Category Archives: Work

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – “Reader Pride” Wrap-Up (June 2008)

This was the wrap-up for a major region-wide literacy program called “Time To Read” (with a slogan “Reader Pride”, a pun on Saskatchewan’s well-known “Rider Pride”) that I was involved with in my first job after I graduated from library school. It’s crazy to think how much in this photo is now being impacted by […]

When Can Canadian Public Libraries Reopen? @librarianshipCA

I’ll likely do a longer post with some thoughts on how libraries across North America have reacted to the COVID crisis at some point and also some personal thoughts on how/when they should reopen. But now that a few provinces have begun to include public libraries in their reopening plans (I’m looking at you, Saskatchewan!), […]

The Price of Gas Is Lower Than When I Started Working As A Gas Station in High School!

This is from Medicine Hat, Alberta, not Indian Head, Saskatchewan. But it’s absolutely insane that a litre of gas now costs *less* than when I started working at a gas station in 1989 when gas was 45.9 cents per litre  (49.9 for Supreme!) – a number imprinted on my brain the same way I still […]

Saturday Snap – Going (Mini) Viral Online in the Age of Pandemic

From working on the Ryan Meili leadership campaigns, mostly in the area of social media plus my own personal interest in the topic, I know some of the “rules” about what makes tweets/Facebook posts successful. But ultimately, human nature is a funny thing and no one can truly predict what will make a tweet go […]

Friday Fun Link – Family Man Retires at 39

Tim works at RPL (I know “works at RPL” conflicts with the title of this post but he works here in the same way that a retired 65 year old might pick up a part-time job at a local retailer to keep busy/do something they enjoy/make some “mad money” to supplement their savings.) Anyhow, a […]

Music Monday – “Every whisper/Of every waking hour I’m/Choosing my confessions”

Recommended by a patron at my branch… “Losing My Religion” – Lacuna Coil

Random Thoughts From A Cold Snap

The picture above is pretty much the main reason we have kids – to make them do the jobs we don’t want to do! 🙂 I wish Dyson made “air blade” hand dryers but body-sized. I put money in a parking metre today and it literally took two seconds to register each coin I put […]

“Home For Sale – Calgary Version” (And A List of Places I’ve Lived)

Here’s a pic of me with our realtor’s sign when we sold the condo we owned in Calgary in October 2004 and with the pending move (basically two nights left in our current home!), it’s got me thinking back on other places I’ve laid my head… 0-5 (?) – my parents live in a rental […]

This thread about working in a library went viral because it’s funny, passionate, angry and utterly lovely

Saturday Snap – A Strange (and Strangely Exciting?) Raffle Prize at @officialRPL Staff Day

I was a bit surprised to see what I thought was some sort of sex lotion in one of the raffle baskets I ended up winning at the RPL Staff Development Day yesterday. Fortunately (?), my reading comprehension isn’t so great for a librarian and my wife seemed a bit too relieved to inform me […]