Saturday Snap – What Else Do You Need?

Enjoying a beautiful day in October with some tunes, a beer, and my feet up…

The Five Year Old’s Guide to the Galaxy

Reddit has a sub-Reddit called /r/ExplainLikeImFive where the goal is to convey complex ideas in a way that even a child (or a typical Redditor?) can understand.

Someone compiled some of the best explanations the site has provided in a single post.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Gram Ham (April 2004)

“The reality is…my real name is Joe and I’ve been living with leukemia for eleven years. And unfortunately, it’s back.”

Pretty shocking development in the fake/real world of WWE, not only that top star Roman Reigns dropped his persona during the opening promo of RAW to announce he had leukemia, but also the revelation that he first battled leukemia *eleven years ago* and this wasn’t public knowledge and/or exploited by the WWE who have exploited pretty much everything they could to make a buck over the years.

More discussion of this sad news on r/squaredcircle and (perhaps surprisingly?) MetaFilter which has this amazing in retrospect anecdote…

I’ve mentioned my daughter on here a few times because she had cancer and got to meet Bayley.

Well, in June, Bayley invited us to the MSG house show and took us backstage to meet a few of the superstars. We met Ronda and Matt Hardy and Seth and a few others. But before we left, Roman walked into the catering area that we were in. Sam mainly likes Bayley and doesn’t recognize lots of the wrestlers but she knew him.

So he came over and Bayley introduced Sam, he told her how proud he was that she had beaten cancer, and in a moment I didn’t think of until yesterday, mentioned how he had to fight something like her before he started wrestling. 

Happy 47th Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Here’s a pic from this past summer of my folks in front of the United Church they got married at forty-seven years ago!

Music Monday – “We’d roll amongst the sweet grass lickin’ on each other/As the night replaced the day we’d bay and howl at the moon”

This song is probably my current favourite on Colter Wall’s new album and I also like that the clip I’m posting features Brad Wall’s son joking about smoking a big joint. 😉

“Wild Dogs” – Colter Wall (Billy Don Burns cover)

How To Make A Librarian Freak Out! @deezer

I’ve been tracking my music listening habits online via since 2005.

It’s not like I look at my account daily but tonight, I realised that had stopped scrobbling (that’s the term for when any site that I listen to music on – Deezer, YouTube, etc. – sending the name of the song to to build my profile) some but not all of my music listening, probably sometime in the last couple months or so.

Deezer moved to a new site design recently and I also dropped from their “Family” plan back to “Premium” so I think one of those things might be what broke my accounts (though I look at some online forums which indicate others are having this same issue so maybe not?)

At any rate, now I’m scrambling to figure out how to reconnect my laptop [edit: solved by disconnecting integration and then reauthorizing] and smartphone because it freaks out my anal retentive librarian brain to think that I won’t have a full and accurate record of every song I’ve ever listened to at home, in the car and at the campsite! 🙂

Saturday Snap – A Versatile Sign @officialRPL Regent Place Branch #yqr #ReadAboutWeed #GuideToGanja #MaryJaneMonographs #GetBuzzedonBooks

Usually, the “Homegrown” sign at my library helps identify a display of Saskatchewan books or perhaps a display of books about gardening or agriculture or something along those lines.

But with the legalization of marijuana this week, we found another way to use this sign… 🙂

Friday Fun Link – Dollar Street and GapMinder’s Four Income Levels

Dollar Street, from the GapMinder Foundation, uses a well-designed interface to help counter misconceptions about different income levels in the world.

Their main point is that people don’t uniformly live in “poor” or “rich” countries like most of us tend to think but that people actually share similar lifestyles, items that they own, and things they do and desire, when they have similar incomes, whether they live in Canada, China or Cambodia.

(Uhm, Canada is not actually one of the countries in their survey – a strange oversight.)

Throwback Thursday- #tbt – Grasshopper Cafe, Amsterdam (Fall 1995)

Figured this would be a good week to dig deep in the photo albums for a shot from a weekend trip to Amsterdam our host college arranged while I was on a semester exchange to England in 1995.

(That England trip will probably fill 7/10 spots if I ever do a “Fondest Pot Memories” list like I mentioned yesterday!) 🙂