In One Week…

…this is where I’ll be!

(And with the waterproof case we got for my iPhone from Santa, this could very well be me taking this exact video!  Of course, it was +6 in Regina today and a high of +19 (!) in Maple Creek, SK so, with Lihue Kauai coming in at +23, my timing isn’t that great.  Nah, I’ll be in Hawaii…I’ll be okay!)

Inside A Toddler’s Mind

Yep.  (via Buzzfeed)

Politics in Full Sentences: The Story of Naheed Nenshi’s Purple Army

A great article on the behind-the-scenes of Naheed Nenshi’s improbable but ultimately successful campaign to become the mayor of Calgary (and if you want to get meta, there’s also a behind-the-scenes of how the original behind-the-scenes magazine article was compiled.)

Music Monday – “Come together/Right now/Over Me”

While Justin Bieber and especially Cee-Lo Brown were “interpreting” Beatles songs on New Year’s Eve for a TV audience of millions, three music legends – Steve Tyler, Alice Cooper and “Weird” Al Yankovic – teamed at a charity fundraiser in Maui to perform in front of a small crowd (filled entirely of people with camera phones apparently!)

But the result of all those cell phones is that we get to see this amazingly cool video which, even though I suspect was not at the type of fundraiser I might be invited to, makes me even more anxious to get to Maui!

(If you’re playing “spot the celebrity”, keep an eye out for Mike Myers, Tom Arnold and a couple guys from the Doobie Brothers!)

(via Reddit)


I’ve made no secret of my love of lists and how this is the best time of the year for lists.  Here are a few things I’ve come across in the last few weeks that I wanted to share…

2011 “End of Year Questions” Meme: Cuba Libre, Newfoundland Screech, and Skinny Minnie Me

As promised yesterday, here’s my 2011 “end-of-year question” meme answers.  I’ve done a few slight revisions to the list I’ve used in past years but have also left some of the questions I thought about taking out because I don’t like them or I answer them the same way every year…

1. What did you do this year that you’d never done before?
Visited a communist country.

2. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Shea’s best friend growing up (and Pace’s guardian) had her second, a boy named Noah.  Lots of other friends, co-workers and extended family continue to have babies as well.

3. Did anyone close to you die?
It’s like a weird annual tradition that I think “Boy, will I feel like an idiot if I forget anyone!” and that this question also always turns me to morbid thoughts of my numerous aunts and uncles, all still alive but all somewhere between the ages of 60-80+ so that the answer to this question will inevitably change some year.  In fact, my dad is from a family of 10 kids and a 50th Birthday/50th Anniversary party on back-to-back nights in Calgary in May was going to be a mini-family reunion which would be the first time all ten siblings were together since, ironically, my grandma’s funeral.  But then his youngest sibling became quite ill and was unable to make it which was a bit of cloud on the whole weekend.  (It took my non-tech savvy cousin to point out near the end of the various events, “We should’ve hooked up a computer and dialed her in over the Internet somehow!”)

I mentioned Michael Jackson last year so continuing that theme for this question, Jack Layton and Steve Jobs were the most impactful deaths of a well-known individual for me personally.  The fact that the US actually got Osama Bin-Laden was pretty surprising too.

4. What places did you visit?
We had a good travel year with a week in Cuba, a week in Calgary for the aforementioned quasi-Hammond family reunion, ten days in Newfoundland for the wedding of one of my best friends from high school, many camping trips over the summer, wrapping up with Christmas at Shea’s folks in Weyburn.  We also have a holiday in Hawaii booked for January and since that will happen within twelve calendar months of our Cuba trip, it almost feels like another trip this year – whew!

5. What would you like to have in the next year that you lacked this year?
I’ve got a couple pretty specific answers for this question but I want to see if they come through in the new year before I start talking them up! 😉

6. What date from this year will remain etched upon your memory?
November 7 was a pretty monumental day.  We’d been waiting for months to have new windows installed then got an early morning call that they were coming the next day so we’d have to take down all the window hardware throughout our house to prepare.  I bought the new iPhone 4S and switched to the SaskTel network at lunch (exciting!) then ended the day in a meeting with the manager of HR being informed that, though it was nothing to do with me or my work, my job was being eliminated (shitty!).  It’s a long story which I can’t get into too much detail yet as there are still some legal issues pending from this turn of events but the main thing is that I’m not out of a job as I ended up bumping into another librarian position (who in turn moved into a vacant librarian position.)  Then, speaking of losing jobs, I went home and spent a few hours volunteering for my local candidate in the provincial election which saw the NDP absolutely decimated with numerous MLA’s, constituency assistants and other good folk losing their jobs.  So yeah, as days go, that was a pretty eventful one.  (I do really like our new windows though!)

7. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Without a lot of fanfare or gimmicks, I’ve lost 30 lbs in the last six months by simply deciding to eat a bit better and cutting out a lot of carbs and crap.  I would love to lose another 20-30lbs in the months to come if I can maintain the same slow but steady progress that started in the summer, sometime after our Newfoundland trip.

8. What was your biggest failure of the year?
Not so much a failure but with the elimination of my job, I guess there’s a sense of missed opportunity that I wasn’t able to successfully implement a number of the organization development related ideas I had for Regina Public Library.

9. What was your biggest surprise?
“I called you into this meeting to inform you that we are eliminating the position of Organization Development Specialist.”  :-0

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing beyond the usual sniffles and a flu or two.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
New windows, a new furnace, new ceiling insulation are what springs to mind.  I guess it was one of those kind of “home improvement” years around our house so no exciting new technology or cars or stuff like that.

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Working on Jaime Garcia’s campaign in the provincial election campaign, I was continually impressed by his professionalism, work ethic and graciousness.  I think he’s got a bright future in politics and am happy to now call him a friend as well.

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
As of the end of today, Regina Public Library employees will have been without a new contract for two years.  I’ll leave it at that.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Home improvement projects.  Travel.  Restaurant meals.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The thing I got most excited about this year was our trip to Hawaii next year!  I just love everything about taking a trip – the research, the planning, the reading, the anticipation.  (I guess this answer applies to our Cuba and Newfoundland trips too but Hawaii is definitely my current obsession!)

16. What song/album will always remind you of this year?
“Six Volts” by Fred Eaglesmith is great and I love the song “Johnny Cash“.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
A) Happier or sadder?
Even with the shock to the system of having my job eliminated (right before Christmas – nice timing, eh?), I think I’m in a pretty happy place.  I’m very much a “work to live” guy rather than a “live to work” person so all I have to do is look at my life, my family, my home and realise how truly lucky I am.

B) Thinner or fatter?
Much thinner.

C) Richer or poorer?
I feel poorer but mostly because we spent so much on home improvement stuff that our house needed. But we also received some significant (and  unexpected) sums from oil money and family gifts so those things more than equaled out.  So both richer and poorer aka “about the same”.  😉

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Since I started keeping track ten years ago, I’ve tended to read about a book on week on average with one year seeing a high of 75 books read.  This year, I only read 35 – probably as much as anything a reflection of how my reading hasn’t decreased but shifted – on the bus, I’m more likely to whip out my iPhone to read Twitter and Facebook and online newspapers rather than pulling out whatever old-school print book I’m working on.  It’s still reading when I do it online or on a smart phone but I can’t help feeling like I’m losing something.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Hmm, this is one of the questions I thought about eliminating as it’s always tough to answer (or if something springs to mind, it’s tough to answer publicly!)  So let’s just say that Shea and I probably eat out at restaurants way more than we need to – an expensive hobby after awhile and not always easy if you’re trying to lose weight either!  (At the same time, it’s an indulgence we both enjoy – we’re always eager to try any new restaurants that open in Regina and love seeing how the culinary landscape here has improved in the last five years.)

20. How did you spend  Christmas?
Took some extra time at Christmas and had a relaxing holiday with Shea’s folks at their home in Weyburn.  A family friend unexpectedly showed up outside in a Santa costume right after Pace had already rushed to bed, after hearing someone (grandpa) ringing bells and saying “Ho-ho-ho”.  So Pace got up again, saw the *real* Santa on the street saying hello to him by name.  Probably the most mind-blowing experience of his young life!

21. Who did you spend the most time communicating with?
I think I said last year that I was going to eliminate dumb questions this time around.  I don’t know – last year I said “Shea” but I also spend a lot of time (too much?) in a wide range of web-based communities.  Maybe that’s Internet addiction but maybe it’s just cool to share conversation and insight with people around the world on a regular basis?  Yeah, I’ll go with that one… 😉

22. What was your favourite TV program?
“Breaking Bad” is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen.  A co-worker got me hooked and after downloading and watching the first three seasons in quick succession (the show’s about meth manufacturing and ironically, each episode is like a “hit” of a drug that needs to be parcelled out slowly!), we now await every new episode with trembling hands!

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I was going to say Kim Jong-Il but he went and ruined it.  😉

24. What was the best book(s) you read?
In other years, I’ve cheated by picking both a fiction and a non-fiction book instead of one single favourite.  I’m going to do that again this year.  Like the Oscars, a book’s odds of being chosen as the “Hammy” for best book I’ve read seem to go up if I read it late in the year.  Two books I read in the last quarter of the year and which both, in their own way, deal with themes of ecological crisis – “Evolution” by Stephen Baxter and “The Leap” by Chris Turner are my picks for this year’s “Hammy” award(s).  In fact, if I had the money, I’d send a copy of “The Leap” to every political leader in the country at every level – it’s that important and that good!

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Alabama Shakes was a group cited by a number of people in a “Best of the Year in Music” MetaFilter thread which I’ve since lost the bookmark for.  Personally, although I doubt I’ll spend much time listening to it going forward, I enjoyed familiarizing myself with the folk music of both Cuba and Newfoundland.

26. What did you want and get?
The NDP as the Official Opposition federally (although ironically, they’re in a weaker position than before when they were part of a minority government with fewer seats but more power to affect change.)

27. What did you want and not get?
A federal NDP win (or at least the NDP as official opposition in a minority government situation) and a better showing by the Saskatchewan NDP in our provincial election.

28. What were your favourite films of this year?
“Bridesmaids” had the single funniest scene I’ve seen in years in any movie. “Moneyball.”   “Descendants” (mostly for the Kauai storyline and scenery!)  Looking forward to a couple I haven’t seen yet as well – “Super 8”, “Melancholia” and “The Artist”.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I came to work and I was 38.  However, the weekend before my birthday, I’m pretty sure I sat in Pace’s paddling pool drinking beer in the extreme summer heat so that’s a nice image for you. 😉

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Again, I’m not going to get into too much detail but I attended a free workshop put on by the Canadian Management Centre whose speaker was a PhD in Business Administration.  At the start, he asked the packed hotel conference room how many attendee’s employers partook in a particular organizational development-type activity.  It would have been immeasurably satisfying it I had been able to put up my hand like every other person in the room…especially since I’d proposed that very activity for RPL but had it rejected by management.

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept this year?
I’m somebody who regularly wears clothes I bought 3, 5 and even 10 years ago.  So if anybody has a suggestion for a better question to substitute here, I’m all ears! 😉

32. What kept you sane?
Pace.  Shea.  Club Fun.  Self-awareness.  Funny Facebook updates. A sense of perspective.  Dreaming about pacific beaches.  One very relevant and very humourous library-related Twitter feed.

33. What political issue stirred you the most?
I think the global response against abuses of power – whether dictators being overthrown or the Occupy Wall Street/We Are the 99% protests – were pretty inspiring.

34. Who did you miss?
RPL has had an extremely high turnover rate during the past three years so I miss a lot of my coworkers who have left the organization.

35. Who was the best new person you met?
At the same time, that means RPL has brought in a lot of new people and many of them are great people.  As just one example, the HR Unit has been one of the most stable at RPL in terms of turnover.  But they did bring in one new employee this year and he’s a great guy with tons of insights on everything from politics to religion to television (he was the one who got me hooked on “Breaking Bad”) to sports.  He is however a Leafs fan but I try not to hold that against him.

36. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year.
If you get an e-mail inviting you to a meeting with the shop steward present, that’s probably not because they’re going to give you a Christmas bonus! 😉

37. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year?
Not a lyric per se but as I mentioned earlier, the music of Cuba and the music of Newfoundland – both products of unique cultures with amazing back stories – helped to define my year, whether it was “Sonny’s Dream” or “Guantanamera”.

38. A photo that sums up your year
Not everyone sees it this way but for me, it’s not about how much money you make or what your job title is or how many people report to you or how many hours you work each week.  Ultimately, what it all comes down to in life is this…

39. Best App of the Year
If you don’t have Flipboard on your iPhone, go get it now.  It’s awesome!

40. Tell us another valuable life lesson you learned this year.
“It is what it is” was a mantra I repeated throughout the year.

Friday Fun Link – My Year in First Lines

Every year on December 31, I do a “Year End Memes” post which has two parts – the first answers a bunch of questions about the past year.  The second provides an overview of my year via the first lines of each month’s blog post during the past twelve months.

Last year, I split them up doing the “Q&A” part on December 31 and the “First Lines” part on January 1.  Splitting them works better I think except that it sort of ruins the randomness of the first line for January (as you’ll see below).  So instead, I’ve decided to do the “First Lines” on December 30 and the “Q&A” on December 31.  Got it?  Good! 😉

Here’s my year in first lines…

  • January – “This is the first line of each blog post I did each month last year…”
  • February – “Metered Bandwidth isn’t about stopping bandwidth hogs, it’s about preserving old media business models”
  • March – “Pace has been counting down the “sleeps” until we go to Cuba on Thursday.”
  • April – “In honour of the Flames’ Jarome Iginla getting his 1000th career point tonight, here’s a really cool site that displays the names of two fairly equal NHL players and allows you to pick which one you think is best.”
  • May – “When I watch sports, I tend to be someone who, when my team is down, thinks “there’s no way we can win!” and when they’re up, thinks “there’s no way we can lose!” rather than being somebody who knows that the momentum will go back and forth and anything can happen right up until the final buzzer sounds.”
  • June – “I’m at the Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) conference in Regina from today until Friday. “
  • July – “The perfect song for both Canada Day and also for a couple of flatlander farmers hanging out with the fishermen in Newfoundland…”
  • August – “I had such an amazing time camping this long weekend at Nickle Lake with Shea’s folks at their seasonal site, I thought I’d do a bulleted list of some of the highlights.”
  • September – “We were at a wedding in my hometown about a month ago.”
  • October – “Earlier today, Shea, Pace and I went to the grand opening of the joint campaign office for three of the NDP candidates in next month’s provincial election – Jaime Garcia, Warren McCall and Trent Wotherspoon.”
  • November – “A great article giving a few examples of how libraries have used crowdsourcing to manage large projects that are beyond the scope of their regular workforce and/or which take advantage of the “Wisdom of Crowds”.”
  • December – “Movember is over and here’s the first and final shot of my ‘stash. “


A Small Pat on the Back (or Is That the Belly?)

As is often the case with many people who gain weight as they get older, I went from a high school graduating weight of 180 lbs to a “freshman fifteen” (okay, forty!) that took me up to around 220 in undergrad to a lifestyle in Calgary that was full of drinking beer, eating out and devouring lots of junk food that took me up to around 250 lbs. That’s the weight which has been, with some slight variations, pretty much around what I’ve weighed for the last ten years or so.

Until this year that is. Without a lot of fanfare or a big announcement, I made the decision earlier this year to try to make a few changes in my life to lose some weight.

I’ve always known on an intellectual level that I should lose weight – for my health, for my energy, for how I’d look and feel in general. But I have a lot of sympathy for people who can’t break bad habits – cigarettes, booze, drugs or what have you – because it was hard to make the leap to making the idea of getting healthy again more than just an something I thought sounded like a good idea into something that was a real and practical good idea.

But back in the summer, knowing that we were booking a trip for Hawaii, less than 12 months after our trip to Cuba and looking at those Cuba photos where I realised I looked more like my 60-year old father-in-law than my 30-something brother-in-law, I decided to make a no-pressure attempt to lose weight just to see what would happen. I would cut out much of my carb intake, greatly reduce the amount of junk food and alcohol I was consuming and try to get a bit more exercise, starting with making sure that I got out for some regular walks. (Part of the “no-pressure” aspect of my attempt was that I’d allow myself to cheat a bit on weekends – I could have a couple beers watching Hockey Night in Canada but maybe not half a dozen. If we went out, I could buy a small bag of chips but I wouldn’t polish off a big one. And so on.)

As I type this today, I weigh 225 lbs and have lost about 30 lbs since mid-July when we got back from Newfoundland (a last “hurrah” of sorts with lots of beer, deep fried fish and fries and other indulgences during that trip!)

This weight loss is without any major commitments to following a particular diet, vastly increasing the amount or type of exercise I do or subscribing to any fads, herbal remedies or other “quick-fixes”. (Or as my doctor exclaimed when I was into to see him on a different matter – “Have you lost weight? Wow – great job!” then after I told him how, he added “That’ll even be better because it’s sustainable. Many people I see who lose weight don’t keep it off because their new diet is too radical of a change or is too difficult or whatever.”)

(On that note, I find it interesting that my doctor noticed my weight loss right away not having seen me for months but family and co-workers I see regularly haven’t noticed unless I mention it. I guess that’s similar to people who rarely see Pace commenting on how he’s changed or grown when I don’t notice this in the same way.)

Anyhow, as I said, I didn’t talk about my attempted weight loss a lot at the start or as it was happening because I didn’t want to draw attention to it and frankly, I wasn’t sure if I’d be successful (I know some people do make a big announcement as a strategy to help keep them focused and/or put pressure on themselves but I decided to go a more subtle, personal route.) In fact, I even refused to call it a “diet” or to have a specific goal in mind of how much I wanted to lose which also helped keep it low-pressure and more of a gradual change.

There are numerous reasons I’ve been successful (and hopefully can continue losing weight until I get down to around 200-220lbs) but I’m always conscious that I could easily re-gain the weight quickly (Shea helpfully reminds me that once your fat cells are “stretched”, they’re eager to regain their former size! Er, that may not be her exact scientific explanation but that’s what I got out of it!)

Anyhow, I thought I’d list the reasons I think I’ve managed to lose weight in case anybody else was curious:

Our Baby’s Growing Up & So Was My Belly
The big impetus (it’s all about the willpower) was two things – looking at Pace and realising that I didn’t want to die of a heart attack when he was 10 or 20 or 30 if I could help it. As I already mentioned, the other thing was looking at pictures of me in Cuba – looking more like my somewhat heavy-set 60-year old father-in-law then my physically active 30-year-old brother-in-law and knowing we were going to Hawaii, deciding that I didn’t want those beach pictures to look the same. In fact, wanting the pictures of me on the beach in Cuba and me on the beach in Hawaii to provide as much contrast at the pale face ones of Shea, Pace and I flying to Cuba are with the same shot in the airplane on the way back of three bronzed, glowing folks.

A Librarian Who Walks Instead of Reads at Lunch?
I spent most of my first 2.5 years at RPL in the staff room reading during my lunch breaks. One particular co-worker invited me to walk with her earlier this spring and we’ve gone out a few times since. After 2+ years at RPL, I realised that maybe a good use of my noon hour is to get outside and get some fresh air and exercise instead of sitting in the staff room reading (I have lots of time for that on the bus to and from work each day.) As I ranged further and further, I realised Wascana Lake isn’t that far and that if I push it, I can do it in the hour I have for lunch (which will likely get even quicker as I get healthier).

Her and I used to disagree about low-carb. I was a believer that ultimately, you need to take in less calories than you use to lose weight – although as usual, Shea’s right about this. She knew low-carb as a great way to do weight quickly and so I decided to go with it since the point is that carbs turn into sugar whereas proteins and veggies are fatty and get processed differently (or something) and leave you less hungry whereas carbs can make you crave eating more. She’s also been a saint in planning and preparing meals that are lots of meats, salads and so on (eggs for breakfast instead of toast & cereal) that have really helped.

Shea’s Folks
Shea’s folks were sort of the guinea pigs for trying to move to a low-carb diet and each of them managed to lose a good bit of weight by cutting out a lot of carbs – bread, pasta, etc. – as well as junk food before I decided to give it a go.

Reddit’s r/LoseIt
There are a few communities on Reddit dedicated to weight-loss (r/keto for extreme low-carb folks, r/paleo is similar) and r/LoseIt is inspiring because the numerous before and after pics posted by others can really help you visualize your own success better than just imagining it. Seeing actual photographic proof that people can lose 25, 50 or 100 pounds is awesome.

This is an app that I saw jogger friends using on Facebook and decided to try for my walking. It uses GPS to track exactly where you go and how far/fast you go then uploads the info to a central web site. This allows you to see daily, weekly and monthy aggregate numbers and can give encouragement (It tells me that I’ve gone walking 64 times for a total of 235km covered. I also love seeing the progression from 3km walked in July to maybe 30 in August to between 40-60km in each of September, October, November and December!)

Heavyset Librarians
I was at an early planning meeting for SILS where a lot of librarians from across the province were in attendance as well. During a break, a colleague and I were talking and this person asked me: “Do you notice something about most of the people in that room?” “No, what?” I replied. “Every single person in that room is overweight.” It was true (including this other person and myself as well.) It wasn’t a major decision in why I decided to try to lose weight (and I’m not saying all librarians are overweight!) But it did stick with me that there’s perhaps something in our lifestyle or our personalities as librarians (maybe just a Saskatchewan thing?) that makes us more susceptible to being overweight (I realize this is a pretty gross (pun not intended) generalization and this is probably the type of observation that would be true of lots of groups in today’s overly obese society. Also, that this person’s observation just happened to be true of that particular group that had assembled on that particular day. But anyhow, that observation has stuck with me for some reason and was probably in the back of my mind as I thought of all the cakes and cookies and doughnuts that we tend to go through at the library for farewell parties and branch anniversaries and whatnot.)

A Cool Facebook Status Update

A friend just posted this (and I know we’ve all been there after an all-nighter with Mr. Potter or Ms. Everdeen or whoever)…

I nearly called in book for work today: “I’m really sorry but I’m feeling really book today and I don’t think I can come in. I really don’t feel my work will be very good when I’m feeling this book. Hopefully I will be feeling less book tomorrow(although somehow I doubt it)…” Just got the last three books in the Earth’s Children series!! It’s so exciting and I’m learning so much!! : )

How Excited Am I For Hawaii?

Feeling like I’ve exhausted every web site, guidebook and YouTube clip in existence, I find myself paging through the online weekly flyer for a Kauai-based supermarket, wondering if the prices are really as bad as they say (not really) and thinking about some of the different meals we’ll be able to make in our condo rental (mmm, spam!).