if you can, do you think I can find two drinks that fit those two shades of purple?

Her: Caribbean Princess (not on cocktail menu but I think it’s a Blue Hawaiian with grenadine added and blended)
Him: Caribbean Princess

Since I combined two colours, I have an idea for a unique final post of this series on our last full day tomorrow!

Mexico Rainbow Challenge – Day Five – Blue

Gotta admit – was looking forward to this day/colour for some reason…maybe blue just feels both unnatural as a food/drink colour but also very fitting for the tropics?


Her: Blue Hawaiian
Him: Blue Lagoon

Bonus: Real Mayan Ruins (grey) in the background that you can climb up to and see up close.

Mexico Rainbow Challenge – Day Four – Green

Her: Mojito
Him: Caipirinha (which I believe would be as popular as the mojito if it had a more easily pronounceable name!  Also, mine should be greener as I’ve had them with a lot more limes.)

Mexico Rainbow Challenge – Day Three – Yellow

Her: Pineapple Mojito
Him: Pineapple Mojito

(They’re really good!)

Mexico Rainbow Challenge – Day Two – Orange

Him = Bay Breeze
Her = Mai Tai

(And I think it was the lighting or the cups or maybe even my shirt absorbing all the orange in the room. But you’ll have to trust me that these drinks were more orange than yellow – honest!)


Mexico Rainbow Challenge – Day One – Red

We made it to Mexico!

If you read my (long) Year End post, you’ll see that I (mostly) quit drinking.  I didn’t go full AA so that I could allow myself the occasional indulgence (or more if I’m at an all-inclusive for instance.)

For example, after a long delay including a text from WestJet at 1:30am to say our flight was delayed then another saying it was delayed again for a total of three hours, the beers we’d pre-ordered for our ground transport were awesome!

I also came across a thing on TikTok called the Rainbow Challenge.  I’ve seen it done with drinks, food or even clothes and the idea is you drink/eat/wear the colours of the rainbow on consecutive days (or maybe all at once if you’re having a party.)

I thought it might be fun to do the Rainbow Challenge during our week in Mexico as a way to give me low-effort blog content and commemorate our trip in a unique way.

Day One – Red
Her: Cosmo
Him: Caesar (virgin)