Music Monday – “And if anyone can aid me ‘t is my brother in the army/If I can find his station in Cork or in Killarney/And if he’ll go with me, we’ll go rovin’ through Kilkenney/And I’m sure he’ll treat me better than my own a-sporting Jenny”


Whiskey in the Jar” – Irish Rovers

$39 Million Bora Bora Private Island

Don’t think I’ll ever afford this but perhaps they need an on-site librarian? 😉


Saturday Snap – High School Bound

Pace brought home his application form for high school yesterday and that’s a bit hard to believe!


Friday Fun Link – A Detailed Analysis of Auston Matthews’ Amazing OT Goal

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Pandemic Anniversary (March 11, 2020)

Hard to believe that March 11 is the one year anniversary of the WHO declaring Covid-19 a worldwide pandemic.

I thought it was perfect that it fell on a Throwback Thursday as I was sure I’d likely have a lot of appropriate photos from that momentous day a year ago that I could post.

But when I look back in my camera roll, the only things I have for that day are:

  • a screenshot of a joke from CalgaryPuck about how the NHL should play bubble hockey in Saskatchewan because we’re “impervious to viruses” (unfortunately, the opposite turned out to be true)
  • a screenshot of a discussion on Reddit where someone says they can’t believe how much happened in a single evening (NBA shutdown, US border restrictions, Tom Hanks has it) then others observe that government will spend more on bailouts than fighting covid and that elderly politicians will get the best healthcare and that people will still believe it’s a liberal hoax (all true)
  • a pic of Sasha happily acting goofy in our house, unaware how much her world is going to change
  • a photo of a takeout menu from a restaurant though I never knew exactly how much takeout menus would play a role in my next twelve months!
  • a shot of the fully stocked supply of toilet paper at my corner convenience store (that would be almost completely gone when I pop in again a week later!)

So yeah, nothing too symbolic (maybe the toilet paper pic which I’m sure I’ve posted before) so I’ll leave today with this as perhaps the most unintentionally meaningful thing I took note of on March 11 one year ago…

R.E.M.’s “Out of Time” Turns 30

“Out of Time” is probably one of the most significant albums of my youth which always seemed to be playing in the background of some of the memorable parties and events of my life when I was in Grade 11/12.

Hard to believe it’s been out for 30 years which means I’m 47 going on 48.  I’m getting old but man, some of the guys from R.E.M. look like they should be playing a casino somewhere! 😉


Most Shocking Moments in the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Interview with Oprah

But of course the experts knew all along that it would be shocking! 😉


Music Monday – “Ooo, your kisses/Sweeter than honey/And guess what?/So is my money”

Respect” – Aretha Franklin

A Year Ago, This Was Our Last Normal Week And Nobody Knew It

I mean, a year ago to the day, I was making jokes about “Corona” virus using Mexican beers as a prop so Covid was definitely on my radar.

But no, I did not expect a full shutdown of most parts of society, working from home for months, wearing mask for the bulk of the year, watching professional sports broadcast from empty stadiums, and all sorts of other massive changes to my everyday life!

Saturday Snap – Reading Science Books = Future Astronaut?

Sasha’s pretty obsessed with this True/False book about the planets.  Future astronaut confirmed! 😉