Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Library From Above (August 2012)

One of my favourite things about any library I’ve ever worked in – whether it was some small town library in SE Saskatchewan on the Central Branch of Regina Public Library, is having the opportunity to be in the library before it opens to the public.


Regina Public Library Before Opening

A Math Puzzle That Went Viral in Japan

So I saw this on Facebook then looked up a more detailed explanation on YouTube to try to understand why this is getting so much attention.

I’m not sure if it’s true or not but they say that something like 90% of people who went to school in the 1980’s could solve it but only 60% of people who went to school in the 1990’s/2000’s could.

I guess it all hinges on if you were taught (or remember) how to do multi-step math problems like this.  The memory trick (which I’d forgotten) is PEMDAS which means you do the stuff in parentheses first then the exponents then the multiplication then division then addition then subtraction.

You *don’t* just work from left to right and to solve this correctly, you must also not do what appears to be “double division” in the middle of the problem (I’ve purposely described that in a confusing way in case anybody reading this still wants to try to solve the problem in the thumbnail below.)

I’m proud to say I did get it right (like 90% of people who went to school in the 1980’s) but I’m also embarrassed to say it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what 3 divided by one third was! 😉

A Selfie A Day For 8.5 Years

Following yesterday’s post about a guy who created a montage of him singing a single song over five years, here’s a new record holder – one selfie every day for 8.5 years!


Music Monday – “Time came a-creeping, oh, and time’s a loaded gun/Every road is a ray of light/It goes on, time only can lead you on/Still, it’s such a beautiful night”

A young guy took photos of himself every day for five straight years to create this montage of a Coldplay song.

Spoiler alert but since the thumbnail he picked gives it away anyhow, it appears that he came up with a pretty cool way to commemorate his undergrad years…

Life in Technicolour” – Coldplay

Some Reasons… (For My Mom)

Me and Mom

(Terribly blurry photo but I realise that I don’t take very many photos with just my mom and also that I probably shouldn’t take selfies after drinking mojitos!)

So a few years back, soon after Pace was born, I was thinking a lot about father-son relationships.  Because of that, I decided to post a list of some of the (many) reasons I loved my dad.

I posted that list for my dad’s birthday and meant to post a similar list for my mom as well.  But the idea slipped my mind and I kept forgetting to do it as different opportunities arose – her birthday or other Mother’s Days.

So, better late than never, here is my list of “Some Reasons” for my mom…

  • I love my mom because she was a nurse at a time when not many women had professional careers.
  • I also love that, in part because my mom had a good paying job, our family enjoyed a very solid middle class lifestyle, moving into a new house in the “suburbs” of town when I was quite young, taking lots of family trips, having enough money to spoil their son and so on.
  • I love my mom because of the many advantages I had growing up with a nurse as a mom.  I always joke that “my friends had to go to the doctor every time they had a sniffle but mom never took me to the doctor unless a bone was sticking out of my body!” But that’s almost more truthful than joking! 😉
  • I love that my mom was the best cook growing up. (Now it’s a tie between her and Shea of course!) 😉
  • Like so many kids growing up in small rural towns in the 1970’s/80’s, I loved so many experiences mom gave me growing up – everything from getting to see how you made bread from scratch to all aspects of growing vegetables in a garden to her letting me even try a puff of her cigarette when I saw somebody do a trick on TV blowing smoke bubbles.  (My smoke bubble didn’t work and that was one of the few puffs of a cigarette I ever had in my life.)
  • Speaking of that, I *love* that my mom quit smoking when she did.
  • On the other hand, I love that mom enjoys a drink or three on occasion (as I often join her!) 😉
  • I love that mom makes homemade wine.
  • I don’t exactly love the fact that my mom’s parents decided to move to BC the very year I was born – that makes it sound like I was the worst baby ever!  But I do love the fact that mom’s parents living in BC also gave me all kinds of amazing, unique experiences – annual trips to Kelowna, picking peaches right off the tree G&G had in their backyard, hunting for Ogopogo while swimming in Okanagan Lake and many many more.
  • I was pretty young, maybe four or five, when we went to the local IGA for groceries one day but I still remember how she told me I couldn’t have a package of Smarties.  Since they were right there in front of me, I put the package in my pocket and walked out, pretty proud of my ingenuity.  But when I pulled them out in the car, mom walked me back into the store, made me pay for them and more importantly, made me apologize for stealing – an important lesson imprinted at a very young age.
  • I often debate where I got my love of books and reading from – dad or mom – but I do know that my mom has been in the past and currently is back serving on the board of the local public library branch I grew up with so that’s definitely one point on her side of the ledger.
  • Should I mention that I loved that mom had a big collection of romance novels so I may or may not have read the “naughty” parts for “enlightenment” in the days before the Internet? 🙂
  • Speaking of public service, both mom and dad have always been involved in service organizations, local boards/committees and so on.  So that’s a strong example for me. Although I have currently pulled back on almost all volunteer stuff since Sasha was born, I have also been involved in a number of activities over the year – volunteer, political, library-related, etc. over the years.  I probably won the Spirit of Librarianship Award at FIMS in part because I did what my parents showed me to do – jump right in, get involved, start things, try things, etc.
  • I love that my mom was active in the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses in a variety of roles over the years and although she was never a huge “rah rah union!” person, her involvement showed me firsthand the importance of unions in protecting the rights of working people among many other insights I gained from her time in the union.
  • Mom was able to spend many nights in hotels in Regina, Saskatoon and elsewhere during union meetings/bargaining/etc. so we were often able to join her for a visit and/or a swim and/or a meal.
  • I love that mom is so extroverted and whether it was a family reunion, a block party or after-hours at a union meeting, her room or our house would often become the social centre.
  • I love how many people still, to this day, randomly tell me how good of a nurse my mom was, how she helped them, how she was compassionate, or even how how she didn’t indulge them or take any shit!
  • Part of that comes from the pride I know my mom took in working hard and doing a good job.
  • Looking back at that list I made for my dad, I mentioned how he’d play “double or nothing” at cards repeatedly until I won back all the money I lost (or I “won” some sum.)  Mom was always a lot more competitive and less likely to cut me breaks at cards or board games or whatever but I love that she was teaching me some important lessons with that approach too.
  • I love that my mom made a profit on the car she bought in the early 1970’s which she sold only a few short years ago!
  • I love that Sasha looks so much like my mom and reminds me of her every time I look at Sasha.

Those are just a few random thoughts and memories off the top of my head.

I love you mom – Happy Mother’s Day!

Saturday Snap – @BernieSanders Speaks Outside Public Library After Winning Indiana #feelthebern

Just when I thought I couldn’t love this guy any more, he pops up on the late night news speaking in front of a public library!

(Sorry for the crappy photo – taken in a darkened room of a crappy TV.)

Bernie Sanders Speaks In Front of Public Library

Friday Fun Link – The Leicester Miracle

This is a great summary of the incredible season of underdog British football team, Leicester Foxes.

Whether you follow international soccer or not, stories like this are what make sport so engaging.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Aunt Sandi’s Coming (June 2011)

Pace and Sasha are excited for Aunt Sandi to arrive for her annual visit next week.

Here’s a pic of her and Pace from a few years ago…

Pace and Aunt Sandi

The Spectacular Pundit Failure on Donald Trump

Here’s an article about how many pundits and insiders predicted definitely that there was no way that Donald Trump could win even one state, become the front runner, outlast establishment candidates like Jeb Bush and John Kasich, defeat all other candidates to become the nominee, become the President of the United States?

One of my biggest pet peeves is the amount of people online who are *absolutely* certain that there’s no way that Donald Trump could beat Hillary Clinton.

That’s a *very* dangerous position to hold, given what Trump has managed to accomplish this far.

(Belated) Music Monday – “Abandon all reason/Avoid all eye contact/Do not react/Shoot the messengers”

I forgot to do a Music Monday post yesterday but it worked out okay because this video showed up in my News Feed today!

Most people figured a new Radiohead song/album was imminent as Radiohead, already known for very unique albums releases, had done something very unique in the past few days.

In our hyper-viral attention economy, they decided to completely scrub their online presence – deleting all official band Tweets, Facebook posts and blanking their home page.

Of course this got the rest of the Internet buzzing with massive speculation about what it all meant.  And now we know – a new album is on its way!

“Burn The Witch” – Radiohead