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The Health Benefits of Camping
2022/07/26Internet in Cuba
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I’m no longer actively maintaining or updating them but you can find my archive of Fred Eaglesmith Guitar Tabs and Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs on this site.
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Category Archives: Work
Sask Library Association Recommendation Letter (June 2001)
Going through some old papers, I came across this recommendation letter from the Sask Library Association Executive Director. If this letter didn’t make it clear, I’ve always felt a strong connection to libraries, loved getting to work for the province’s library association and, only five short years later, I’d be off to library school to […]
My Thoughts On Some Controversial Library Opinions
There was a good Twitter thread recently which posed a simple question: “What’s your controversial library opinion?” I thought it might be interesting to record some of my responses to these opinions whether I agreed or disagree (if this isn’t clear, all the bolded opinions below were submitted by Twitbrarians and the plain text under […]
Who’s In My Covid Bubble?
Now that we’ve been going out more for shopping, staying in our seasonal campsite since the start of June, I’ve been back to work for over a month, and we’ve even been brave enough to eat at a couple restaurants (only patios though, not inside!), I thought it might be interesting to think about who’s […]
Throwback Thursday – #tbt – “We are closing for at least two weeks, maybe more” (March 16, 2020)
This was the sign one of my staff hastily wrote during the frantic last day my library was open to the public (which ironically, I suspect was one of the busiest circulation days in my branch’s history as people took *armloads* of books – perhaps realising our project of “at least a couple weeks” was […]
Ready To Reopen
Plexiglass? Check. Signage Promoting Safety and New Rules? Check. Visible people counter? Check. Stanchions? Check. Revamped shelving and computer areas? Check. Ready to reopen? Ready as we’ll ever be! 🙂
Five Thoughts As I Enter My Fourth Month of Quarantine
I did a list like this about a month ago and so I thought I’d do another one as I’m now a few days into my *fourth* month of quarantine to see what’s front of mind these days… 1. Public libraries *finally* have a date for permitted opening which will be Phase Four Stage Two […]
Music Monday – “Time stand still/I’m not looking back/But I want to look around me now”
I’ve been into my branch a handful of times since it shut down three months ago. But as RPL has begun slowly reopening over the past couple weeks, today was my first day back in branch doing more traditional library work. This is because we’ve started having mid-sized and smaller branches in the RPL system […]
Five Reasons Libraries Should Begin Re-opening (and Five Reasons They Shouldn’t)
In a time of unprecedented challenges, the big debate in libraryland is how/when libraries should reopen. There are good reasons on both sides of the ledger but as Saskatchewan libraries inch closer to reopening, here’s a few of the main ones… LIBRARIES *SHOULD* BEGIN RE-OPENING 1. The single biggest reason libraries should be reopening is […]