Camping Game On!

Camping Carne Asada

6 peeled cloves of garlic
the juice of 2 limes
1/2 cup olive oil
1 tbsp Soy sauce
1 heaping tablespoon of Ancho Chili Powder
salt, pepper, garlic powder 1 tbsp of each
1 cup of cilantro, the more the better!

Blend all the ingredients up and marinade your meat overnight.

Grill the next day on direct heat until the desired doneness is achieved!

Eat and enjoy!

Camping Sunset Redux

Saskatchewan comes by its “Land of Living Skies” motto honestly!

Camping Cooking

Camping Kids

Camping Conference Call

I’m on holidays but called in to a meeting for a nonprofit organization since I’m on its Board of Directors and we had a lot to discuss.

This is a photo of me on the call that Shea snapped which is perhaps the funniest picture of me “working” that you’ll ever find! 🙂

Camping Anniversary

One year ago today, I stupidly went off a bike jump on a kid’s bike and my not insubstantial adult girth crashed down breaking my wrist, necessitating surgery, and putting a big crimp in the midst of a ten day camping vacation.

During our current trip, I’ve suffered a bent-back fingernail, a true redneck sunburn, and I burned the roof of my mouth because I couldn’t wait for some fresh-off-the-BBQ perogies to cool.

But otherwise, I’m doing really well.

So hopefully I’m not jinxing anything by posting this but, knock on wood, here’s to a hospital-free vacation!

Camping Midnight View

Camping Crafts

Camping Sunset