Category Archives: Work

Saturday Snap – Sasha Checks Out Daddy’s Library

Sasha loved crawling around the library when Shea, Pace and her came to see the magician that was appearing on Friday afternoon.   The children’s area is fun, mostly because it has things that look like cords that you can actually play with (unlike the real cords at home which always get a frantic response […]

Spoiler Alert! (Hint: Green Is Going Grey) #riders #greycup #yqr

I had to work today so had set the PVR to record the Riders vs. Stamps Western Final CFL game.  I also strategized how to not accidentally hear the score before I got home – no glimpses at Facebook on my smartphone, no checking Twitter at my break, only trying to make the most  generic […]

Saturday Snap – Button, Button, Who’s Got The Button?

Regina Public Library does! And if you stop by to see me at Regent Place Library between 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. tomorrow afternoon before the big game, you too can have a Rider/Grey Cup-themed button of your own. Here’s what the table in my office looked like while I was practicing with the button making […]

Saturday Snap – Halloween Hijinxs

I didn’t actually dress up for Halloween this year (does “Guy who works at a library” count?) but this selfie, taken outside the photo booth they had at our Staff Development Day on October 25 this year sure makes it look like I did!   Pace’s idea of decorating a pumpkin included a self-serve option. […]

Five Memorable Moments at @officialRPL as I Receive My Five Year Pin

So tomorrow is RPL’s annual staff conference and I’ll be receiving my five year pin which officially marks this as the job I’ve held the longest in my adult life since convocating with an undergrad degree in 1996 (although to be fair, I’ve been in four different positions over five years so I’m keeping up my […]

Itinerary of a Day Off

As part of my new job as Regent Place Branch Head, I now work a few evenings and weekend shifts each month which means at least once a month my “weekend” is on Monday and Tuesday. This can be a big advantage sometimes when Pace is in school and I can get to appointments I […]

My One Month Anniversary at @officialrpl Regent Place Library – Top 10 Good Things About My New Position

It’s flown by but today marks one month since I started as the Branch Manager at RPL’s Regent Place Branch. One word that keeps popping in to my head when I think about my new job is “comfortable”. What I mean by that is any new job, even one you want or are looking forward […]

Pace’s and My First Days

Grade one for him… New Regent Place Branch Head for me…

Music Monday – “I was tired of being put right down/By myself for not being what you thought/You had found pulled hard in two directions”

Happy Labour Day! This year’s Labour Day is especially relevant as our current provincial government has proposed sweeping new legislation to “modernize” Saskatchewan’s labour laws by combining twelve existing pieces of Legislation into a single omnibus bill, a move which will “likely have many unintended consequences and costs.  Unions aren’t taking these changes laying down […]

Saturday Snap – Farewell Outreach!

After eighteen months, I had my final shift at Regina Public Library’s Outreach Unit yesterday.  (On Tuesday, I become Branch Supervisor of our Regent Place Branch.) Although the strong emphasis on service to a marginalized community is a perfect fit for my own interests and values, I never thought this was a role I would’ve […]