UFC 217 Might Be Best MMA PPV of All-Time?

I don’t pay a lot of attention to UFC for the most part unless it’s a big name or a big fight or when my love of pro wrestling intersects with the world of “real” fighting via someone like Brock Lesnar or CM Punk participating.

And I rarely to never watch the live PPVs, usually just catching highlights online after.

But when friends invited Shea and I to join them to watch UFC 217 at a local bar last night, I was pretty excited to see the return of one of the greatest of all-time, Canada’s own, Georges St. Pierre, after a four year hiatus.

It turns out we picked a really good PPV to watch – three champions got defeated (a new UFC record), the fights were all really good and GSP even pulled out an upset victory to cap off what many (including the head of UFC) are calling potentially the best UFC PPV of all-time!


Saturday Snap – Siblings

Friday Fun Link – Hot Ones “Hot Sauce Challenge”

I stumbled across this YouTube series and am completely hooked.

The conceit is that a hot sauce company challenges various “B” level celebrities to eat wings with a variety of ever-increasing hot sauces on them while also conducting an interview.

I haven’t watched them all but here are some of my favourite interviews so far…


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – At Least They Didn’t Lose Their House In Transit (Fall 2005)

I was looking through Facebook earlier this week when I saw a story that was almost sounded like the ultimate Halloween prank – a guy came home to his farm just outside Regina to find an abandoned ready-to-move house, still on a trailer but with no semi, no drivers and no note!

He posted some pics asking what he should do or what people thought had happened and I chimed in with the following comment as my in-laws had moved their home off a farm into the city of Weyburn about twelve years ago.

When my in-laws moved their house from their farm into Weyburn, the mover stopped for the evening in a farmer’s yard just outside Weyburn then finished the trip the next day so he had the full day to place the house.

But I’m pretty sure that a) he had permission from the farm where he stopped and b) he left the house and trailer hooked up to the truck when he stopped for the night.

(I gave my in-laws a call to confirm details of the story and their best guess is that the truck pulling this house had some sort of trouble and they maybe unhooked to go get fixed? Strange they wouldn’t leave a note or any explanation but they said it happened occasionally on their farm that a tractor or piece of machinery would end up being left in their fields without explanation and that was usually the reason.)

The land owner replied that my story could be it but that there were also power lines just down the grid road and perhaps that was the reason (which turned out to be the case.)

Anyhow, I was an early commenter on this story but it ended up going pretty viral with 345 shares plus media coverage across Canada, in New York, the UK and even Russia.

The actual owner of the house was not Facebook friends with the guy who found it on his land. But due to the Facebook shares, she saw it and posted a comment “That’s my house!” as she was even unaware of where exactly her house had ended up!

Anyhow, I already did one Throwback Thursday post about my in-laws moving their house into Weyburn but figured this week’s very “Saskatchewan” story of a lost house showing up in a random farmer’s field deserves another, more detailed post with a lot more photos of my in-laws very successful (in comparison) house move!

Videotaping The Show


Moving House Into Position (Didn’t Bend A Tree!)


I Can’t Back Up A Car With A Rear View Camera This Good


The Basement Awaiting The House To Be Placed


House Behind Basement While Final Preparations Are Made

Will they get to sleep in their own beds tonight?


Getting Ready to Move The House


Checking Out Positioning


Moving It Into Place

Getting Closer



Finally In Place (Rear View)

First Snow of the Year – Hawksley Workman

Every year when I mark this tragic milestone, I always try to remember – do I post this during the first snow of the year that stays or do I post it the first time we have snow, even if it warms up again and all the snow melts?

But this year, we’re looking at sub-zero temps for the next 14 days so I think I’m pretty safe posting it today either way (unfortunately).

Happy Halloween!

A few random thoughts…

  • Shower thought: It struck me that Halloween was the original version of “Pokemon Go!” with kids roaming the streets, checking in at various locations and randomly encountering all kinds of strange and wonderful creatures.
  • Weird to realise how many people will pass by our house, even though we have the lights on, simply because we have a longish driveway and a few stairs to climb to get to our door.
  • Final count this year is 82.  I don’t know why we track this every year as I don’t really remember how many we get from year to year other than that it can really range, depending on weather, day of week and probably other factors I’m not considering.  I’d say we’ve had everywhere from a low of ~30 to over 100 over the years we’ve lived in this house.
  • I posted a picture of me (in a “hippy” costume I used for my library’s 50th Anniversary “Retro” Party last fall) and Sasha above but figured there’s no point in putting a picture of Pace since our “ten year old teenager” is now too cool for a costume and basically wore a ski mask that happens to have a zombie face on it but otherwise, all his regular clothes.
  • Was kinda fun to take Pace and two friends he was trick or treating with to some of the best “haunted house” displays in the neighbourhood, made easier to find this year due to a new web site I just learned about today.
  • Sasha’s at a pretty precious age.  “Dad, can we go home now?  My bag is heavy and my legs are sleepy.”
  • A big shout-out to the people who give full-size candy bars.  You’re the real heroes. (Er, to our kids.)
  • When I was growing up, we got a lot more apples and homemade treats (popcorn balls anyone?) but I can’t remember the last time Pace got a homemade treat.
  • There is a “teal pumpkin” movement that started in 2014 to promote giving allergy-free treats but I don’t think I saw a single one in our neighbourhood.
  • Maybe the best costume I saw were two parents, both in full bear costumes including giant bear heads with their baby in a stroller, in a “baby bear” costume.

Weather was pretty good and, as always, an enjoyable night where I had fun with the kids, handing out candy and occasionally sneaking a piece (or ten!) 😉

Music Monday – “You know how we like to write nothing but hockey songs? Well, here’s another hockey song!”

If you’re still missing Gord Downie’s voice, his new solo record – a collection of 23 “Love Letters” to various people and places in his life, is pretty amazing and getting great reviews.

A member of Facebook’s largest Tragically Hip Fan Group has also uploaded an hour and twelve minute montage of some of Gord’s many monologues, quips and stage observations called “Kerfuffle”…


“Kerfuffle” – Tragically Hip

10 Random Thoughts After Attending One Night and One Day of #skndpldr Convention #skpoli

I’ve only written a couple things about the current Sask NDP leadership race since the last race ended in 2013.

But since Shea and I went to Ryan Meili’s hospitality suite on Friday night (where a few people stroked my ego by asking if I’d be blogging about the race this time) and we also went to the Saturday of the Sask NDP leadership convention, I thought I’d slowly dip my toe back in the water and write a “quick hits” piece (er, but hopefully not a “hit piece”!) of some of my thoughts and observations of the early days of the Leadership Race.

[I’ll do my usual disclaimer too – I’m a supporter of Ryan, have been since his first leadership run in 2009 and have assisted his campaigns in various roles over the years.  But anything I post on this blog is my own opinion, not endorsed by or approved by his campaign – even though sometimes I wish they did!] 😉

  1. Having played a big part in Ryan’s social media team last time, I learned better than anyone that you can’t count on social media metrics completely (hint: Cam won even though Ryan and Trent both had more support on social media.) But I still found it interesting that Ryan’s event on Friday night had 37 respond on FB to say they were “Going” and 58 respond to say they were “Interested” while Trent’s event on Saturday night had 36 respond on FB to say they were “Going” and 55 respond to say they were “Interested”.  That’s essentially a draw or maybe even a (small) victory for Meili since he was the “visiting team” being based in Saskatoon and doubly so since the Wotherspoon team sent out way more invitations (429 for Wotherspoon to 174 for Meili.)  Or maybe I’m overthinking social media metrics like I have since 2009 and Wotherspoon’s supporters are just less likely to respond to a FB invite? 🙂
  2. It didn’t count in the attendance metrics on FB but I also appreciated that Ryan’s team picked a venue that was child-friendly (and had a few kids running around including two of mine) whereas I don’t believe that Rebellion Brewery where Trent had his event allows children.  At any rate, due to the convention having an evening event on Saturday, I doubt many people would take kids to an event that started at 9pm, even if they could.
  3. Personal highlight of Ryan’s event?  Our four year old daughter was wandering around, pretty much unsupervised and making friends with various people in the room.  Ryan later came over and told us that she even came up to him at one point and said “Will you play with me?” not realising that it was Ryan’s party and he was just a little bit busy! 😉
  4. I’ll likely have more to say on this eventually but I love how Ryan’s events always seem to attract a mix of long-term NDP members and especially so many people who are new to the party.
  5. The convention had a formal theme of “Building For Tomorrow” and an unofficial theme of “The NDP in the Age of #metoo”.  It’s been a long journey from our first convention in 2009 when my wife was introduced to a sitting MLA who immediately made a sexist joke when he found out she was a nurse to this year’s convention where there was an hour-long panel on “Building Safe and Inclusive Spaces”, a powerful moment in Nicole Sarauer’s speech where she addressed some of the issues that women in politics face every day (maybe even a star-making speech which got lots of chatter going about why the NDP doesn’t have a woman running and whether Saraurer should’ve run), and an elephant in the room in the form of a number of brave young women who have come forward recently with their stories of sexual harassment (and worse) in their personal lives and even within the party
  6. Had an enjoyable lunch talking with a rural member who was very intrigued to hear that Ryan Meili grew up on a farm and the possibilities that connection could unlock for the party’s chances in rural Saskatchewan.
  7. The leadership debate between Trent Wotherspoon and Ryan Meili was about an exciting as “vigorous agreement” can be (echoing most of the federal debates.) The only (slightly) heated moment was when Ryan Meili questioned Trent Wotherspoon about his decision to accept corporate and union donations in the Leadership Race even though Wotherspoon also brought forward a bill that would eliminate the practice the next time the NDP formed government.  Meili was pretty clear that he intended this approach as a “test run” for what both have said is the future policy they desire to implement the next time the NDP forms government but Wotherspoon was (in my view) a bit disingenuous in spinning this as Meili saying this approach would tie the party’s hands behind its back in the run-up to the next provincial election (which is not what Meili said at all.)
  8. Steve Patterson moderated the debate and was hilarious.  I especially enjoyed the (surprise?) multiple choice questions he put to both candidates at the start which showed off a bit of their personalities and ability to think on their feet.
  9. If you want a good summary of the entire debate, Greg over at Accidental Jurist liveblogged the entire thing.  The only thing I’d disagree with in his summary is his equivocation of Meili’s better crowd response with the number of signs Trent had.  As I mentioned earlier (and as Trent, going for a pro wrestling-like “cheap pop”, mentioned in his opening statement as well), Regina is Trent’s home turf.  So I would’ve expected the crowd to be a lot hotter for Trent *and* to have more signs.  But that wasn’t the case and I was (honestly, a bit surprised) that Ryan got a stronger response than Trent. (Not just my biased opinion on that – both Greg and a CBC reporter made the same observation about the crowd’s vocal support for Ryan.)
  10. I had a bit of fun with Trent at one point.  He saw me in the lobby and, knowing I’m a strong Meili supporter, joked “Jason, I have a button I’d like you to wear.”  “Sure, I’ll wear your button” I replied.  He looked at me for a second to see if I was serious then turned back towards his table to grab one.  But then I said “…but I’m going to wear it on the inside of my jacket instead of the outside!” (I said this wouldn’t be a hit piece but I can’t help but wonder if Trent appreciated my joke which I realised after the fact was about someone changing their mind!) 😉

Okay, toes are now wet and I will likely be increasing my blogging about the race as things develop and ideas come to mind.

In all seriousness though, best of luck to both Trent and Ryan.  One of the best things about this race is that both are great guys who are relentlessly positive and good-natured.  (How weird is it that Ryan’s relatively tame question to Trent was the “meanest” part of the entire debate and even Trent’s question to Ryan – about how he’ll promote small businesses or something – was a bit of a softball?  I can’t find reference to it on my blog but I have a memory of Trent using a similar technique in the 2013 race – asking the other candidates fairly innocuous questions – likely with an eye to maintaining good relations with his competitors should he have ended up winning the race – which, given some of the tensions that I heard existed between Cam’s team and the other camps – is a pretty sound strategy.)

Saturday Snap – Hanging Around at Final Parkour Class

Pace had his final parkour class for this session last Wednesday.  Just another day hanging from the rafters…

Friday Fun Link – Indian Head “Chase The Ace” Lottery Goes to Last Card, Local Woman Wins $170,000 Jackpot

It’s not like down east where the jackpots hit $2 million. But my hometown did pretty good going to the last card in their “Chase the Ace” lottery with a jackpot of $170,000.

Unfortunately, the winning woman’s name was not Janet Hammond. 😉