Although he enjoys swimming, gymnastics, diving and other similar sports, Pace has never shown much interest in team sports. But we keep trying… Our local community centre has a “Give It A Try” program where kids can try different activities every Friday night – broomball, yoga, floor hockey, ju-jit-su and possibly others as well. Friday […]
Hockey Pre-season has begun which means the real season is only a couple weeks away. Did you know that a generally accepted rule of Canadian publishing is any book with anything to do with hockey is guaranteed to be a huge seller? True story. Politics No matter, how much he tries to excuse it, I […]
Wow – time flies. It’s already been one year since I moved out of RPL’s Central Library to try life in the branches. And overall, it’s been a great move – both for all the reasons I listed at the one month point in my tenure and more. Here’s a few highlights and lowlights from […]
It wasn’t in service when I worked at Southeast Regional Library but one day coming back from a branch, I noticed this parked in the compound of a local auto wrecker and snapped a picture (and yes, briefly considered making an offer on it!) Man, how much of the public library’s history across North America […]
It was a highlight of my young career as a librarian to get to spend a year and a half working in RPL’s Outreach Unit serving visually impaired, homebound, and other special needs patrons across Regina. Here’s a pic I snapped when our monthly book club (the group listened to audio books but otherwise operated […]
Usually it’s the Library Assistants who do this type of thing but today, I got to pitch in to play host to a visit from a school group. It was a great chance to exercise some “librarian muscles” I don’t get many opportunities to use and many of the things I learned in my Children’s Librarianship […]
The branch I work at is the newest in the Regina Public Library system. Since it opened just about two years ago it has had the following two pieces of art hanging in the YA area… These pieces have provoked a mixed reaction to say the least. Some staff and patrons felt that these pieces […]
I find increasingly that I have a few standard lines that I repeat to myself as little koans of wisdom. One of these is “Don’t just look at the numbers; look to find the story behind the numbers.” This graphic, which is making the rounds on social media today, sums this idea up perfectly. A […]
So the concept of privilege has been on my mind lately. Thanks to the kind (and kind of) folks on my Facebook feed, I’ve been regularly sent articles about “white privilege“, “male privilege“, “heterosexual privilege” (uhm, for anyone keeping count, I get to tick the box for all three…plus most other types of privilege out […]
…which is why I find this Tumblr so funny!