20 Signs You Have A Good Boss

I think one of my staff is trying to send me a message! 😉

The importance of good bosses can’t be overstated.

RPL has had a number of people in supervisory/management positions over the dozen or so years I’ve been there and I would say I’ve honestly seen both the best and the worst in terms of how they approach supervising other people.

Here is just.a sample of the things that puts bosses on the “good” side of the ledger…

  1. Your boss reassures you.
  2. Your boss does not micromanage.
  3. Your boss appreciates your skills.
  4. Your boss can take the blame.
  5. Your boss is friendly and approachable.
  6. Your boss can communicate effectively.
  7. Your boss keeps meetings to a minimum.
  8. Your boss focuses on small wins.
  9. Your boss is an active listener.
  10. Your boss does not know it all.
  11. Your boss does menial tasks.
  12. Your boss is prepared to coach.
  13. Your boss gives immediate feedback.
  14. Your boss creates a constructive atmosphere.
  15. Your boss is flexible.
  16. Your boss is not afraid of empowerment.
  17. Your boss is empathetic.
  18. Your boss is fair.
  19. Your boss does not participate in office gossip.
  20. Your boss stays cool in a crisis.

I once had a boss tell me work wasn’t supposed to be fun. I disagreed then and I disagree now.

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