Secular Sunday – Chocolate Crosses

Saw a supply of these in the Minot Wal-Mart a couple years ago and couldn’t decide whether to laugh, be offended (even as a non-Christian) or marvel at how crass capitalism can be sometimes!

“Hey kids, enjoy this chocolate cross that represents where a man died for your sins!”

“Oh, yummy!”

Saturday Snap – Silly Smile


Friday Fun Link – Listen To Every Single Music Genre Ever

Someone posted an article on Facebook about a cool site called Every Noise At Once.

The site allows you to listen to samples and playlists of every kind of genre of music there is, grouped by similarity and searchable by artist, location and many other ways.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Before Target, There Was Zellers (September 2009)

Target is now closed for good in Regina after teaching a lesson in how not to run a business.  (I still remember reading an interview with some Target big wig right before they opened who said something like: “Oh, we don’t intend to have lower prices than our competition.  We’ll price to match the market.”)

Even if that was their philosophy, why would you say that in the media???

Anyhow, here’s a pic from September 2009 of Shea and Pace coming out of Zellers at the Northgate Mall which became Target and which will now, if other locations in Regina is any indication, will soon become a gym of some sort. 😉 Zellers Regina

55 Things Only 80’s Boys Can Understand

BuzzFeed has some pretty accurate listicles sometimes!

The Raw After Wrestlemania

Sunday night was Wrestlemania, the biggest PPV show on the WWE’s annual calendar.

And after lots of doubts about the lead-up, it turned out to be one of the best Wrestlemanias of all-time in many observer’s opinions.

Almost as good is the Raw After Wrestlemania

Imagine your favorite dramatic TV series, say, Game of Thrones or Mad Men, but performed live in front of a rowdy focus group that shows their disdain for bad scenes by chanting the names of their favorite former cast members when the current ones starts boring them. Maybe they have some fun and add—and sing—their own lyrics to the show’s theme song. Maybe they lose their minds when some bit character gets a cameo, because she’s their favorite character. Maybe they remember that, oh yeah, they’re on TV, too and just start chanting about how awesome they are. At times, you see, they’re trying to make themselves the stars of the show.

This is Twitter replying as a TV show. This is Facebook snark and YouTube comments as part of a TV show.

This is the Red Wedding with the ability to hear the audience gasp. This is Brian Williams’ televised apology with a studio audience chanting “We want Brokaw” in the background.

This is when the hardest-of-hardcore wrestling fans, who travel from around the world to watch the “Super Bowl of Pro Wrestling” then stick around for the following night’s live broadcast of the WWE’s flagship show, Raw and take the crowd-interaction/performance art aspect of wrestling to a  level you’ll never see anywhere else!

Music Monday – “Well it’s all right/Even if you’re old and gray/Well, it’s all right/You still got something to say”

I always think of The Traveling Wilburys as a bit of a hidden gem that people don’t really know.  So I was pretty surprised to hear this song, which pre-dates most Internet-era music, still has nearly 10 million views on YouTube…

“End of the Line” – Traveling Wilburys

Post-Wrestlemania XXXI Discussion on Reddit

Pretty great show this year!

Saturday Snap – Making Salad


Friday Fun Link – 25 Things Dads Are Hardly Told To Do For Their Daughters (But Should Anyhow)

Some good advice