A co-worker sent me this knowing I’d get a kick out of it… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wogta8alHiU “Atheists Don’t Have No Songs” – Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers
A few posts back, I mentioned how I often feel like librarians are our own worst enemies. There’s a lot of factors that feed into that feeling but one of the main ones is that we often get so bogged down in trying to enforce “consistency” when that’s both impossible and also impractical. Even when […]
Posted 17 April 2014
Below is the top voted answer, by former NASA astronaut Garrett Reisman, to the Quora question “What Is The Most Important Thing You’ve Learned About Leadership” (it’s worth clicking through for some of the other answers as well.) 1) Have a grand vision – Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO, CTO As a leader, you can inspire […]
So I consider myself a fairly tech-savvy individual. I’ve been using computers since I was ten years old. The first computer I used regularly was a Commodore-64. I sent my first e-mail in 1995 and designed my first web site in 1997. I’ve since designed numerous web sites and even got paid to produce many […]
I’ve recently rediscovered hummus. God, that stuff is addictive! The local hard rock radio station playing German quasi-death metal on my drive back to work after lunch recently = Jason has a very productive afternoon! 😉 I’ve mentioned this before but getting to come home for lunch every day is beyond awesome. That’s partly because, […]
It’s actually kind of goofy how much I look forward to doing a Freedom to Read Week display at the library each year. A couple years ago, I did one at Central and this year, I got to do one for my new branch. Luckily, I still had my “Caution” tape but unlike before when […]
The Nite Hawk Theatre that I grew up with in my hometown of Indian Head, Saskatchewan was recently facing the threat of being closed and sold to developers after the long-time owners decided to retire rather than pay for the necessary upgrades to digital equipment. This would be a terrible loss as the theatre is […]
About once a week I work a 10-6 shift instead of a more typical 9-5 one. With one staff member on holidays and one having called in sick, today happened to be particularly busy day starting as soon as I arrived, an hour later than usual. So I thought I’d do a list of a […]
When I try to quickly define my blog for people (at least as it currently exists), I often say it’s about libraries, technology and politics (along with cute pictures of my kids of course.) That’s why the passing of longtime University of Saskatchewan librarian, Peter Scott, is so sad. He was at the intersection of […]