Saturday Snap – Great Photo of the Kids with Grandpa & Grandma

It’s amazing how having everyone looking at the camera *and* catching two kids smiling at the same time helps make a decent photo!

Friday Fun Link – How Easily Are People Led?

Comedian Bo Burnham shows how easily it is to trick people and get them to say or do things that they normally wouldn’t which is *very* relevant in light of the success of Donald Trump…

A German entertainer made the same point way back in 1973 which also turns out to be *very* relevant in light of the rise of Donald Trump…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Ryan Meili Is Running (April 2009)

Got a pretty exciting early Christmas present today with Ryan Meili’s announcement that he’ll be seeking the nomination in a by-election in Saskatoon-Meewasin.

Here’s a photo from Ryan’s announcement of his Sask NDP leadership campaign in Regina in April 2009…

Flames Are On A Great Run

After a crappy start to the season, the Flames have rebounded and gone 8-1-1 in their last ten games to leap back into playoff contention.

They’re losing to the Lightning tonight (5-3 as I type this) so they might eat a loss after winning six in a row but it’s great that the season has some meaning again!

Our Christmas Timeline

November 11 – Remembrance Day in Canada is Singles Day (aka 11/11) in China so we usually buy a few things direct from sites like AliExpress on what is China’s equivalent of Black Friday to get our Christmas shopping started.

November 12 – Remembrance Day is over so I can officially start getting into the Christmas mood. (By this point, Costco has had Christmas stuff out since August.)

Late November – the never-ending battle between Shea and I about when to set-up our Christmas Tree usually comes to a truce around late November.  I’d set it up on November 12 if she’d let me but she’d prefer well into December so we usually comprise for late November or early December.

Late November – RPL’s Social Club hosts a party for staff members that usually involves a supper, dancing or other entertainment, plus lots of door prizes (every time we’ve gone, there’s been enough that everyone attending wins something!)  This event has been a moving target – other years, they moved the annual dinner into the New Year – Jan or Feb or even March – because people were busy in the weeks leading up to Xmas but I’m a big fan of having it before Xmas myself (which is what they’ve done the last couple years.)

Early December – RPL’s Social Club also always has a kid’s Christmas party.  Don’t tell the kids but it’s pretty fun to catch up with Santa (a retired Physical Plant employee) before the party.

Early-Mid December – Shea and I go for our traditional Christmas lunch at a local restaurant we’ve never been too on a day we both have off and while the kids are in school and/or daycare.

Early-Mid December – All branches of RPL host a Holiday Open House with food, drink, crafts, music and more to thank our patrons for their patronage (get it?) through the past year.

Early-Mid December – one or two work Christmas parties for our offices/branches. Shea’s work had theirs in late November which was awesome.  Mine ended up deciding not to have one as we couldn’t find a good date that worked for everyone.

Mid-December – Pace has a Christmas Holiday Concert at his school where we juggle afternoon and evening performance attendances with grandparents/Sasha depending on who’s available/who’s working/who’s not.

December 24 – Pace reads us “The Night Before Christmas” as he has every Christmas since he was 3.  (Er, that wasn’t really reading.  That was inserting the final word of the story as daddy read it aloud.)  [Edit: New Tradition: We’ve started talking about the importance of giving to the kids and we try to pick a few charities to donate a bit of money to on Christmas Eve.)

December 25 – bring on the Bailey’s for breakfast! 😉  The big day includes presents, music, food, naps, occasionally a street hockey game, assembling toys/adding batteries, and did I mention food?

Music Monday – “An old man said to me, won’t see another one/And then he sang a song, The rare old mountain dew/I turned my face away/And dreamed about you”

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about getting older, life, and mortality the past year in a variety of ways – from unexpected illness (Gord Downie) and death (Prince, David Bowie) of relatively young celebrities to the death of my Aunt Verna who is my first aunt or uncle to die out of my dad’s family of 10 siblings.

And at Christmas time, I always think of Shane McGowan, who, like Keith Richards, is one of those people who make you wonder how they’re still alive?  I mean, probably the first time I saw him was on SNL back in 1990 and he was apparently close to death even then!

But after going through various drug and alcohol addictions as a skinny young punkster…

…he’s managed to stay alive to become a puffy old punkster whose even managed to participate in a 30th anniversary reunion tour with The Pogues a few years back.

Of course, no matter how he’s lived or what he’s done, no one will ever take away the fact that Shane McGowan wrote the song that is known in England as the most popular Christmas song of the 21st century which, to bring it back to my original point, gains much of its power from capturing a story of love, aging, dreams and disappointment – all against the backdrop of a couple arguing on Christmas Eve.


10 Crucial Decisions in the 2016 Election That Reshaped America

No matter who wins elections, it’s often the behind-the-scenes articles and books that come out afterwards that are the most interesting in revealing the strategies, infighting and plain lucky breaks that make things go well or go, well, just about as bad as they went for Hillary Clinton a month ago.

This is a very insightful article about some of the pivotal moments in an unprecedented election campaign season.

For the record…

  1. Hillary copies the Obama playbook
  2. Jeb Bush decides to run for President
  3. Donald Trump taps Corey Lewandowski as his campaign manager
  4. Bernie Sanders doesn’t attack Clinton on her “damned e-mails”
  5. CNN shows an empty Trump podium for thirty minutes
  6. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio play patty-cake with Trump at debates
  7. Trump insults the parents of a dead war hero
  8. Clinton decides to take a summer break
  9. Trump goes scorched earth after Access Hollywood tape is released
  10. Jim Comey sends a letter to Congress

Saturday Snap – My Favourite Christmas Tradition?

One of Shea’s and my Christmas traditions is that we go out for lunch together without kids (usually) sometime in December to a place where we can have a good meal and possibly a pint or other refreshing beverage as well.

We were both off yesterday so decided to visit the Rochdale Leopold’s (I’d been before but Shea hadn’t) where we not only had a great meal but we also enjoyed a delicious pint from their extensive menu as well.

Friday Fun Link – Map of the World’s Rudest Place Names Is A Thing of Beauty

Inordinately proud I’ve been to some of these places.


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Bailey’s (December 2006)

This is a (very popular) classmate pouring shots of Bailey’s for everyone before our final Genealogy class in library school back in 2006.

I think it was a morning class so I don’t know if that makes it better or worse that we were drinking at 8am before class started – it is Bailey’s after all so I think that means morning drinking is allowed? 😉