(via MetaFilter where much of the discussion became comparisons of the relative sizes of music libraries – gotta love nerds. Er, for the record, the sizze of mine is 19634 items, 54.3 days of music and 103 GB. After my latest purchase – downloading as I type – I’ll be pretty close to 20 000. $13.99 for 121 songs and the music goes to prostate cancer research plus lots of indie-type Canadian artists – how can you not?)
It’s exactly one month until Santa makes his rounds and, inspired by a conversation with a co-worker this week, I posted a question on AskMetafilter that got a lot of great replies as well as a lot of people marking it as a favourite question. (It’s a bit hard to read the post because I went through and marked every entry as “Best Answer” – something most people don’t usually do but I thought it was in the spirit of the question!)
Okay, I know climate change and global warming are evil and wrong and terrible. In fact, I’ve just started reading Chris Turner’s “The Leap” and it might be another strong contender for the best book I’ve read this year based on the first few chapters. (translation: “go read this book now!”)
But when you live in a province where winter lasts for six or more months of the year, where you can go weeks with -40 temperatures, where it sometimes feels so cold with the windchill that you think your eyeballs might explode in your head, can’t we appreciate a forecast like this one below just a little bit?
I had this song cranked on the way home from Weyburn yesterday when I suddenly heard a voice from the back seat singing along…”Jaaaa-soooon! Jaaaa-sooonn!”
Pace apparently things that Perry Farrell and I are really close friends and he even wrote one of his best known songs about me! 😉
Here’s another shot from that memorable moment where Pace appears to be tromping through the “snow”, a “snow fall” that took Shea and I an hour to clean up.
Well, we tried to clean it up but as I pointed out to Pace, he will likely still be finding these pellets in ten years when he’s going on fifteen and downstairs being bad in all kinds of other ways he hasn’t yet dreamed of.
There have been other sites – FriendFeed is one that immediately pops to mind – that have tried to become a central hub for all of your online activity. But I don’t know if any have ever tried to pull your online activity into one location as a repository, not just a hub.
Now, the creator of the instant messaging protocol that powers much of the world’s online messaging has made that the goal with his new company, Singly. Sounds very intriguing!
Did you know that before there was YouTube, there was a similar Canadian site called iCraveTV. Before there was Google, there was a similar Canadian company called OpenText? Before there was Facebook, there was a similar Canadian company called Nexopia?