Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – Funny Graffiti

Kids, grafitti is wrong and you should never do it.  But if you happen to have a Sharpie in your pocket when walking past an unadorned stop sign, it’s a truism of life that the obvious jokes can also be the funniest.  😉  

Saturday Snap – The Karate Kid

Saturday Snap – Pace Goes Off The Diving Board

Saturday Snap – Bad Parenting Example #289

Letting your child use an upturned picnic table as a playhouse when camping… 😉

Saturday Snap – Katepwa Sunset

Why do I live in the city instead of at the lake?  I don’t know of a more relaxing place on earth…

Saturday Snap – “Come listen to a story/’Bout a man named Jed”

I’ve written before about my conflicted feelings towards the oil industry.  In essence, it boils down to knowing how much of Saskatchewan’s current prosperity is directly linked to “black gold” versus also knowing the environmental, human, social and other impacts the oil industry has on society. Those feelings could get a lot more conflicted soon. […]

Saturday Snap – Aloha!

In 2002, Shea and I joined my parents for two weeks in Kailua, Oahu.  We’ve just confirmed that we’ll be going again in January 2012 which will be the tenth anniversary of our first trip! This time, Shea and I decided we’d like to see something different so we’re going to spend one week in […]

Saturday Snap – Hands Up!

Saturday Snap – Camping at White Bear

Saturday Snap – Summer Toes