Why Pro Wrestling Is A Perfect Metaphor For Trump’s Presidency (And Ten Things Donald Trump Learned From ‘rasslin)

Trump continues to do things that no President has ever done before.

As a lifelong fan of wrestling, I agree with much of what this commentator says (and have said it myself as well – scroll down to “American Idol” in this post from right after he won the Presidency.)

Basically, in my view, Trump is doing a lot of stuff that he learned from watching/being involved in wrestling, and a lot of people who aren’t wrestling fans are taking it straight instead of seeing it through the scripted, exaggerated lens of the world of pro wrestling.

Ten Things Donald Trump Learned From Watching/Being Involved In Pro Wrestling

  1. How to be outrageous
  2. How to be dominant
  3. How to create a character
  4. How the truth doesn’t matter
  5. How to appeal to people’s base emotions
  6. How easily people are willing to suspend their disbelief
  7. How to attack opponent’s weak spots (verbally)
  8. How to attack opponent’s weaknesses (physically)
  9. The power of television to reach a wide audience and spread your message
  10. How the word “fake” is the worst insult in the world – whether applied to wrestling or the news

Bonus: How to make the audience part of the show by allowing them to chant for their heroes, boo the villains, provide real-time feedback of what is being said, and hold up homemade signs with messages for the person on the stage/in the ring.

Saturday Snap – Happy Canada Day!

Friday Fun Link – Canada Politely Celebrates Its Independence

An American view of Canada 150.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – iPhone’s 10th Anniversary

Today is the tenth anniversary of the iPhone being released, perhaps the single most revolutionary product of my lifetime.

There has been numerous models of iPhone in that time of course, each offering incremental and often transformative improvements.

I got my first iPhone 3GS around 2009 – I was too cheap to buy one even though I really wanted one.  So Shea’s parents gave me money for my birthday to put towards a phone which turned out to be a great gift – when you think of what you pay for a smartphone (which is expensive) but also the amount of use and value you get, it’s a no brainer.  That phone’s battery is shot now but I still use it sometimes to listen to music on an iPod clock-radio.

After the battery on my original iPhone stopped holding a charge for any length of time, I think my next one was an iPhone 4 about three years later in 2012.  That one I managed to fry in the ocean when I used a waterproof case that turned out not to be waterproof as advertised.  Luckily I’d just upgraded my phone recently and was able to get it replaced via my credit card’s insurance.

That wasn’t an upgrade but that replacement iPhone 4 lasted for about four years until I got my next one – an iPhone 6 in early 2016 after the iPhone’s battery stopped holding a charge (a recurring theme for my devices and smartphones in general.)

That’s the phone I still use today.  I’m nervous about upgrading again knowing they continue to “innovate” but I’m sure we’ll get to that point soon – either because this battery gives up (which is why I’ve upgraded twice before), I damage it (as was the cause of one unintentional replacement) or for some other reason – perhaps a cool new feature I simply can’t be without?

Canada Day 2015 at Echo Valley Provincial Park & Fort Qu’Appelle

Poking around for ideas about what we might do this weekend at our seasonal site, I came across this video which gives a good sense of the Fort Qu’Appelle Canada Day parade and fireworks a couple years ago.

End of Year Track Meet

One of the things that seems like a downside of my current job at a branch is that I have to do some evening and weekend work.

But sometimes that turns out to be an advantage.

Because I worked this past weekend, I had Monday and Tuesday off.  And so I was able to go to Pace’s “Genius Hour” presentation on Monday afternoon then, on Tuesday, Sasha and I were able to take in a large part of his school’s track meet which ran all day at Douglas Park.

Pace even managed to win a couple ribbons which was great to see.

(He must get his athletic skills from the same place he gets his blonde hair – his real dad!) 😉

Music Monday – “She’s learning how to surf/Going with the flow/Peace out from San Diego/She is letting me go”

One of my favourites, Sam Baker, has another album that he just released last week.

It’s already getting rave reviews from many quarters.

“Peace Out” – Sam Baker

What Are Some Books That Everyone Studying Biology Should Read?

Actually, anyone who wants to be informed about the world around them should read many of these books.

Saturday Snap – The Exact Opposite of Us Pulling an rPod With A Minivan?

Pulling a giant fifth wheel RV with a semi – something I’ve never seen before!

The family happened to be around when I snapped this pic so I stopped and chatted for a minute – the dad said they had their big rig to pull a semi trailer that had been customized as living quarters for their family and plus the equipment of the son who rides motorcycles competitively.

Once he stopped doing that, they looked at buying a truck to pull their RV but since a new truck was going to be more than they paid for the semi, they decided to just start using it to tow the RV.

He said it works great except he can’t get into most regular campgrounds and so they have to camp in parking lots and open fields.


Friday Fun Link – Twitter Just Learned Sasha Obama’s Real Name (And That The Obamas Have Lied About Another Birth Certificate Issue!)

Although it’s shocked the online world to find out that Sasha Obama’s parents have lied about another birth certificate issue, I’m happy to report that our Sasha remains who we say she is.  😉