A Few Camping Highlights

I briefly thought of backdating a bunch of photo posts, one for every day of our recent camping holiday but realised that’d be a lot of work (not to mention more evidence of my self-diagnosed OCD regarding my “must post daily” goal.)

Anyhow, I thought I’d post just a few highlights in a single post instead.

Went on a trail ride at Kenosee Lake…

Shea’s parents celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary during our holiday by joining us on the trail ride and then a relaxing day at Kenosee Beach (well, as relaxing as you can be in a place that recently had a confirmed Covid diagnosis!)

My parents surprised me by visiting for my birthday weekend (dad broke his foot about a month ago kaboshing their plans to bring their own camper but meaning we got to test just how many people could sleep in our new camper!) 🙂

I’m not sure what I’ll call it but if I ever release an Americana album, this will be the cover image (luckily my father-in-law brought out his log splitter one day so I didn’t have to risk losing a toe using any of these implements!)…

The lesser known “BBT” sandwich – Bannock, Bacon and Tomato – one of numerous amazing meals we had during our trip including a seafood boil, steak, fish tacos, bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin, fresh-made hash browns and of course, endless hotdogs!

Enjoying a beautiful hot day on the boat…

Having a birthday in mid-July means I often get to celebrate it while we’re camping…

I’m biased but I think my kids are pretty darn cute!

Pace has come out of his shell a bit.  I’m not sure he’d ever let his sister and two friends do his hair any other year!

Pace’s love of parkour and “flippy shit” has never changed though!

I was fascinated by this guy and his homemade DIY fishing boat.  It even had a remote control so he could leave it idling on the water while he got his truck to load it then bring it right up on a trailer!

No doubt camping is a very “white” activity so very happy to see the increasing diversity in our campground and doubly so since we’re in the heart of Saskatchewan’s conservative oil patch where I think they issue “Fuck Trudeau” bumper stickers right at the dealership!  We saw people from a wide range of cultural backgrounds during our holiday including a group of Filipinos who entertained a group of lucky passerbys by flying a large remote controlled airplane over the boat launch at sunset one evening…

Music Monday – “I will swing my axe, don’t let the flames go down/Carve up some of that kindlin’/There’s plenty of wood around”

Back from a couple weeks’ camping and this song is running on repeat in my head, partly because my soft librarian hands suffered a few blisters from swinging an axe on occasion…

Axe” – The Steel Woods

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Stop Thief! Board Game (1979)

Came across an ad for this board game on a local buy/sell board.

They wanted $75 (!) for this “classic” game so obviously not going to be picking it up.

But it did bring back fond memories of playing it as a kid.  Is it any wonder I came to love technology and gadgets so much?

Camping Countdown

Going camping for a couple weeks starting at the end of this week so likely won’t be doing daily posts since the Internet out there is pretty crappy.

See you in August!

I’m Not A Vegetarian But…

…sometimes there’s nothing better than a well-made vegetarian burger! 🙂

Music Monday – “But I want old men making my whiskey/I want old men singing my blues/I want old men teaching my horses/’Cuz there’s just some things, young men can’t do/Like the old boys do”

The new Corb Lund album is an instant favourite, not least because, as I turn 47 later this week, this song dedicated to the value of the more seasoned among us resonates pretty heavily! 😉

Old Men” – Corb Lund

How Countries Around The World Have Responded to Covid-19


Saturday Snap – A Different Kind of Barn Raising?

Our next door neighbour at the lake showed up with a barn-shaped shed that he said was his Covid project with his kids (much more ambitious than *my* Covid quarantine project which was eating my body weight in chips and beer!) 😉

Anyhow, it was a huge job to get it placed, taking about ten people an hour to get it into place but it looks good and adds a nice “prairie” touch to the area where we camp.

Friday Fun Link – How To Sound Like Different Composers In Three Steps

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – “We are closing for at least two weeks, maybe more” (March 16, 2020)

This was the sign one of my staff hastily wrote during the frantic last day my library was open to the public (which ironically, I suspect was one of the busiest circulation days in my branch’s history as people took *armloads* of books – perhaps realising our project of “at least a couple weeks” was a bit optimistic!)

Now, nearly four months later, my branch is once again open.  I didn’t think to put up a “Welcome Back!” sign today (“We Are Opening!”) but it was rewarding to have some many regulars come in, tell us how much they missed us, and even take pictures in front of the library to celebrate such a momentous occasion!