Secular Sunday – By *Any* Standards, The Catholic Church Is A Corrupt Organization


Imagine for a moment that a big, admired multinational corporation, one selling a beloved product, was employing large numbers of male pedophiles and rapists, operating in rings all over the world, and that their crimes had been uncovered in Australia, Ireland, Canada, the Philippines, Belgium, France, Austria, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Britain, Germany and the United States, and, further, that senior executives had systematically covered up and suppressed evidence, transferring and enabling hundreds of predators, betraying thousands of victims.

This article says “By secular standards” but honestly, by any standards the Catholic Church is severely messed up (at best) and pure evil (at worst.)

Luckily, society is moving on.


Saturday Snap – Sunset at Nickle Lake

Friday Fun Link – Trump Prison Montage

Great editing – anybody recognize which show/movie this is from?  So familiar but I can’t place it…The Wire? The Departed?  Something else?



Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Peet Family Reunion (July 2013)

Earlier this summer in my post about a cousin that passed away, I mentioned how I was fortunate to know the many members of the Hammond side of the family quite well because I grew up in the same town as the matriarch of our family.

For a variety of reasons, I never got to know my mom’s side of the family quite as well (mainly since many of that side of the family – including my grandparents – lived in BC so we simply didn’t see them that often.)

But we had a family reunion at Kenosee Lake a few years back and it was a great chance to reconnect with many relatives on my mom’s side including one family I did know a bit better – the Bobby and Joyce Peet family who lived across the bridge from my grandparents in Kelowna.

Great Uncle Bobby passed away a few years ago and I just heard this week that Great Aunt Joyce passed away at the ripe old age of 86. (I always think about how long-lived the Hammond side of the family is but the Peet side is pretty robust too!)

(On a side note, as I sit and whimper with my broken wrist, I’ll point out that Bobby and Joyce’s daughter, DJ, who is second from right in the back row, attended the reunion with her hand in a splint and bandages as she’d recently caught it in an auger and though her hand was ripped up pretty bad, she was extremely fortunate that the leather gloves she was wearing jammed the auger and prevented much worse damage!)

SF Books That Didn’t Belong in the Kid’s Section of the Library

I’ve always believed that science fiction is the single best type of writing to teach us about our own lives and society.

So I’m absolutely fine when I think about sci-fi books with “inappropriate” content being put into the hands of kids even though the author of this article seems to think librarians put some books in the kid’s section out of obliviousness (which may be true) but without also acknowledging that most librarians also have a fairly open interpretation of “what’s appropriate for readers” and *don’t* try to be gatekeepers.

The Worst Day of Donald Trump’s Presidency?

Trump’s personal lawyer admits to knowingly committing illegal finance campaign finance violations at Trump’s direction while Trump’s former campaign chair is found guilty of multiple counts of bank and tax fraud as well.

The BEST people!

Music Monday – “Can you break the horse, can you light the fire, what’s that I beg your pardon?/You best start thinking where food comes from and I hope you tend a good garden.”

Gettin’ Down on the Mountain” – Corb Lund

Retro Saturday Snap – Driving Me Daily

Shea’s doing the majority of our driving these days, including taking me to a follow-up appointment with my surgeon last week…

Retro Friday Fun Link – Fred Armisen Does Accents To The City Level

A Netflix interview between Jerry Seinfeld and David Letterman led me to this…

Retro Throwback Thursday – #tbt – I’m Going In! (August 2009)

Pace looks like he wants to go swimming in Regina’s City Hall fountain…