Category Archives: Work

Movember Is Over

Movember is over and here’s the first and final shot of my ‘stash.  (I am so happy to have proved my body produces testosterone!) Thanks to all of my family, friends, classmates, work colleagues and others who donated (and you still can!) My modest initial fundraising goal was $100 but after I enter a few […]

“I Gave At The Office”

Movember is almost over (full details tomorrow) and that’s got me thinking about how generous people can be. My initial fundraising goal was $100 as I had no idea how much people might give (or how many people.) But when all is said and done, I’ll have raised over $500! Everybody will have a different […]

Saturday Snap – Banure!

Agribition is one of the biggest agricultural fairs in the world and therefore, a big part of Saskatchewan life and economy. Pace’s cousin’s uncles and grandpa were showing cattle at the show so Shea took Pace down to take in the sights (and smells!)  Luckily, Pace didn’t scratch his nose and buy a bison like […]

Libraries and Crowdsourcing

A great article giving a few examples of how libraries have used crowdsourcing to manage large projects that are beyond the scope of their regular workforce and/or which take advantage of the “Wisdom of Crowds”.

Weyburn Flash Mob

When I worked for Southeast Regional Library, the local Co-op grocery store was a couple blocks away. I stopped in regularly – for groceries on the way home or to pick up the occasional treats for our afternoon coffee breaks.  I was also there fairly regularly because Southeast policy was that you had to return […]

Friday Fun Link – Go The Fuck to the Library

It’s funny cause it’s true. (h/t to TR & CF)

What’s 21 Months Overdue at RPL?

CUPE 1594, which represents the in-scope workers at RPL, launched an advocacy campaign today. Entitled “Check Us Out” with a slogan of “What’s 21 Months Overdue at Regina Public Library?”, its purpose is to draw attention to the fact that union members at RPL have been working without a contract for nearly two years. You […]

We are the 99%

Depending on where you live (and where you get your news), the Occupy Wall Street movement, may or may not be on your radar. These protests, which started in New York but have since spread to other cities around the world, are “mainly protesting against social and economic inequality, corporate greed, and the influence of […]

Is There A Steve Jobs of Libraries?

One of the comments in the long MetaFilter thread about Steve Jobs’ passing stuck out for me: He made people try their hardest, and that’s the most important quality a leader can ever have. I really like how this definition of leadership is more about the impact the leader has on other people rather than […]

You Know You’re A Library Nerd When… (aka Hawaii Public Libraries)

I admit that I’m such a library nerd that sometimes when I’m bored and can’t think of something to look at on the Internet, I’ll just go to a random library’s web site to see what’s up, what they’re doing, how they present themselves.  It’s especially fun to pick libraries that you expect to be […]