Some Random Thoughts on Don McMorris’ Resignation #skpoli

Image from

Here’s a few random thoughts on yesterday’s resignation (from Cabinet but not as a sitting MLA) of Don McMorris, who was Saskatchewan’s Deputy Premier and (ironically) Minister Responsible for Sask Government Insurance (SGI) and Sask Liquor & Gaming Authority (SLGA).

  • McMorris was apparently caught on his way back to Regina from Fort Qu’Appelle so unfortunately, it’s not just a matter of skipping a $20 cab ride which is at least an option for intoxicated drivers in a city, whether they take it or not.
  • The rural nature of our province is definitely a factor in Saskatchewan having the highest rate of drunk driving per capita in Canada.
  • I can see both sides of the argument – on one hand, McMorris made a mistake as numerous other people have (one person in my family received a 24-hour suspension and another lost their license.  I’ve never had a DUI but had to blow once and blew under the limit after leaving a bar.  But my blood alcohol level was definitely trending upwards and if the timing was different or the cop in a different frame of mind, who knows what could have happened?)  On the other hand, the guy is (was) the Minister for SGI and even very recently promoted anti-drunk driving programs so yeah, this looks *really* bad on him compared to some 20-year old college kid who gets caught or even a 50-something yahoo who gets busted at Craven or whatever.
  • I also wonder if people’s reactions would be different if he’d not just been caught but if he’d been in an accident or, god forbid, killed someone.
  • On the question of whether he should lose his job or not, that usually depends on whether your job requires you to drive and/or if you have some company policy about not having DUI’s/criminal records and/or if your position is high profile/role model-type position. One comparable with another high profile case that comes to mind is Manfred Joeneck (sp?) who quit as Regina’s CTV supper news anchor after being caught drinking and driving although I think he had a couple other drinking and driving incidents that may have played a part in him leaving (being asked to leave?) as well?
  • I don’t know if he’s had any previous DUI-type infractions but if f I remember correctly, McMorris was visibly well into his cups on Election Night and given the size of the Sask Party victory, that might be expected. But in hindsight, that may have been another indication that he was making bad choices. I know many people (across the political spectrum) expressed disappointment at the time that McMorris was acting more like the rude drunk uncle who grabs the mic at a wedding than a politician at the highest level of government.
  • [Edit: More info has come to light.  McMorris was driving back to Regina at *noon* on a Friday in a *government vehicle* and was caught in a *reduced speed construction zone*.  None of those things should make his offense any worse than being caught at midnight in his own car on a regular highway.  But the reality is that all three keep adding up to make this a *very* egregious violation, above and beyond his role as a high-profile Minister with responsibility for both safe driving and liquor sales.]
  • [Edit 2: Oh, and he was apparently a high school driver’s ed teacher before entering politics.  Of course…]

Friday Fun Link – The World Wide Web is 25 Years Old, Here Are The 25 Funniest Things To Ever Happen Online

I can’t decide if I should feel special or like a giant nerd that I remember seeing most of these when they went viral.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Three Obituaries

Usually Throwback Thursday is for a photo from the old days but I’ve got a collection of obituaries I’ve come across recently that I thought I’d discuss instead since all three send me down memory lane in different ways…

  • Author, publisher, businessman and activist, Mel Hurtig, passed away yesterday. I never got to meet him in person but did speak with him on the phone once when I worked for the Writers Guild of Alberta.  One year, I had the enjoyable job of calling authors who were shortlisted for an Alberta Book Award and was especially looking forward to calling Mr. Hurtig whose books I’d read in undergrad political science classes and whose reputation definitely preceded him.  I explained why I was calling and he replied “Well, Jason, do I have to be there?”  I’m a bit slow on the uptake so I repeated that he’d been shortlisted for an award and if he attended, the Awards Gala would comp him a ticket.  “Yes, I know that.  But do I have to be there?  Is there a good reason for me to make sure I attend this ceremony?”  Realisation dawned and I quickly consulted my cheat sheet of juror selections.  “Uhm, no, you don’t have to be there.”  “Thank-you, have a good day.  Good luck with your awards.”  😉
  • I was sad to read in a my FIMS alumni newsletter about the passing of Dr. David Spencer. In library school, I ended up taking a History of Information class with Dr. Spencer that was jointly offered to students in the Faculty of Library Science and the Faculty of Journalism.  Dr. Spencer was a great prof, I totally loved the class and it ended up being my highest mark in the program (not counting our joke of a Management class where everybody in the class got 90%+) and which always left me wondering if I should’ve gone into journalism instead of librarianship? Part of the reason I got such a good mark was because I gave what I felt was possibly my best presentation of library school as my final assignment in the class.  I was the final speaker on the final day of presentations and I still remember Dr. Spencer saying “I can’t think of a better note to end this class on than that presentation.  The class was about the history of information but you’ve given us a glimpse of the future.”
  • The third and final obituary I’ve seen recently is also the one that hits closest to home – that of my dad’s sister, Verna Buechler. My dad is from a family of ten kids and it almost feels like a statistically improbability that all ten managed to make it to their late 60’s, most are in their 70’s and four are now in their 80’s. But no one lives forever and unfortunately, Aunt Verna, who’s been on dialysis for over a decade and has also been battling cancer for quite a while, was the first to pass away even though she’s the sixth oldest.  Very sad for the family.

Ten Reasons Our Recent Camping Trip Was Perhaps Our Best Ever

On the Road

We’re back from a week and a half of camping – one week at Greenwater Provincial Park and then, after a quick night in Regina, another few days at Shea’s parents’ seasonal site in Weyburn.

Both parts were great but Shea and I agreed that the week in Greenwater was maybe our best camping trip ever.


  1. We were able to change our reservation to arrive a day earlier than planned which meant this was probably also our longest uninterrupted camping trip ever.
  2. We had amazing weather all week – not too hot, not too cold, no rain except briefly in the early morning of our first night.  The mosquitos weren’t that bad either which was a pleasant surprise.
  3. We had two other groups camping with us – my parents camped at the next site down the road plus a family we know who have a boy in Pace’s grade and another boy who’s a couple years older than Sasha ended up camping right across the road from us.  (We had planned which campground to be in and roughly which area but given the “first-come, first-serve” booking system that Saskatchewan uses, it was pure luck that they ended up so close to us!)
  4.  We had a week that was a perfect mix of relaxation (sitting drinking coffee with Bailey’s in the morning waiting for the kids to wake up, campfire every night) and activities (playing football in front of our sites, stand-up paddle boarding, going on a pontoon boat ride.)
  5. My family had gone to Greenwater numerous times when I was a kid and I had fond memories of the park but hadn’t been back in years.  So it was cool to be there with both my parents and my kids to experience it again.
  6. We had a variety of great meals but most memorable was our “Appy Hour” pot luck where everyone brought a couple different appetizers and all were delicious!
  7. Moving beyond “smorts” (as we still call “s’mores” after a mis-pronounciation of Pace’s when he was little), we learned how to make “Campfire Eclairs” (and had some R-rated humour joking about how the whipped cream got injected into the roasted dough!) 😉
  8. We did a homemade “Campground Bingo” scavenger hunt (example here) with the kids and it was both great fun and great exercise.  As with the “Campfire Eclairs”, we re-did this in Weyburn and both were big hits each time.
  9. Instead of pulling the rPod with our van, we borrowed Shea’s dad’s truck for the trip and although our van pulls fine most of the time, my main takeaway was that I had no times where I felt nervous pulling with a truck.  When I pull with the van, I still get nervous going up and down bigger hills, pulling in rain (or sometimes pulling up and down hills *in the rain*!), if there’s wind, etc.  With the truck, there was none of that.  As well, having a truck allowed us to pack a lot heavier than we normally do including all three of our bikes plus Sasha’s pull behind carrier which we enjoyed using to explore the park, both as a family and also so Pace and his buddy could explore at will.
  10. Pace and his friend also got to have a “Movie Night” where they showed a few of the videos they’d created at the home-based babysitter they both go to which was pretty fun too!

Appy Hour Meal at Greenwater

Saturday Snap – Gone Camping!

We’re off camping for the next couple weeks so posts will likely be few and far between…unless the kids end up building a really cute fort out of firewood and I have to post a picture! 😉

Log Fort

Friday Fun Link – God, I Miss Jon Stewart

Luckily, he’s living under Stephen Colbert’s “Late Show” desk…

(Oh, and here’s a summary of 25 of Trump’s biggest lies, exaggerations and misrepresentations from his convention speech last night.)

An Open Letter From A Sanders Supporter to Democrats Calling For “Unity”

This is long but worth a read…

Dear Democrats,

As the absurd Trump convention grinds on, somewhere in Philadelphia I imagine there is an army of volunteers inflating one hundred thousand colorful balloons. It is no secret that not all of us are going to be in a celebratory mood when those balloons rain down upon the heads of the new nominee and that of her husband, the 42nd President of the United States. My bittersweet moment of excitement will have come and gone by then. It will take place on Monday night, when Senator Bernie Sanders will make his speech to the convention.

Many have been the calls for unity before those balloons are released. Many have been the angry, accusatory columns written by Democratic columnists decrying the “Bernie Bros,” the “millennials,” the “unrealistic,” and the “naïve.” Just to be clear, I happen to not be any of those things. But what if I were? Despite being neither millennial nor naïve nor bro, I still resent every one of these slights. They are unhelpful at best. At worst, they are insulting, dehumanizing and marginalizing of the very best of human intentions. What exactly is wrong with being a millennial? Being hopeful and idealistic? Wanting everyone to get a fair shake? Being against war and for justice? Being concerned about the poor, the working class, and the middle class? Is it really so wrong to be disappointed with the way partisan politics, including on the Democratic side, has been going?

You can marginalize us and minimize our concerns, you can seek unity with us, but you can’t do both. Unity requires dialogue. It is in this spirit that I am writing this letter to you.

Some things just won’t work. Pointing out your Trump card, who is actually named Trump, is not enough to achieve any sense that we are on the same page. All progressives are horrified at the prospect of Trump as president. That, however, is not enough to cause me to celebrate when those balloons drop. A common opponent is not unity.

So here is my little attempt to communicate across a divide. I am saddened, first of all, by the fact that I have no idea where to send this. To the email addresses of every superdelegate? To Debbie Wasserman Schultz herself? To the letters to the editor section of a local newspaper? To Slate or Salon, The Nation or The Atlantic? After this year, I have no idea how a progressive voter who has been dissatisfied with the Democrats for his entire life can hope to be heard.

In 1992 I served as a delegate for Jerry Brown to the Vermont State Democratic Convention, when we were trying to beat the first Clinton. Bill won the presidency promising law and order and an “end to welfare as we know it.” He was so in favor of the death penalty that he left the campaign trail to see that a mentally handicapped man on death row was executed in Arkansas. As president he signed the North American Free Trade Agreement, the first of a series of “free trade” agreements that have destroyed the middle class in the years since. He signed the legislation that ended the Glass Steagall Act. He and his supporters ended whatever was left of FDR’s Democratic Party and replaced it with what was essentially pro-choice Republicanism. A kinder and gentler Republican Party.

Democrats rejoiced. After years of wandering in the wilderness of Reagan and Bush Sr., Bill Clinton had showed the way to win again. As a bonus, Democratic coffers surely filled with money from big business now that the party had so solidly come into their fold.

I did not rejoice. Nor did Bernie Sanders. We wanted to continue the proud tradition of being the liberal party, the party of the working class.

An argument ensued, an argument that has not ceased to this day. The argument that unfolded between Hillary and Bernie this year was not new. It has been going on for decades. The Clinton forces argued that we could no longer be the party of the New Deal. We could no longer win that way. The country had changed.

Our job, the liberals countered, was not to give in, was not to emulate the Republicans in order to win, but to fight for our ideals, to educate. To bring voters back to us through consistency and truth.

A quarter of a century has passed and certain results are now in. The cries for “law and order” have left the United States with the most people in prison in the entire world, more than authoritarian China. That is shameful. The endless tax breaks for the rich and corporations have left our once great infrastructure in shambles. The calls for “free trade” have led to the complete decimation of our manufacturing base and of our middle class, just as was predicted.

One can only wonder what might have been if the negotiations for those agreements had focused on protecting our workers and the environment instead of simply giving corporate America places to make their stuff as cheaply as possible. One can only wonder how much better things might have been if we had said to China, “If you want to make our gadgets, your workers must have democratic rights, the right to organize, and a living wage. Your environmental standards must be comparable to ours, both on paper and on the ground. We will not give up these environmental and work standards that our people have fought for, for generations, for a quick buck.”

So clear are the results of the Democrats’ twenty-five year experiment with Republican-lite, that even Hillary Clinton, one of the original champions of the so-called Third Way, now claims to be an economic progressive.

So here I am, dredging up the past and crying “I told you so.” Of course that can’t be the point. The point is that not everyone got these things wrong. The liberal and progressive voices of our party, who have been marginalized year after year, stand before you vindicated. Bernie Sanders stands before you vindicated.

Your candidate says, “I voted for the Iraq war. I was wrong.” “I was for “free trade” agreements, hell, I was even for TPP not long ago. I was wrong.” “I called certain of my fellow Americans ‘superpredators’ and said we have to ‘bring them to heel.’ I was wrong.” But not only that. Not only are you choosing a candidate who consistently finds herself on the wrong side of history, you are choosing a candidate that is insincere even in her flip-flops. If you were wrong about the Iraq war, then why advocate for the Libyan one, creating yet more chaos and yet more space for ISIS? If you were wrong about “free-trade,” then why won’t you sign off on an anti-TPP statement in the Democratic platform? If we are honest, we all know the answer to these questions.

So why? Why should we continue down this terrible path? Everyone knows the answer to that too: money. Money that comes out of the pockets of working Americans and goes into the pockets of the rich and powerful. Money that is diverted from building the modern infrastructure that our country needs to succeed and goes instead to paying for tax-cuts for the wealthy. Money that is desperately needed to pay for healthcare and education and instead is squandered on prisons and foolish military interventions. Money that should be fairly paid by the rich as taxes that instead is spent on lobbying lawmakers who then pass rules that send that same money to stockholders and executives instead of workers.

Since all of this is known to all informed adults in this “our” party, am I really out of line when I point out that one of our major candidates has made, with her husband, 153 million dollars for giving speeches in the last 15 years, including 6.7 million dollars for speeches since the beginning of 2015 alone, and 2.7 million dollars by Bill after Hillary officially kicked off her campaign, while the other seems satisfied to live on his Senate salary and social security?

Bill and Hillary Clinton are not Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. They did not bring the world Windows or the iPhone. They did not create thousands upon thousands of jobs. Their income derives simply from their political influence. It may be old-fashioned, but many people still feel that the political influence of a member of the liberal, we the people’s party should not be for sale.

As of today, neither candidate has gotten the nomination. According to the rules, neither of them has gotten enough pledged delegates to win. It will be the superdelegates who will decide. It was profoundly wrong and undemocratic for hundreds of them to declare their allegiance to Clinton before a single vote was cast. That is done, but before they finish the job and vote at the convention I feel obligated to point out yet another thing:

Having a candidate or president who always skirts the rules has very negative effects on everyone in the United States. This goes beyond the simple selling of influence, which unfortunately remains legal in this country.

We all remember the impeachment of Bill Clinton. We were all horrified that the Republicans would abuse their power in such a blatant way and drag us all through that sordid affair over what was essentially a private matter. I certainly do. The loss to the country in dignity and time wasted and policies not considered can never be measured. The fact that the Republicans shouldn’t have done it does nothing to change the fact that the President of the United States should not have been having sex in the Oval Office with an intern who was 22 years old at the time. He should not have lied about it to the public. He certainly should not have lied about it under oath.

The Republicans have proven that given the chance, they will do these things. The simplest way to avoid this kind of destructive situation is to elect presidents who are honest and dependable, whose character and decision-making are unassailable. People like President Obama. People like Bernie Sanders.

Hillary Clinton should not have tried to shield her emails from public recordkeeping laws, FOIA requests and congressional investigations. However unimportant you believe it to be, the fact remains that she did so for approximately six years. She only turned over these government records when asked to by the State Department. This is only the latest of these highly questionable personal decisions that seem to constantly come up when she is involved. You can be sure that when she is president, Republicans will spend ridiculous amounts of time and tax-payer money on these so-called “issues.” Our political process will again be hijacked by this endless, needless, utterly unproductive argument about her character. This is just what is meant by the term “Clinton fatigue.”

There are those who say that this is just what makes her a great candidate. She has been “vetted.” She is tough and has taken endless attacks and abuse. She is “ready to fight.” That is a ridiculous argument. The fact is that these kind of issues are a waste of the people’s time, their money and their good will. They are completely unnecessary.

For proof that they are unnecessary, look no further than President Obama. He is as hated by Republicans as Hillary is. Yet he is not under investigation. The FBI has not recently called him “extremely careless” with state secrets. He has not been caught in multiple public lies this year. Surely the Republicans would gladly do to him what they have done to Clinton if given the chance. The fact is that he has not given them the chance. He is clean. This makes a huge difference, both in terms of what a president can accomplish in his or her limited time, and in how the world sees the United States of America.

By ignoring this, you are condemning the United States to an unending and destructive argument about the Clintons’ decisions and character instead of a focus on important issues. This need for us to focus on issues is why Bernie Sanders famously declared that he was “sick and tired of your emails.” The Republicans will have no such priorities. Bernie Sanders, like President Obama, is clean. His presidency would have been one about the issues facing the American people.

As I have said, the high point of the convention for me will be Senator Sanders’ speech. I am sure many of you are hoping that his speech will be full of effusive praise for Secretary Clinton and an exuberant declaration that she is the one true answer to all of the problems that America faces. I certainly hope not, for that will rob me and millions of others like me of even that bittersweet moment. Rather, I hope (and expect) that the senator will decry the destructiveness of Donald Trump and the importance of keeping him out of the White House, a position I agree with wholeheartedly, and leave it at that.

I expect the rest of his speech will be the very same one that he has been making for all of the last year, and really, for decades: full of broadsides against millionaires and billionaires who should not be able to buy the U.S. government along with everything else that they have usurped, cries for justice and dignity for the poor and the working class, a hopeful list of the things that we can create if we just all pull together: a single-payer Medicare for all healthcare system, free public college, a new and modern infrastructure instead of the sadly crumbling one we now possess. All of the greatest hits.

Bernie has said many times over the course of his campaign that it isn’t about him, it is about us, about millions of people coming together to say “enough is enough.” That is true. It is also about policy. It is about finding real solutions to real problems and then fighting for them everyday. You Democrats are angry at me for saying that this is not what you have been doing all along. I am angry at you for all of the reasons I have listed.

Can we unify? Maybe. Perhaps not by the time you celebrate your balloon drop, but over the course of the next years as all of these young awakened people come into their own and use all that they’ve learned in the past year to fight for a better world? Maybe.

For us, it will begin with your party showing us that you want it to be our party too.

We can find unity if together we can field honest, ethically-clean candidates. Candidates who have spent their careers in service to the public, not to their own personal power and their wealthy contributors. Candidates who are ready to stand up to the economic royalists, as FDR so rightly called them.

Bernie Sanders and the rest of the progressive wing of this party are ready to move forward with the momentum that they’ve gained this year. Will you treat them with respect? Refrain from marginalizing them? When in the majority will you give their bills a vote on the floor? Will you work with them to create a better, more progressive America?

I hope so. That will be what I call unity.

(via Reddit)

Throwback Thursday – Our New rPod182G Camper (August 2014)

Hard to believe we’ve already had our camper for three summers (well, two and a bit since we bought it near the end of the season three years ago.)

We’ve had a lot of fun with it so far, travelled to parks across the province and after a quick trip out to Rowan’s Ravine last weekend for my birthday weekend, we’re about to head out for another couple weeks’ of camping starting next week!

(Oh, and I should mention that Rowan’s Ravine set a new record as we had around a dozen different people pop into our site asking for a better look at our rPod 182G which is still a very unique, uncommon RV!)



So you have to be living under a rock to have not heard about the new augmented reality map-based game, Pokemon Go!.  I first heard about it when it was all over Reddit, soon after its release in early July.

I have to be honest – my first reaction was to ignore it as I thought of Pokemon as a kid’s game/cartoon from the 90’s and that this was some weird throwback retro video game to appeal to kids who grew up in that generation.

But I quickly realised there was more to it – Reddit seemed absolutely obsessed by it and players around the world were even taking an extra step of spoofing their App Store accounts to appear to be Americans, just to download the game early.

My first direct exposure to the game was when I had a kid come into my branch a week ago (before the game was officially released in Canada) with his mom who managed to be both disgusted and impressed – “I hate how obsessed he is with these silly video games but I like that he wants to leave the house to come with me so he can play this new one!”

My staff mentioned they’d seen a few other people coming in to our branch which is apparently a “Pokestop” where you can get extra supplies in the game (libraries are prime locations to capture Pokemons as they’re natural congregating points for the general public) so I sent out a quick note to my staff with some background about the game and a photo I took of some of the creatures the kid had captured.

Pokemon at Regent Branch, Regina Public Library

A few days later, we also got a formal note from RPL Management giving a quick overview of how they hoped to promote and capitalize on the game’s popularity once it was officially released in the coming days.

The game was released in Canada over the weekend when we were out-of-town but we downloaded it yesterday when we got back.  Even then, I wasn’t able to get on one of the overloaded servers until today when I finally managed to log-in and capture my (er, technically Pace’s since we’re using his log-in) first Pokemon at work.  (As a colleague said, how cool is it when a video game can be considered “professional development”?) 😉

I got some tips from a colleague who’s been playing the game for awhile which helped give me the “gist” of the game.  I was also surprised when a couple people showed up right at closing, just to scoop some Pokemons at the library.  Then, after we’d locked up, a couple kids were standing outside as I started to drive away.  I stopped to talk to them and they confirmed they were also hoping to connect to our wireless then take advantage of our “Pokestop”.

Regent Place Pokestop

(One *major* downfall of the game is that you basically have to have an LTE/3G enabled phone with fairly modern specs/OS to play the game since it’s based on moving around away from wireless hot spots.  It’s an interesting question for libraries – is there a way we can bridge yet another digital divide that has been created in our society, they way we did by installing Minecraft on our public library computers for those who may not have the game at home?)

Tonight, right after supper, Pace and I went for a walk around the neighbourhood hitting a few prime locations – a nearby park, a church, the sign that announces entry into our community, etc. – and as someone else said, it’s both strange and amazing to see people out exploring their neighbourhood and interacting, almost like a throwback to the 1950’s or something – over this common interest.

Pokemon in Park

(Pace even bumped into a classmate at one location, also out with his dad!)

So time will tell how much of this is fad (Minecraft is still popular but has begun to wane a bit as far as I can tell) and how long it lasts.  But for the time being, very cool indeed!

Oh, and it led to Sasha saying another incredibly cute thing – Pace was telling him mom and I about the Pokemon game and Sasha chimed in, “I have pokey dots on my shirt!” 😉 Pokedots

Music Monday – “Yes, we’re going to a party-party/Yes, we’re going to a party-party”

I’ve had this blog for ten years and my actual birthday has fallen on a “Music Monday” only once in 2009 when I naturally posted…“Paranoid Android” by Radiohead?

Maybe I did this because only a couple years earlier in 2009, I fudged things and posted “Birthday” by the Beatles on the Monday before my birthday which was July 14?

But finally the stars have aligned as it’s Music Monday *and* July 18 so there’s only one song to post today…

Birthday” – Beatles