Category Archives: Work

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Family Literacy Day at the Library (January 2015)

Who Said Non-Stop Playing Video Games Was Bad For You?

Incredibly proud of Pace who, along with two of his classmates from Thom Collegiate, got voted by his peers as having the second most popular video game in the video game class he took at Campus Regina! The class had students from high schools all across Regina and 13 different games being demoed at the […]

Saturday Snap – Felt A Bit Blue(y) At The Library Today

My job’s pretty fun somedays… (No, not me in the costume.  These were hired performers for a kid’s birthday party in one of our program rooms that agreed to do a few photos with staff and some lucky bystanders at the library this afternoon!)

10 Mawkish (But True) Things People Say About Libraries #yqr @epldotca

Went to a great presentation by Edmonton Public Library CEO, Pilar Martinez and City of Edmonton Architect, Carol Belanger (Edmonton being the only city in Canada to have this position apparently) about their experiences building various branches around Edmonton, new and renovated, including the massively renovated Central library. They also talked about value of public […]

Wisdom Wednesday – Morbidity and Mortality Conferences

I just finished a book called “The Big Fail: What The Pandemic Revealed About Who It Protects and Who it Leaves Behind” which is a fairly even handed look at the Covid pandemic, three years after it began, by the same journalists who wrote “Smartest Guys in the Room” about the Enron scandal. This book […]

Wisdom Wednesday – “Oh Man, Oh God”

We all find sanity and solace in different things…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – RSO at RPL (September 2010)

Hosted a visit by the RSO Chamber Players tonight at the Glen Elm Branch and was reminded that the partnership between RSO and RPL is probably one of the most long-standing, most successful in RPL history. Here’s a pic of the RSO at RPL back in September 2010…

Are We (Finally) Coming Out of Covid? Probably Not But Also Maybe?

I haven’t written a lot about Covid lately but it’s interesting to reflect on how our attitudes and therefore, our language, changes. For instance, I have started saying “Coming out of Covid” to refer to our current situation and as a reflection of what I see in wider society – very little masking (including myself […]

Saturday Snap – Tough Day at the Office!

Been sick the past couple days but dragged my ass into work as I had a big event on.  I texted Shea to ask if she was going to bring the kids and she replied “I feel like absolute crap. I did a Covid test and it negative but I feel like I was hit […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – First Rapid Tests (March 2021)

We were lucky that Shea is a nurse as we got early access to rapid tests before they were widely distributed to the general public. No way to know for sure but I feel like that was part of why we may have been able to avoid Covid as long as we did – anytime […]