Saturday Snap – Off To Mexico…

Two drink-related posts in a row means I’m definitely on holidays!  (Also had to commemorate that tequila shots were my wife’s idea tonight, not mine!!!)

Some years I continue posting while on holidays and some years I don’t and I honestly have no idea if I’ll blog from Mexico or not but either way, hope the next week is amazing!

Friday Fun Link – Paloma Sunrise

Our plane isn’t wheels up for a couple days but no reason not to do a combo paloma/tequila sunrise concoction tonight to get a head start on holidays!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Three Month Anniversary in Our New House (November 2019)

Hard to believe it’s been three months in our new house.  This is a shot of me leaving our old house for the last time…

Five Things Libraries Offer That Aren’t Loans (and Five Things They Could Offer That They Don’t)

Libraries are best known for creating efficiencies of scale by buying books one time but lending them out dozens or even hundreds of times.

Increasingly, libraries are expanding their offerings, not just to other things they buy and loan multiple times (DVDs, video games, even musical instruments) but also buying and providing useful items with no expectation of them being “returned” after being used.

  1. Food and drink – most people don’t think of it this way but every time we buy cookies or pizza or juice boxes or coffee or whatever for a program or event, we’re basically spending money on stuff that will never be returned unlike our usual offerings of books and other materials.
  2. MP3’s – certain subscription services require libraries to buy music tracks on behalf of their patrons, no different than if the patron bought for themselves directly from iTunes – the library pays $0.99 per track or whatever and the patron gets to keep the track instead of the library re-loaning.
  3. Tampons.  (There are probably some things you don’t want returned after use!)
  4. Bike Locks (ideally, these get returned but that’s not always the case!)
  5. Headphones (see bike locks)

What are some other items libraries could buy on behalf of patrons that couldn’t be lent?

  1. Bus tickets – having a supply of bus tickets for those in need could be a great service, doubly so since most libraries are very closely linked with municipalities who already run transit services.
  2. Electricity – this isn’t a huge expense but letting people plug-in their devices does incur a singular cost that can only be used once.
  3. Office Supplies – libraries often offer photocopying at no or minimal cost but I wonder if we should also offer envelopes and similar items for free or low cost as well?
  4. Food and drink – I mentioned this above in the context of food and drink we provide for programs and special events but I wonder if libraries should always “have the coffee on?”
  5. Used Books – most libraries have a used book table where they sell withdrawn books at low cost.  Why not give these books away for free instead of the minimal returns they generate?

Music Monday – “I can almost smell the perfumed nights/And see the starry sky/I wish you comin’ with me baby/’Cause right before my eye”

Isn’t the Internet amazing?

I heard this song on my random “Flow” playlist the other day.  It’s a song from 1977 by an obscure New Zealand band that I’d never heard before but it felt fitting even though we’re going to Mexico instead of Cuba, leaving in February instead of April, but hoping for sun either way! 😉

April Sun in Cuba” – Dragon

Saturday Snap – Hecho En Mexico

Just over one week until we leave for Mexico.  I bought some cane sugar-infused goodness to mark the occasion…

Friday Fun Link – In Japan, The KitKat Isn’t Just Chocolate, It’s An Obsession

Kit Kat is my favourite and have to to admit that I ordered a special mix of Japanese KitKat bars for myself for Christmas one year!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – WS2412 (February 2019)

It’s sort of funny to think about how we’ve flown to the Cancun International Airport a handful of times over the past few years and it’s always the same WestJet flight we take every single year since we go the same week leaving and returning on the same day.

Why Is OK Computer So Good?

My generation’s “Sgt. Pepper’s”?


Why Does The “Bernie Bro” Myth Persist?

Because the media isn’t doing their job?