Promise Made, Promise Kept.

Shea opened this on Christmas morning (it’s hard to see but that’s an apple and a kid’s toy watch taped in a box)…

…and picked this up on Boxing Day. (Uhm, I had it in my head that the only day Apple discounts their products is Black Friday and Boxing Day but apparently not.) 🙁

(This is also a good place to point out that this is the first message I sent her on her new device…

…and this is the first message she sent me when I got my Pebble not-quite-as-smartwatch a few years ago!

A Few Post-Christmas Thoughts

  1. I can’t find it now but I have a memory that in December 2011, I posted a screen grab of a weather forecast showing +4 for Dec 24, Dec 25 & Dec. 26.  (Here’s one from around the same time on the same subject.)  At any rate, it’s been brutally cold this week and I’m just glad I had an excuse to stay home for a few days!
  2. Christmas mornings these days are basically 90% kids, 5% Shea & I and 5% whatever other relatives are around.  (I’m okay with this.)
  3. Shea apparently didn’t realise that starting in October or so, I save the box(es) of anything that I’ve bought myself that is “gift-like” (new gloves, new boots, new belt, etc.), wrap the empty box(es) and label it as gift to myself.  She didn’t realise this because nobody ever notices an adult opening an empty box on Christmas (again, 90-5-5!) 😉
  4. We’re not religious but Sasha’s picked up a bit from her daycare which is also non-religious but located in a Catholic school so some osmosis is pretty much unavoidable.  So anyhow, somehow during Christmas, I was asking Sasha exactly what she knew about Jesus and the Nativity Scene.  I said “Did you know that a magic star appeared when Jesus was born?” and she said “No, it didn’t!  Only Santa is magic!” which I thought was pretty funny.
  5. Most original gift this year? My in-laws made me a homemade giant Jenga set for us to use at our campsite next summer. Pretty amazing! (It was in a giant bag and really heavy so, since they usually buy me a bottle of booze, I thought they’d gotten me a Texas Mickey for the campsite instead!) 🙂
  6. Like everyone, we have some traditions we always do (I get one of the kids to read “Night Before Christmas” with me on Christmas Eve) and some that we’re not as diligent about (realised after Christmas, that we didn’t manage to get any pictures of Shea and I or the whole family like we have other years!) 🙁
  7. Some parents do a “four gift” rule buying their kids “one thing they want, one thing they need, one thing to wear, one thing to read” but Shea and I mis-heard that and did the “40 gift rule” which is something entirely different! 😉
  8. Christmas Day is simultaneously one of the happiest and one of the saddest days of the year for me – I love everything about Christmas – the music, the food, the presents, etc. but it’s always sad when it comes to an end for another year after weeks of build-up.  I think I was also hit harder by news of some deaths and injuries than I expected to be – a coworker lost her dad unexpectedly around the start of the month, a friend who lost her dad a couple days before Christmas, even a friend who’s around our age whose husband unexpectedly broke his leg in a skating accident on Christmas Eve or another friend who’s expecting the results of a bone scan to track the progression of her cancer in the new year – all made me think about how tenuous the joy of Christmas is and can be and how we have to appreciate it because we never know what the next 12 months will bring.
  9. Pace was up wanting to open presents at 4am but I think Shea managed to get him to hold off until 6am or so.  (Cue another annual tradition – the midday nap!)
  10. Another funny Sasha moment.  I had her “help” me wrap a gift for her mom. I wrote “To Shea” without thinking it made more sense to address it to “Mom”.  But Sasha had me covered – when I asked her to “write her name” beside the word “From:”, she surprised me by writing “Mom”!

Music Monday – “All the lights are shining/So brightly everywhere/And the sound of children’s/Laughter fills the air”

I was a bit surprised to see which was my most played song over the past month, narrowly defeating a handful of songs that I thought *could* be my most played.

Anyhow, since I’ve ended up doing a month-long series of posts about cover versions of popular songs, why not finish off on Christmas Day with this one – the ultimate cover version with various “Carpool Karaoke” artists from Late Night with James Corden having a blast doing a mashup version of one of the most successful Christmas songs of recent memory?

All I Want For Christmas (Is You)” – Carpool Karaoke

Merry Christmas!

From our family to yours…

Saturday Snap – Rudolph’s Butthole Shooter Recipe

Shea and I went to a Christmas party, hosted and attended by a few of the couples we met through our seasonal campsite at Echo Lake this year.

All of us (well, except one camper who was pregnant this summer but made up for it at the Christmas party!) had occasionally drank shooters while listening to Riders games during the summer.

So Shea and I decided to take a Christmas-themed shooter of our own making to the party.

Rudolph’s Butthole
1/2 oz of Smirnoff Peppermint Vodka
1/2 oz of Toffee Cream Liqueur

(One party goer pointed out that if you wanted to get even more disturbing, you could add a shot of chocolate syrup to the shooter!) 😮

Friday Fun Link – Sad Jingle Bells

This video takes one of the happiest Christmas songs and turns it sad by playing it in a minor key…

I’ve also long believed that you can make this popular jaunty carol into a pretty sad one, simply be reworking the lyrics from present to past tense, changing the odd word and singing all verses (not just the well-known first one) at a much slower tempo.

Suddenly, that fun, bouncy song becomes clearer as a sad lament for a woman injured in an unfortunate sleigh accident! 😉

[Verse 1]
We were dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
O’er the fields we went
We were laughing all the way
The bells on bobtails rang
They made our spirits bright
What fun it was to ride and sing
A sleighing song that night

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it was to ride
In that one-horse open sleigh, hey
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it was to ride
In that one-horse open sleigh

[Verse 2]
A day or two ago
I thought I’d take a ride
And soon, Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side
The horse was lean and lank
Misfortune seemed his lot
He drove into a drifted bank
And then we got upsot

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it was to ride
In that one-horse open sleigh, hey
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it was to ride
In that one-horse open sleigh[Verse 3]
A day or two ago
The story I must tell
I went out on the snow
And on my back I fell
A gent was riding by
In a one-horse open sleigh
He laughed as there I bawling lie
But he quickly drove away.

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it was to ride
In that one-horse open sleigh, hey
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it was to ride
In that one-horse open sleigh

[Verse 4]
Now the ground is red and white
Go it while you’re young
Take the girls tonight
And sing this sleighing song
Just get a bobtailed bay
Two forty as his speed
Hitch him to an open sleigh
And crack, you’ll take the lead[Chorus]
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it was to ride
In that one-horse open sleigh, hey
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it was to ride
In that one-horse open sleigh

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – When A Garbage Can Is A Tasty Gift (December 2007)

Pace thought so anyhow…

[SPOILER ALERT] 10 Things I Liked (And 10 Things I Didn’t) About “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”

I didn’t get a chance to see “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” on opening day like I have for many of the other recent releases in the series including “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”.

But after seeing enough quasi-spoilers on social media over the weekend (including one picture which showed Luke Skywalker and evil Lord Snoke standing together!), I decided to take in a Sunday midnight (well, 10pm) showing at the local Imax theatre (which is apparently the only one in all of Canada and one of only 15 Imax theatres worldwide showing the film that way.)

You can’t win – where many people found “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, the first new Star Wars movie in ten years, to be too much of a copy of the original “Star Wars: A New Hope”, this one is now being accused of throwing away a lot of the usual Star Wars conventions, for good or bad. (For example, there is literally is no one-on-one light saber duel in the entire new movie.)

It didn’t blow me away but I enjoyed it greatly as I would pretty much any new Star Wars movie (well, except Episode One – that one sucked.) 😉

10 Things I Liked About “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”
1. The scene where R2 shows Luke the same “You’re our only hope” hologram of Leia that the droid had showed Luke in the original movie made me tear up in the theatre.  (Not enough people are commenting on a more subtle theme of these newest movies – the changes we go through from reckless youth to wisened elders.)

2.  The battle scene in Snoke’s chambers between Rey/Ren and the Red Guards was awesome.

3. The scene where the rebel ship goes into the First Order destroyer at light speed.  A blast and then total silence.  Many have called it the single best scene in *any* Star Wars movie and I’d be inclined to agree.  Breathtaking, especially on an Imax-sized screen.

4. The movie having a female lead plus a lot more diversity than any previous Star Wars movie is pretty awesome (though the fact that the female lead is basically a Jedi Master who can go toe-to-toe with Kylo Ren in the first movie and do various other Jedi tricks with little to no training – abilities that it took Luke years to learn – at least begs for some explanation.  Ironically, Star Trek provided the slang for this type of idealized, overly perfect character – a Mary Sue.)

5. Yoda!  He had a number of great lines – one about failure being the best teacher, one about the hardest part of being a master is watching your proteges move beyond you, and even a librarian-approved joke about the sacred Jedi texts stored on Luke’s island – “Pageturners, they were not!” 🙂

6.  Benicio Del Toro’s character, DJ, as a “Brad Pitt in Seven Monkeys” update on the shifty Lando Calrissian type character who will help you then turn on you, depending on circumstances.

7. Some have criticized the humour but Star Wars has always had its share of goofy throwaway lines.  I think the issue here is that more of the quips fall flat than in previous episodes?

8. Not everyone liked this but, depending on your politics, the story of activists, women and outcasts fighting back against a powerful fascistic Empire (with a top leader who even resembles a young Donald Trump!) might appeal.  And, no matter your politics, it’s a timely theme.

9.  Every Star Wars movie has creatures targeted at kids (and specifically, selling merchandise to kids), some more successful (Ewoks!) than others (Jar-Jar!!).  Personally, I loved the porgs.

10.  Did I mention – it’s revealed that the Jedi have a library! 🙂

10 Things I Didn’t Like About “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”
1.  No Grand Reveals/Major Surprises along the line of “Luke, I am your father” (I know) or the death of Han Solo.  Who is Snoke?  Are Rey’s parents really just trash merchants when everyone thought she’d have some connection to another known character?  (Though that could be cool too if its meant to show anyone can use the force, not just “chosen ones”.)

2. Leia’s Death/Survival wasted an opportunity to give her a heroic send-off.  For example, what if she’d piloted the rebel ship into the First Order ship at light speed instead of Admiral Holdo?

3. Luke’s death was a bit underwhelming too.  You expect a hero to die heroically and arguably he did but at a great distance instead of being right in the midst of battle.

4. The whole sub-plot with Finn and Rose Tico wasn’t very interesting and, echoing what I said about the political themes of the movie, I even found the sub-plot on Casino Planet which is full of rich war profiteers a bit too explicit, on the nose, and even boring. I mean, Finn and Rose are supposed to track down a master codebreaker – the best in the entire universe – but then they don’t and some random thief they bump into offers to provide the exact same service?

5. Most characters in the new trilogy have counterparts in the old – Rey is like Luke, Poe is like Han, etc.  As the heir apparent to the popular Boba Fett, Captain Phasma was also terribly underutilized in this film.

6.  The length.  I mean, normally I’d say that “more Star Wars = good Star Wars” but this movie is the longest of any Star Wars film and could’ve probably been improved by tightening it up to a 2 hour movie instead of 2hr33min.

7. I mentioned his death but I’m ambivalent about how Luke was used throughout the entire movie (and I’m not the only one who feels that way.)

8. Super fans have spotted all kinds of plot holes, with some minor and some major, that almost feel inevitable in a sprawling space opera like Star Wars.

9.  Nothing to do with the film directly but there are a lot of butthurt ultra-fanboys who are brigading ratings on popular aggregator sites to falsely make the film appear to be worse than it is (to be fair, there’s an equally credible argument that the professional critics, invited to sneak peek previews, were overly generous.)

10. I have to wait two more years for Episode IX. 🙁

Google’s Most Popular Drinks of 2017

Another year-end list.

Music Monday – “I am a poor boy too/I have no gift to bring/That’s fit to give a King/Shall I play for you/On my drum?”

Continuing our December Music Monday theme of re-imagining well-known Christmas songs, let’s go to the ultimate fitting cover – Ringo Starr doing “Little Drummer Boy”

(Hmm, I also unintentionally ended up featuring Christmas songs/covers by two of the four Beatles.  Perhaps that should’ve been the theme as well?)

The Little Drummer Boy” – Ringo Starr