Top 10 Controversial SNL Monologues

This is focussed fairly heavily on guest monologues in the last couple years but is otherwise a good list…


Saturday Snap – Regina Downtown From Above

I’d won a free night at a local hotel at a staff supper earlier this year and we decided to use it this weekend…

Friday Fun Link – *All* of the Best Book Lists of 2017

Okay, maybe not *all* but pretty darn close! 🙂

(via MetaFilter)

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – I Have No Idea… (December 2010)

…why we found Pace sleeping in the hallway.

If it was Christmas Eve, I could understand it but this photo was taken on December 27! 😉

“If every person in this room made it a rule that wherever you are, whenever you can, you will try to act a little kinder than is necessary – the world really would be a better place.” #choosekind

Pace got this book for Christmas last year. (One of my favourite things about being a librarian is being able to share books with him that I already love!)

I briefly thought about writing a bit about how fascinating it is to see the different ways that Pace is learning about everything from bullying to treaties to accepting people’s differences compared to when I was growing up.  But that might be a bigger topic for another time.

At any rate, the recently released movie based on the amazing book, “Wonder” might be worth having a movie night to see…


Music Monday – “I grew up like my daddy did/My grandpa cleared this land/When I was five I walked the fence/While grandpa held my hand”

I don’t think I’ve ever posted this song for Music Monday but it’s one of my favourites of all-time.

Rain on the Scarecrow” – John Mellencamp

Although I knew fairly early that I was never going to be a farmer (my standard line on the subject is that, growing up, I was more into books and computers then barley and combines), I really appreciate that I spent my formative years as part of a family farm that stretches back to 1883 when my great-great-great grandfather settled the land.

I’ve been thinking about those rural roots for a lot of reasons lately, not least because when I look at the content put out by the NDP Leadership candidates and the Sask Party Leadership candidates, it’s like there are two completely different races being run in two completely different places (and I guess, in many ways, there are. NDP’s base is urban and Sask Party’s base is rural and they only overlap in a few select areas – carbon pricing being one of the most notable.)

Another related thought is that RPL had its annual “Staff Development Day” today and I was asked to moderate a panel discussion on “Fake News” with a local education prof who specializes in social media/technology, a journalism prof and a journalist who was formerly with the Leader Post and currently with CBC.

(It’s probably too small to see but I put “Fred” on my name tag instead of my real name as a nod to the session I was hosting.  Probably should’ve put “Donald” though!) 😉 

The panel was very well-received from feedback I got afterwards but I also felt like an hour didn’t do it justice – we could’ve easily spent a whole day on “Fake News” and different aspects of it – its history, the current role of social media, the political aspect, fake identities, trolls, filter bubbles, where the line between skepticism and conspiracy theory is, whether the library is complicit in spreading “fake news” when we buy books that aren’t factual, etc. etc. etc. (all of which are things that got touched on during our panel but very briefly for the most part.)

In thinking about my rural roots and where they intersect with my current filter bubbles, I know that one way I’m trying in my own small way to “burst that bubble” is by making a conscious effort to reach out to and at least pay attention to (or even engage with) people on social media that I might not have previously including many of those rural people I grew up with. I’ve started following lots more conservatives on Twitter and friending people on Facebook who are as likely to expose me to pictures of a deer being field dressed as someone eating avocado toast.

It’s a small step but it’s a start and, to bring it back to my opening thought, I also appreciate that growing up in a rural area has given me both the connections and hopefully at least a basic level of comfort to do that in the first place.

At Least There Was One Unexpected Sports Victory Today ;-) #skpoli @ryanmeili @premierbradwall

In my quest to bring you all the hardest hitting political news, I have to note the somewhat shocking development that Ryan Meili beat noted Sports Cage call-in regular, “Brad from Swift Current” in sending out a timely tweet about the Roughriders’ tough loss today.

It took “Brad from Swift Current” TWELVE full minutes before he chimed in but it remains to be seen if this uncalled for delay will be as scandalous as the GTH or the Regina Bypass project for his government. 😉


Saturday Snap – Tobogganing

Enjoyed a day off last Monday by taking the kids tobogganing…

Friday Fun Link – Best Social Media Management & Analysis Tools

I don’t do a huge amount of this on my own blog/FB/Twitter/etc. but still useful to know what tools are out there for managing all aspects of your online presence – tracking mentions, controlling content, your social media reach and so on.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Getting Ready For The Holiday Concert (December 2012)