“It’s the Old Generation That’s Entitled, Not Students” – The National Post with a spot-on observation about the current Quebec protests How Reddit’s Co-Founded Became the Mayor of the Internet Speaking of Reddit, a novelty account called ShittyWatercolors did an illustration of my own user name, “HeadTale” (well, mis-read as “HeadTales” but you get what […]
If you think “The Avengers” made a lot of money, can you imagine what a cross-company, joint DC-Marvel film with Superman and Spider-man teaming up to battle Dr. Doom and The Parasite with guest appearances from The Hulk and Wonder Woman would be like? Well, it’s already happened in comic book form as this gem […]
An article about how the various iDevices, used in conjunction with Airplay and Apple TV, can act as a natural magnifier and allow single-handed operation for allowing the reading of web content and e-books on a big screen. As I increasingly get familiar with my temporary new role of Outreach Librarian at Regina Public Library, […]
Often times, working in libraries means you’re getting abused – by patrons who are mad that you won’t waive their hundreds of dollars in fines or pissed that you won’t give them unlimited guest passes on the Internet or that you don’t know the name of that book that they want to read “that’s blue”. […]
This simulator doesn’t work quite as well as you’d hope but it’s a library check-in/check-out simulator that’s intended to help you figure out how long you have to wait until a book you have on hold comes in. I found this simulator on a MetaFilter thread where a patron was asking exactly that question – […]
So I was one of the lucky 100 who got to attend TedXRegina on Wednesday at the ShuBox Theatre at the U of R. Here are some random thoughts about the day… – never realised until the night before while checking out the #tedxregina hashtag on Twitter that there were only 100 seats available as […]
“Wake Up Moms, You’re Fighting the Wrong Fight” – points out that it’s ridiculous to argue about the recent Time breastfeeding cover and instead, all US moms should be pushing for a benefit that new moms in the vast majority of the world get – paid maternity leave. Why Nicolas Tesla was the Greatest Geek […]
I was talking with a colleague today about the process of having to fire people. I said I’d had this experience twice – once when I had to fire someone, once when I begged for clemency for an employee whose job was on the line. (I thought this employee was being targeted for the wrong […]
I don’t think I’ve blogged about this yet but about a month ago, I moved into a new position at RPL as Outreach Services Librarian. This a one-year term position filling a maternity leave. The past month has been a bit of a blur as I learn about my new position, the history and workflow […]
You’ll see this graphic a lot more in a couple days as “May the Fourth Be With You”. But I think this variation is quite appropriate for May Day: