Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Moving A House Off The Farm Into Weyburn (Fall 2005)

It was about ten years ago that Shea’s parents picked their house up off the farm in Creelman, SK and moved it in to a lot in Weyburn.

Pretty amazing thing to have witnessed…
Dennis and Joan's House Move


One Month ‘Til Christmas!

May your resident librarian recommend a book to help you pass the next few weeks? 😉

Bryan Trottier: A Letter To My Younger Self

This is a great article by one of my favourite NHL players of all-time on one of my two favourite teams – from the anecdotes about not just playing pond hockey in rural Saskatchewan but his dad clearing a beaver dam to make it happen to the leadership lessons of “Badger” Bob Johnson with his relentless good spirit and positivity…

Your coach in Pittsburgh will be “Badger” Bob Johnson. Appreciate this man, because your time with him will be cut prematurely short. He’ll be the most positive human being you’ll ever meet. He will make you realize, perhaps for the first time, that you’re playing a kid’s game for a living. That every day at the rink is a good day, no matter what.

You’ll lose a game 7-1, and Badger will come into the locker room and say, “Well boys, eight goals tonight. But we scored the prettiest one. See you at practice tomorrow.”

First thing the next morning, he’ll say to Kevin Stevens, “Kev! You’re an animal! I wanna hear you roar like a lion!”

And Kevin will roar like a lion.

…to Trottier’s take on the infamous trash talk incident with Brian Bellows.

Music Monday – “So let’s open up a bottle of whiskey/And make a toast to better days/Then I’ll crank out a tune and by the light of the moon/I will dance on Stephen Harper’s Grave.

Hard to believe the election was a month ago already.  I had this one bookmarked to post on Election Night but got caught up live blogging the election instead.

But now’s just as good as then!

“Stephen Harper’s Grave” – John Muller

Saturday Snap – Christmas Tree Update

We’ve had a blue and silver themed tree since we lived in Calgary when those colours fit into our condo’s young hip colour scheme. 😉

Our Blue and Silver Christmas Tree

Now that we’re older and more mature, we thought it was finally time to change to a warmer colour scheme that better matched the colours in our home (also decorations were half off after Christmas last year and we finally decided to buy some new ones!)

Our Red and Gold Christmas Tree

Friday Fun Link – WWE’s Luke Harper Previously Worked As School Librarian

This is pretty funny when you think about it.

Yep, this guy…

Also this story…

Harper was a librarian while working on the indies. He told a story how he was busted open in a cage match with Cesaro, couldn’t really stop the bleeding and had to wear a hat during work the next Monday morning.

This is three hours after Shea started to put Sasha to bed…


“First Snow of the Year” – Hawksley Workman

Posting this video is an annual tradition.

And I could get used to posting it a few days past the middle of November although the trade-off is that the “snow” today was slushie rain this morning that basically turned the whole city into curling rink ice while I had a lunch meeting I walked to near my library then another meeting at a branch on the other side of the city.  Fun times!

Bankrupt Rdio Is Being Bought Out and Discontinued. (Fuck)

Rdio Screenshot

After a few days of focus on Paris and the serious issues of the world, time to get back to my First World Problems (which are defined by Google as: “a relatively trivial or minor problem or frustration, implying a contrast with serious problems such as those that may be experienced in the developing world.”)

That’s true but this one is a doozy., a streaming music site I’ve belonged to for about three years and where I’ve spent hours and hours of my life adding albums and songs to my library, curating that music and creating playlists, is being bought out by Pandora, a much larger streaming service.  But Pandora is buying Rdio mostly for their intellectual property/staff/assets and has said that they have no plans to continue the Rdio service in any form – as is or even modified.

That sucks.

I mean, there are tonnes of other similar services – Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, Google Music, Rhapsody/Napster, etc. etc. – all with their advantages and disadvantages.

But the thing is that music is personal and I’d gotten *very* used to how Rdio worked and it sucks to think about re-learning another system, not to mention trying to re-create all of the aspects of my account that I’ve built slowly over the past three years (though there are some sites popping up to help with the process at least.)

Spotify is looking like it’ll be my new musical home but even though it has more subscribers, it’s seen as an inferior yet more successful competitor.  Plus I’ve screwed that up too. Generally, I have a policy of *never* joining a web site using my Facebook account if there’s an option to create one with username/password.  But for some stupid reason (well, since Spotify was US-only at the time and I never thought there’d be a day when I’d be looking to switch), I broke my own rule and created a Spotify account with Facebook during a trip to the US in 2012.

Again, not the end of the world but since there’s no (easy) way to switch back to my preferred log-in method (at least if I want to keep the account connected to my preferred e-mail and user name), that sucks too (to the point that I might consider a different service – Deezer is intriguing – on that basis alone!)

I don’t know – the whole thing is the definition of a first world problem – but this news has really thrown me for a loop today if you can believe it.

Music Monday – “Je ne tiens pas debout/Le ciel coule sur mes mains/Je ne tiens pas debout/Le ciel coule sur…” (I can’t stand/The sky flows on my hands/I can’t stand/The sky flows on”

This French group was on “The Daily Show” with Trevor Noah recently.

I thought it was a fitting choice after the week we’ve just had (and I’m usually pretty excited for political discussions on Facebook but the amount of racism and fear and stupidity makes me miss the cat videos!)

Christine” – Christine and the Queens