A Father’s Interview With the BBC Goes *Very* Wrong (With Analysis of the Net’s Latest Viral Video)

This clip has gone viral, obviously because every parent can relate to their kids innocently managing to mess everything up.

And here’s some analysis of the clip, section-by-section.

[Edit: And it turns out there’s some other analysis which says that this video is a good test to see if you’re racist or not.  If you think the Asian woman bursting in is the mom, you’re not and if you think she’s a nanny, you are.  I’m happy to report that I was pretty sure that this had to be a mom, just because of the way she burst in and it just seemed so obvious they’d had a “Honey, this is a really important interview – please keep an eye on the kids” conversation then mom had to go to the loo or got otherwise distracted and…mass virality!)

[Edit #2: Even more follow-up – an interview with the entire family.]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – NDP Future Looks Bright (October 2012)

In October 2012, during the Sask NDP Leadership race, I was able to attend a forum that happened at Arcola, Saskatchewan and which featured three of the four leadership candidates.

At the time, only Trent Wotherspoon was an elected member of Parliament.  Now, Erin Weir is the MP for Regina-Lewvan and Ryan Meili is the MLA for Saskatoon-Meewasin.

I think that shows the future is looking very bright for the NDP at both the provincial and federal levels.

A Few Thoughts From #rally4sk #skpoli

I work in the north end but happened to have a couple meetings in the south end this afternoon so was able to swing by the big labour rally that was happening at the Legislative Building over the lunch hour to protest the Sask Party’s fiscal mismanagement and targeting of public service workers.

Here’s a few thoughts…

  • For a pretty cold day, it was an amazing turnout.  I thought it was hundreds of people but saw estimates saying there were possibly as many as 2000 people attending!  (Heck, one Sask Party supporter appears to put his estimate at 6400 people attending the hour long rally!  Either that, or he doesn’t know about unpaid lunch breaks/scheduled days off/union leave.)
  • Given that it was International Women’s Day, it was also fitting that most of the featured speakers at the rally were women.
  • Unfortunately, it was also noted by many of the speakers that it would be women – heavily employed in the public sector in female-dominated professions such as education and health – that would be disproportionately affected by any cuts.
  • I had my first chance to catch up with Saskatchewan’s newest MLA, Ryan Meili, and congratulate him on his victory in Saskatoon-Meewasin.  Turnout is usually down in byelections and that held true for the NDP whose vote was down by 10%. But extremely alarmingly for the current majority government, the Sask Party was down by forty-four per cent.  (No wonder Brad Wall seemed so nervous in his last press conference!) 😉
  • The Sask Party is trying to sow dissention by pushing Ryan Meili as a future leader of the NDP and portraying Trent Wotherspoon as a rival.  But from what I saw (and heard firsthand from people who would know), there weren’t many people who worked harder to elect Ryan in Saskatoon-Meewasin then Trent Wotherspoon – not the actions of someone who’s trying to hold down a rival in my books.
  • A bit disappointed to see the lack of visible presence for Sask Union of Nurses. My understanding is that particular union chooses to present itself as non-partisan for strategic reasons.  But when you have a government that is as openly hostile to labour as the current Saskatchewan government, personally, I think a more visible role is called for.
  • Speaking of unions, I always get a chuckle that unions, for the most part, promote equality, respect and similar values but all bets are off when there’s a protest – I saw signs calling Brad Wall, Bill Boyd and other Sask Party MLAs criminals, thieves and worse!  (But maybe it’s also okay to say these mean things if they’re true?) 😉
  • Speaking of, the sign of the day was a giant bed sheet with the words “Trump wants a wall?  He can have ours!” printed on it.
  • I need better winter boots.  I stayed as long as I could handle it but had to leave early as I was feeling like my toes were going to fall off.
  • On International Women’s Day, it’s telling that the NDP has 5 of 11 MLAs (45%) who are female while the Sask Party only has 11 of 50 (22%).  I’m said before on this blog that I’m not a huge fan of tokenism or promoting candidates just because they’re women. But at the same time, I think women are equal to men (or should be) so in a fair and just world, women should organically end up making up (roughly) half of the positions of power as has happened in the NDP caucus and, well, not so much in the Sask Party caucus.
  • Brad Wall is the last Premier in Canada to give up his salary top-up from his party – which makes him a follower, not a leader.
  • Also, does anyone think that a politician who’s already making six figures needed a $47,000 top-up of money that’s coming from party donors – including corporations and/or those located outside the province?
  • Where’s Waldo?  Labour Protest Rally Version…

Ten Random Things

  1. Ryan Meili won the byelection in Saskatoon Meewasin and was sworn into the Legislature yesterday.
  2. In completely unrelated news, Brad Wall had a press conference today about wanting to cut public sector salaries by 3.5% while sounding like someone who knew he’s stuck around for one election too long and was about to tarnish what was otherwise looking like a very good legacy.
  3. Shea and I picked the wrong week to come back from holidays.  Blizzard conditions and wind cuts to 80kph!
  4. A great Reddit comment about cooking on a budget.
  5. I may have posted this before but a great article looking at the behind-the-scenes of the Facebook News Feed algorithm.
  6. You keep thinking Trump can’t get any worse and yet, completely unfounded, he accuses Obama of wiretapping – apparently without realising that Presidents can’t implement a wiretap of this type and they’re only approved when intelligence agencies have proof of dealings with foreign powers.
  7. Wrestlemania 33 is coming up fast and the card is taking shape.
  8. It’s fairly academic and also includes a lot of British terminology but if you can get past that, an interesting look at the economics of all-inclusive resorts.
  9. E-Book sales fall below sales of hardcovers for the first time since 2012.
  10. And coming out right after our recent trip to Mexico with daily dips in the pool, a U of S study that looks at the amount of urine in public pools.  (Spoiler Alert: These were regular Canadian pools being tested, not those with swim-up bars either!)

Music Monday – “And they get terribly upset/When you question their sacred texts/Written by woman-hating epileptics/Their languages just serve to confuse them/Their confusion somehow makes them more sure”

I’d heard of Father John Misty before but didn’t know much about him.  But I was pretty impressed with the second song he did on Saturday Night Live this past weekend – sort of reminds me of the first time I heard Bright Eyes sing “Landlocked Blues” on some late night CBC show.


Pure Comedy” – Father John Misty

Happy 14th Anniversary, Shea!

It’s a bit awkward to transition from seven days of George Carlin “Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television” posts to “Anniversary Wishes” but this blog is nothing if not diverse!

So Happy 14th Anniversary to the best wife I’ve ever had! 😉

FTRW 2017 – Day Seven – Tits

FTRW 2017 – Day Six – Motherfucker

FTRW 2017 – Day Five – Cocksucker

FTRW 2017 – Day Four – Cunt