Category Archives: Work

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – New Computer System @OfficialRPL #yqr (February 2010)

RPL is moving to a new ILS over the coming week which reminded me of the last move we had five years ago…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Cuba Libre! (March 2011)

This is the reminder that popped up on my work computer the day before we left for Cuba a few years back…

“His Name Was Alan Kurdi”

A “refugee crisis” is something far away and remote.  Kenya.  Bangladesh.  Syria. Foreign.  Easily ignored. But this.  This is something different. This is a child. A child whose death has given a face to the millions of other children and adults around the world who are fleeing natural disasters and famine and war. A child posed as […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – A Most Canadian Library Sign (July 9, 2008)

When I worked for a regional library system, many of our libraries were located in unusual locations – many co-located with a town office, a school that had been closed, a fire hall, a laundry mat. And of course we had one that was in a hockey rink – whose main doors became the entrance […]

Timmins Library Relents, Allows Girl Into “Boys Only” Robotics Program

The public library in Timmins, Ontario recently tried to offer a “boys only” robotics class but ended up facing a huge backlash (including many female scientists and engineers) after not allowing a girl to register for the program. I understand what the library was trying to do in offering a program focused on reaching boys who tend […]

Some Random Thoughts on /gasp/ PORN! at @officialRPL #yqr

(I don’t usually do disclaimers on my posts but since I work for Regina Public Library and this is a controversial topic for a lot of people, I’ll start off by mentioning that what follows are my personal opinions only and do not reflect those of RPL or anyone else who works at RPL…although given […]

The Second Job You Don’t Know You Have: How Self-Checkouts, ATMs and Airport Check-Ins are Changing Our Economy

Shadow work [is] all the unpaid jobs we do on behalf of businesses and organizations: We are pumping our own gas, scanning our own groceries, booking our travel and busing our tables at Starbucks. Shadow work is a new concept, so as yet, no one has compiled economic data on how many jobs we, the […]

Music Monday – “They call me a troublemaker ’cause I’m finally saying “no”/I’ve been working hard and yet my pay is still so low

A highlight of my time at the Writers Guild of Alberta was getting to book Maria Dunn to speak and perform at our annual conference at the Royal Tyrrell Museum. “Troublemaker” – Maria Dunn

Saturday Snap – Green Screen

Playing around with RPL’s green screen along with our Manager of Virtual Services.   

Travel Planning, Coincidence and (Another) Once In A Lifetime Experience

Recently, at my library, I delivered a program called “Trip Planning 2.0: How To Research Your Vacation Online” where I gave registrants a “guided tour” of some the most useful sites for trip planning, both well-known (Google, TripAdvisor) and lesser-known (Reddit, FourSquare). (The program was basically an expanded version of a blog post I did […]