Pace’s Current Favourite Skateboarder


Music Monday – “Kept his mother Mary worried/Always out on his own/He met another Mary who for a reasonable fee/Less than reputable was known to be/His heart was full of love, love, love”

A modern take on the story of Jesus

The Christmas Song” – Dave Matthews

Secular Sunday – “What If We Addressed Evangelical Christians Like They Talk About Gay People?”

I’m not religious at all but I know enough to be extremely pissed off at how often religion is actually used to justify hatred and attacks on others who are different.

Anyhow, there were some other good lines in the replies to this tweet:

“[Christianity] is unnatural – you don’t see it in the animal kingdom.”

“What you do on Sunday is your own business, just don’t throw it in my face.”

“I’m not sure you can be trusted around kids.”

“Have you tried just NOT being an evangelical?”

“But you look normal.”

Saturday Snap – Putting the Star on the Tree

Friday Fun Link – My Grandfather Has Kept A Detailed List of Every Book He’s Read Since 1949

This is pretty amazing. (via Reddit)

Throwback Thursday – I Feel A Bit Guilty About This Photo Knowing Shea Was 8 1/2 Months Pregnant… (March 2013)

…but I think it was her choice to do this, thinking it might help hasten Sasha’s arrival! 😉

Narcos Mexico

Our latest Netflix obsession…

Music Monday – “If we were vampires and death was a joke/We’d go out on the sidewalk and smoke/And laugh at all the lovers and their plans/I wouldn’t feel the need to hold your hand”

A lot of my music-loving friends had posted something about this song but I’m embarrassed to admit I didn’t even give it a listen because I thought the title was terrible and reminded me of “Twilight” or something.

But I finally gave it a chance and boy, was I wrong.  Probably one of the most powerful, heartbreaking songs I’ve ever heard.

Here’s Isbell playing the song in a sit-down interview…

If We Were Vampires” – Jason Isbell

…and here’s him talking about how and why he wrote it in that same interview:

Old Time Hockey!

One of the best games I’ve seen this year – felt like watching a game in the 80’s *and* the “Cardiac Kid” Calgary Flames once again staged a third period come back to win 4-2 after being down 2-0 for much of the game.


Saturday Snap – New Skateboard