Category Archives: Video

Music Monday – “Oh beautiful, for spacious skies/For amber waves of grain/For purple mountain majesties/Above the fruited plain”

“America The Beautiful” – Ray Charles

Music Monday – “2020, 24 hours to go/I Wanna Be Sedated”

I saw this clever play on words from the lyrics of a Ramones song on Twitter and had to steal it for today’s Music Monday post with 2020 being the craziest year in a century and twenty-fours until we’re watching election returns in the United States… “I Wanna Be Sedated” – The Ramones

Secular Sunday – Judgement Is Executed on Covid By Evangelical Leaders

This’ll show Covid! (Fun challenge – pretend you know nothing about this video and watch with the sound off then see if this guy seems at all healthy or well-balanced.)  

Friday Fun Link – 15 Times Connor McDavid Did The Impossible

Okay, now that the Stanley Cup’s been awarded and we don’t know if/when NHL hockey will be back, can I, as a Flames fan, admit that I *really* enjoy watching Connor McDavid? I mean, his defense sucks and I hope the Oilers continue to miss the playoffs every year for the next decade.  But man, […]

Music Monday – “I got 500 dollars in cash in case they don’t take AMEX/She wanted to see me so now I’m headed to/The Annex Sorority house, she snuck me in, she tried to/Keep quiet, couldn’t hold it in”

Pretty cool that a U of R grad has hit the top of the BBC Asian music charts and gone viral on TikTok with this song… “Young Shahrukh” – Tesher

The Alt-Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go Low

This video has some good insights into modern politics and especially in light of current battles over seating Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg’s replacement.  It looks specifically at some of the reasons why liberals struggle against conservatives who are less likely to be bound to rules and precedent in their pursuit of power.  

Music Monday – “It’s called me belligerent, it’s took me for ignorant/But it ain’t never once made me scared just to be/Could you imagine just constantly worryin’/Kickin’ and fightin’, beggin’ to breathe?”

Okay, getting to one of the top o’ mind topics mentioned in my list yesterday – a new surprise album from Tyler Childers was released the other day.  It features eight instrumental fiddle tunes then a single “regular” song with lyrics calling for more kindness and understanding among citizens including many who listen to Childers […]

Pro Wrestling Territories in the United States: A Brief History

If you’re a pro wrestling fan like I am, you’ll appreciate this walk down memory lane…  

Music Monday – “All those who remember the war/They won’t forget what they’ve seen/Destruction of men in their prime/Whose average age was nineteen”

He’s broken *so* many taboos and boundaries in politics. But Trump’s taking a lot of pushback after reports of multiple negative comments against the military so maybe, just maybe, this will finally break through to some supporters that he’s not a good person and maybe even help guarantee a loss in November (or at least […]

Friday Fun Link – Top Five Experiments In Space

I recently read Scott Kelly’s “Endurance” which is a combination of a traditional autobiography along with with a travelogue about his record-breaking year-long experience in space. This book was recommended in an article I read early in quarantine as a great way to maintain perspective during the pandemic by learning about someone who basically went […]