Each year, our library system gives out four awards to our branches – one for Service, one for Programming, one for Branch Development and one for Branch of the Year which incorporates elements of all three plus more. Right now, I'm working through nearly 200 quarterly reports (48 branches x 4 reports per year) to […]
If you're a regular reader of this blog, you know that I've been on the road for the past two months doing computer and Internet training at our various branches around SE Saskatchewan (for anyone who doesn't know about our territory, if you draw a straight line from Regina east to the Manitoba border and […]
It threw me a bit to be typing a random list of common English words rather than the more usual sentences and paragraphs but I did okay on this site's typing test – one of many available online. When I've done other typing tests, both online and in the real world, I get anywhere from […]
TechCrunch recently had a story about a new study which found that lower-income people tend to prefer Yahoo! and higher-income people prefer Google. (Shea's reading over my shoulder and goes “That's funny – I didn't know anyone preferred Yahoo!”)Anyhow, that made me think about the “Everything You Wanted To Know About the Internet (But Were […]
For the most part, I've really enjoyed being on the road for the past month and a half (with one month still to go roughly). In fact, I'm thinking that if I don't find a position when this contract ends, I might just offer myself out as a “Internet & computer training consultant” to other […]
– saw two moose (meese?) right beside the road but behind a fence on my early morning drive to Rocanville (one of our most distant communities at 2.5 hours) this morning. A pretty rare sight (for me anyhow but then again, I don't hunt) so I actually briefly thought “Those are some weird looking cows!” […]
Just finished trying to help someone update their profile on VampireFreaks.com (half successfully, half not – I figured out how to add a background image rather than a solid colour and to add an embedded music player as well. But I couldn't figure out how to place the music player where the person wanted it on […]
So I was giving my standard “these days, buying online or doing your online banking is as safe, if not safer, than doing it via a real world transaction” line during a public Internet session the other day when some old guy puts up his hand and goes “What about that Silent Banker virus they […]
Our library director commutes daily from Regina to Weyburn and back, a round-trip of about two and a half hours. He told a funny story before Christmas about one day a few years ago when a blizzard hit the province and he was the only person to make it to work that day – even […]
One of the things I'm trying to do while on the road training branch librarians and the general public about the Internet and computers is to go beyond the usual suspects (Google, Wikipedia, Flickr and so on) to share some more obscure sites people might not have heard about but which are really interesting or […]