Category Archives: Work

Kitchener Public Library Has Social Worker Patrons Can “Borrow”

I’ve been watching the growth of social workers in libraries with great interest. I think the first I heard of the idea was when San Francisco Public Library got one.  Now it’s spreading to other urban centres across the US and Canada – Winnipeg, Edmonton, Thunder Bay are just a sample of some Canadian libraries where this […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – My Storytelling Outfit?

I was looking back and realised that the shirt and pants I wore to tell stories to some kids in a summer reading program two years ago… …are the same ones I wore this past summer. (I have no photographic evidence of what I wore for the school visit in summer 2015 but I suspect it […]

Our Christmas Timeline

November 11 – Remembrance Day in Canada is Singles Day (aka 11/11) in China so we usually buy a few things direct from sites like AliExpress on what is China’s equivalent of Black Friday to get our Christmas shopping started. November 12 – Remembrance Day is over so I can officially start getting into the Christmas […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Regent Place Branch of @officialrpl Opens in #yqr (August 2012)

After many years without any significant new developments, Regina Public Library has opened three new (or newly renovated) branches in a few short years with one more on the way by next year (and maybe more to come?) While working at our Central branch, I was able to pop over at lunch one day in […]

Saturday Snap – What Is “Crazy Things You Find In The Library” For $500, Alex?

Friday Fun Link – Virtual Reality

At RPL’s annual Staff Development Day today (okay, yesterday since I’m posting this on Saturday), they were demoing a new Virtual Reality accessory the library recently purchased. This was the Playstation 4 version, not the more well-known Oculus Rift headset that, in many ways, began the popularization of virtual reality devices for home users. It felt pretty […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Defining HR Successes? (Oct 2011)

At the annual RPL Staff Development Day in 2011, I had to do an activity with my co-workers where we listed some of the successes of the HR Unit where I was working at the time. Of course, I’d found out a couple weeks earlier that my position as Organization Development Specialist was being eliminated […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – I Think My Co-Workers Decorated My Door Out of Love (Maybe?) (Dec 2007)

When I worked for Southeast Regional Library, I came in to find someone had photocopied the cover of a new library book and added it to my door as a decoration.   Hmmm…

Saturday Snap – 3D Printed Business Card Holders

My branch has recently received one of two 3D Printers that RPL is rotating through our various branches. We’ll have it until May 2017 or so but one of my staff has already caught the bug and printed a whole rainbow of business card holders for us…

Friday Fun Link – Dancing at the end of @officialRPL 50th Anniversary “Retro” Party

After originally being posted by Shea to Facebook (which means I have plausible deniablility but also that not everyone could view it since she didn’t make it public), this video has taken on a bit of legendary status. I’m getting all these cryptic e-mails from other people at RPL (and even beyond) that say “Hey, […]