…as his proud mom looks on. “My baby’s all growed up!”
We had hoped to book Hyatt Ziva (our favourite resort we’ve ever stayed at) for this year’s trip but couldn’t make it work since this year’s trip is going to be not just my immediate family but my parents and my sister and her family and there weren’t enough rooms left to accommodate us all […]
Sasha looks at her mom in her wedding dress…
Little break from my usual rambles about management theory to share a TikTok my wife sent me. It’s the hilarious story of a boss who totally overreacts and makes a bigger deal than needed out of an employee being late due to a flat tire. Absolutely hilarious and the person who made this TikTok nailed […]
Hard to believe that fifteen years ago we were at Shea’s cousin’s wedding and took this photo of three girls (also cousins) she’d basically raised from babies with our baby. Sadly, the last time we would see the sister on the left was at the sister on the right’s wedding earlier this summer. She was […]
Been sick the past couple days but dragged my ass into work as I had a big event on. I texted Shea to ask if she was going to bring the kids and she replied “I feel like absolute crap. I did a Covid test and it negative but I feel like I was hit […]
We were lucky that Shea is a nurse as we got early access to rapid tests before they were widely distributed to the general public. No way to know for sure but I feel like that was part of why we may have been able to avoid Covid as long as we did – anytime […]
I’ve lived in Regina most of my life but had never been to the Eagles Club, a members-only space downtown that’s reminiscent of a small town bar mixed with a Royal Canadian Legion with a focus on charitable giving. So when a neighbour who’s a member invited Shea and I to join him and a […]
It was a somewhat spontaneous decision but my aunt, who already visits from BC and stays with us for about a month every spring, decided to come back and will be staying with us for a few weeks again.
Back from our most recent camping stretch but bittersweet as my inlaws decided to pull the pin after twenty years of seasonal camping. (This has been coming for awhile but still tough that the moment finally arrived.) So much of our week away was watching as they listed (and sold) their camper, packed up everything […]